Subdivisions are areas of a city, built by the Ministry of Development of that city. When you are in one, you'll see an ansi 'graphical' display of the surrounding rooms. See HELP MAP for more information on this "Wilderness Map" system that we use.

Each room in a subdivision can be placed for sale by the city. Once a room is for sale, you will see that it is just by walking into the room. Type PLOT INFO to get more information on it, such as price and who, if anyone, owns it currently.

In order to purchase a plot, on which you may build a house, simply go to a plot that is for sale, and type PLOT PURCHASE. From then on, the plot will be yours!

Subdivision Development Commands for the Minister of the Interior:

By standing in a developed room, the Ministry of the Interior is able to extend the subdivision by one room in any of the available directions, and create that room using one of over 35 tiles.
Development Commands:

 - Shows you how much gold and commodities the Ministry of the Interior has stored.

DEVELOP TYPES [<pattern>]
 - Shows you the different tiles that you may develop with. The <pattern> is optional, but lets you show just a certain type of tile, based on the name of the tile. 
 - For instance, DEVELOP TYPES ROAD*  would find all tiles that start with 'road'. The * character is called a 'wildcard' and will substitute for any number of characters.

DEVELOP INFO <tile type>
 - Shows you more information on a type of tile.

 - In the subdivision planner only. Copies the entire contents of the actual subdivision to the subdivision planner. USE WITH CARE!

 - Clears the entire subdivision planner. USE WITH CARE!

DEVELOP [<direction>] AS <tile type>
 - This lets you either create a new bit of land with a given tile type to the north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, or northwest. If you do not include the direction (the [ ] means it is optional), then you will terraform the location you are currently in.
 - This command only works in subdivisions.
 - DEVELOP TYPES shows the cost for each type of tile. Upon creating one or terraforming an existing one, the appropriate amount of gold will be deducted from the Interior Ministry's reserves, as well as an additional amount of gold that is a function of how many commodities you need to develop that tile and the price the Ministry has set for those commodities. DEVELOP FUNDS will show you how many of each commodity the Interior Ministry can currently afford.

 - Subdivision dimensions are 100 by 100, and SURVEY will indicate where precisely you currently stand.

 - Plots start out as being not for sale, and you must set them for sale if you wish someone to purchase them.
 - The 'default' option means that a default price (see below) will be used for this plot.
 - You can take it off the market with the 'nosale' option.

DEVELOP PLOTLIST [<owner's name>]
 - View a list of all plots, or plots owned by a specific adventurer.

 - Sets a default price for plots that you set to use the default price.
   - This price can be seen in CITY ECONSTATUS.

 - List the subdivisions your city has.

DEVELOP SUBDIV TITLE <subdivision name> <title>
 - Set the title of one of your city's subdivisions. People will see this when they SURVEY inside a subdivision.

Please also see HELP IMPROVEMENTS for more commands and responsibilities that the Interior Ministry has.