19.24.10 Planes Talismans

The "Planes" talisman set:
Talismans and pieces from this set can be obtained in the following ways:
- Promotions (this will always be announced via the relevant news when the
  pieces are currently available)
- Trading between players (pieces only)
- Whole talismans bought from the Delosian shop (when in stock)
- Partial completion (see below.)

The Planes set contains the following talismans:
A mirror of Fae perception          - TALISMAN INFO FAEMIRROR
 - Purchasable in Delos for 700 bound credits.
 - This item is related to the plane of Annwyn.
 - Possessing this mirror will allow you to perceive how many other individuals stand alongside someone who you scry via the farsee ability.

A pageless book                     - TALISMAN INFO HOLLOWBOOK
 - Purchasable in Delos for 500 bound credits.
 - This item is related to the plane of Avinaar.
 - A memory of desolation and devastation, opening this book in a location that has been destroyed by a hostile tank detonation in the last Achaean month will reveal the identities of those who participated to you.

A cowculating carving               - TALISMAN INFO COWCULATOR
 - Purchasable in Delos for 150 bound credits.
 - This item is related to the plane of Bopalopia.
 - You may COWCULATE <calculation> and your bovine pocket aid will make sure the rarest of equations are well done.

A celestial coronet                 - TALISMAN INFO CELESTIALCORONET
 - Purchasable in Delos for 1000 bound credits.
 - This item is related to the plane of Celestia.
 - When worn, if one of your followers falls in battle against a denizen, this coronet will allow you to take their place and die in their stead.

A jagged claw                       - TALISMAN INFO CHAOSCLAW
 - Purchasable in Delos for 1200 bound credits.
 - This item is related to the plane of Chaos.
 - Pointing this at a mutual ally will bind you to them in their quest for dominion. 
 - All of their enemies will also become your enemies (in addition to any you have personally configured) 
 - The only ally you will have during this time is the one you have bound yourself to. 
 - This effect lasts ten minutes.

A massive iron gateway              - TALISMAN INFO GOLEMGATEWAY
 - Purchasable in Delos for 350 bound credits.
 - This item is related to the Ether, the space between planes.
 - Open this gateway within a (personal) house you own and an alchemical golem will come forth as one of your servants.
 - One per house.

A crystal sword                     - TALISMAN INFO CRYSTALSWORD
 - Purchasable in Delos for 2500 bound credits.
 - This item is related to the plane of Inferno.
 - SUNDER HARMONY to disrupt harmonics and vibrations in a location. 
 - You will be considered an ally to said vibrations if relevant and not an enemy: this lasts three minutes and comes with a 30 minute cooldown, and is tied to the location in which you initiate it. 
 - This does not affect the retardation vibration.
 - Additionally, this sword functions as a level 3 bastard sword.

An icon statuette                   - TALISMAN INFO ICONSTATUETTE
 - Purchasable in Delos for 1200 bound credits.
 - This item is related to the plane of Memory.
 - Crafted in the style of the icons of old, this statuette will offer you a boon to one of your base statistics so long as you hold it. 
 - This boon shifts periodically (once per day)
 - This will not function alongside level 3 stat artefacts but will stack with artefacts up to the equivalent of level 3 boost.

A sacrificial kris                  - TALISMAN INFO KRIS
 - This item is not available in the Delosian talisman shop.
 - This item is related to the plane of Nishnatoba.
 - Wield this sacrificial blade and OFFER up any denizen corpse to your favourite Divine when you are not in front of a shrine. 
 - You can ATTUNE it in the presence of any Deity's shrines once per Achaean month.
 - Any shrine in the same room will take precedence for offerings.
 - Can not be used to sanctify or defile.

A jar of withered brains            - TALISMAN INFO BRAINJAR
 - Purchasable in Delos for 600 bound credits.
 - This item is related to the plane of Underworld.
 - OPENing this jar will drive you to madness, subjecting you to the effects of insanity for two minutes.

Partial Completions
If you have two or three pieces of a talisman in the historical set you can TALISMAN COMPLETE PARTIAL <talismanname> to complete it for the remainder of the bound credit value of the item as it is in the Delosian Talisman shop.
Talismans completed in this manner will have an altered tradein that reflects its credit worth, including the credit purchased completion.

    You have: cruciblebase and cruciblebowl.
    You use TALISMAN COMPLETE PARTIAL CRUCIBLE and pay 500 bound credits.
       This is half the cost of the crucible in the shop because you already
       have half of the pieces.
    You get: a completed soulfire crucible talisman.
    This item has a tradein value of: 346 bound credits.
       This is 2/3rds of 520 credits (The 500 credits paid above, plus your 2
       pieces valued at 10 credits each.)