19.3.1 Nexus - Our Official Client

Nexus is the easiest and sleekest way to connect to Achaea. You can, of course, use other clients (HELP CLIENTS will show you some options), but Nexus is the official one.

Nexus is a browser-based client that'll work regardless of the type of computer you have (works on tablets too, and even phones to a lesser extent), unless you're running Internet Explorer. If you are, check out the other client options above.

You can access Nexus 3 at:
-  http://play.achaea.com

Nexus 3 can be downloaded as a desktop application from:
- https://www.ironrealms.com/local/nexus-3.0.exe 

   or for the linux version

- https://www.ironrealms.com/local/nexus-linux-3.0.tar.gz

For andriod users, the Nexus app can be found on Google Play!

- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ironrealms.nexus

For all our iOS folks, you can get your hands on it via the Apple Store!

- https://apps.apple.com/us/app/nexus-mud-client/id1641739522

Documentation and various links for Nexus 3.0 can be found here: 

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If you're looking for the previous version of Nexus (2.0), you can find it at http://legacy.achaea.com

Nexus 3 will import your Nexus 2 settings when you first login to your character. However, it does NOT overwrite your Nexus 2 settings. In other words, if you decide to use the Nexus 2, your settings and triggers will still be there, unaffected.

Depending on the complexity of your system, it is likely some of your settings and triggers will not transfer over to Nexus 3.0 correctly. We encourage you to join the Nexus Discord server in order to get help if you need it. https://discord.gg/Tz7t5SaD4q

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To submit bugs regarding Nexus please follow the following link:
