A Sophisticated Victory!

Despite a minor interruption, the Sophists of the Seat narrowly beat the Ashen Advocates in our final debate of the Worlds’ Fair, earning honours for themselves and accolades for Ashtan! Read on to see how they did it!

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum says, “This final topic that our teams will be discussing is ‘In the wake of the War of Humanity, The punishment of Khalas was just.‘ Each has been given a few months to prepare their arguments.”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum says, “The Ashen Advocates, chosen through random selection, will be our affirmative team. The Sophists will be our opposing team.”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum says, “Excellent! With that said, we will begin with the Advocates’s opening statements.”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum exclaims, “Sothantos, the floor is yours!”

Sothantos steps forward.

Sothantos gestures slightly, and the scene around you changes. You find yourself in the centre of a familiar village, the plain of flattened grass upon which you stood now barren dirt.

The statue of Khalas the Wanderer looms before you, defiance etched into His stone features. As you gaze upon him, you hear the voice of the Logos echoing in your mind.

“Such fate befalls all those who wage war against the Creator.”

The image fades, and you find yourself once again in the flattened remnants of what was once the Worlds’ Fair.

Sothantos says, “The War of Humanity was an act of treason, the highest form of treason imaginable: the betrayal of the Creator and thus Creation itself. For this crime, Khalas the Wanderer, the first of the Triumvirate, was imprisoned inside a statue, sentenced to serve as a warning to any who would contemplate following His lead.”

Sothantos says, “There are those among us who would see the Wanderer freed, claiming that His crimes were not deserving of such a fate. The Cult of the Fallen God has long lobbied for His restoration. They paint Khalas as a martyr, unjustly sentenced for wanting to free Creation from the yoke of a tyrannical dictator.”

Sothantos glances briefly at Asmodron.

Sothantos says, “These viewpoints are fundamentally flawed.”

Sothantos says firmly, “Ayar, the Creator, Who also took the form of Proteus, is the Divine will behind all that we are. Without Him, we would not be here today to argue against His actions. Without Him, Khalas would not have even existed to rebel against His rule. To attempt to overthrow the Creator is a futile assault upon Creation itself, for He is the omnipotent force behind all that is.”

Sothantos says, “Ayar’s will is law by virtue of His will determining reality. He created Evil, just as He created Good. He created Chaos, just as He created Creation. He created Justice, and He created free thought. Our very notions of justice stem from Him and His will.”

Sothantos says, “The purpose of Justice – envisioned by the Creator Himself to protect His creations – is twofold: First, a consequence is imposed after unJust actions to deter others from performing such acts in the future. Second, given that such acts are crimes against Creation, an equal moral counteraction ought to exist.”

Sothantos spreads one arm, an image of the Scales of Justice shimmering in the air above his outstretched palm

Sothantos says, “Treason is one of seven unJust acts prescribed by the Goddess of Justice Herself, Lady Miramar, the Evenhanded. To counteract an unJust act and achieve Justice, a Just act is required: in this case, punishment.”

Sothantos says, “The punishment chosen for Khalas satisfies both of the goals of Justice. As a deterrent, what could be more effective than eternal imprisonment, applied not to a mere mortal but to one of the Elder Gods Themselves? This is further emphasised by the publicity of the display, the permanent fixture of warning to all who lay eyes upon it.”

Sothantos says, “Moreover, Khalass sentence was an equal moral counteraction to the heinous crimes Khalas committed. He rebelled against Proteus, and was sentenced to serve Proteus in whichever capacity He saw fit as a consequence. The punishment relates to the wrongful deed and serves to right it.”

Sothantos says, “Bearing these objectives in mind, it is evident that the punishment of Khalas was just. Khalas was granted mercy when He was not destroyed utterly for His crimes. His fate, to forever serve as a warning and reminder to all the folly of a rebellion against the Creator, is exactly what He deserves.”

Sothantos gives Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum a short nod and steps back.

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum says, “Thank you, Sothantos.”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum says, “Truax, your opening statements please, when you’re ready.”

Truax clenches a closed fist to her heart and inclines her head politely, looking up to smile softly toward the judge and audience.

Truax says in a soft-spoken voice, “Ladies, gentlemen, our esteemed judge, thank you all for your attendance. We’re here to discuss whether the punishment of Khalas was fair and just. I have to say that, on that basis, I am not in favour of the chosen penalty inflicted.”

Truax says in a soft-spoken voice, “At the Great Tribunal for his crimes, Lady Miramar decided that it was fitting that Khalas be forced to forever serve Proteus, the main object of Their rebellion. This was to be done in whatever context Proteus chose. Imprisonment in a statue upon the continent of Sapience was the elected penalty.”

Truax says in a soft-spoken voice, “There are several possible justifications for a penalty of this type, including the well-known reason that it is “a reminder to all of the folly of rebellion against the Creator.”

Truax frowns and says insistently in a soft-spoken voice, “But therein lies the problem with it.”

Truax says in a soft-spoken voice, “First, let us be clear that the imposition of the original penalties meted out to the other Triumvirate members were intended for rehabilitation. We see this evidenced through the pardons issued to both Lady Lorielan and Lord Agatheis, who in the time since have both realized the wrongness of Their actions and been redeemed.”

Truax frowns and says unrelentingly in a soft-spoken voice, “However, the retribution issued against Khalas was not intended to teach him the same lessons learned by his compatriots or rehabilitate him toward such a state, but to serve as an example to others.”

Truax says in a soft-spoken voice, “Simply stated, a punishment as a penalty for an action taken, is only just if it results in a change in behaviour. Otherwise, it fails to meet the conditions that qualify it as an act taken in retribution for an offense.”

Truax says in a soft-spoken voice, “The second point I’d like to make this month is this: The penalty imposed upon Khalas does not fit the norms of the other sentences handed out either in time or state. It was therefore unfair in its measure.”

Truax says in a soft-spoken voice, “The other two members of the Triumverate were given finite penalties. Lady Lorielan’s banishment and Lord Agatheis’ transfiguration into a unicorn were both ended in our modern age, but the Creator has made mention that, even eons later, Khalas has not yet begun to pay for his crimes, indicating that his sentence may be an eternal one.”

Truax says in a soft-spoken voice, “Similarly, Lady Lorielan was given Han-Silnar to take Her frustrations out on throughout Her banishment to the Crystal plane, where she was able to rule over it still as the Jade Empress. Likewise, Lord Agatheis was bound into the form of unicorn, forced to replace the now extinct unicorns by becoming one Himself and stripped of His intelligence, he retained power capable of awakening the Smith from His slumber.”

Truax says in a soft-spoken voice, “Neither of the chief instigators of the entire conflict, Slith or Pazuzu, were met with as harsh a sentence. Instead, like Lady Lorielan, they were banished. Their place of isolation was the Chaos Plane and then later they were allowed to rejoined Creation to freely roam and wreak havoc that, in at least one case, led to the death of an Elder God.”

Truax says worriedly in a soft-spoken voice, “Yet Khalas has had the thing that he found most pleasant and desirable stripped from him without hope of reprieve or pardon. One might even say that this penalty was tortuous as it far surpasses the standards of decency and potential for rehabilitation shown the others, who together plotted to overthrow the reign of Proteus.”

Truax looks thoughtful and says in a soft-spoken voice, “Creation has faced many opponents who hoped to devastate it. Some, including Bal’met the Worldreaver, were destroyed. Others, like Slith, were shown mercy. And therein there are the Tsol’teth, who are permitted to continue onward in their quest to disrupt mortal and Divine existence.”

Truax glances toward the Savannah, where the statue of Khalas stands, furrowing her brow in concern.

Truax says in a soft-spoken voice, “Khalas continues to stand at the centre of Sapience with the hot sun beating down, the cold rain falling, the leaves and snow piling around him as existence continues onward in an expansion of our discovery of new lands, planes and realms of existence. Immovable, he resides as only an observer of the immediate vicinity, unable to respond to those who gaze upon him or whisper to Him in quiet, steadfast devotion.”

Truax frowns and says forlornly in a soft-spoken voice, “He is forever forced to watch others come and go freely.”

Casting a final sorrowful glance toward Tomacula, Truax adjusts her mantle, drawing the audience’s attention back to her as well.

Truax says in a soft-spoken voice, “The punishment on these grounds is unfair. Although there were Three who took key roles in the War of Humanity, and several other lesser parties such as Slith and Pazuzu, only one of the Triumvirate members still bears the brunt of Proteus’ retribution.”

Truax says resolutely in a soft-spoken voice, “Punishment, when meted out fairly and justly, can work to condition mortals and Divine alike not to repeat misdeeds. It can be a powerful disincentive to bad behaviour.”

Truax says unwaveringly in a soft-spoken voice, “However, because of the discrepancy in forms of punishment and length of time for members of the Triumvirate, the penalty given Khalas is ill-fitting and, arguably, should be reviewed for discontinuation.”

Truax clenches a closed fist to her heart and inclines her head politely, moving to the side of her teammate.

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum exclaims, “Thank you, Truax!”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum says, “Well said, teams. With the opening statements now complete, we shall move into our secondary statements.”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum says, “Farrah, the floor is yours.”

Farrah nods and steps forward.

Farrah says, “The major basis of the opposition’s argument is the alleged inability for Khalas to be rehabilitated, which allegedly also differs from the punishments meted out to the other Triumvirs.”

Farrah says, “This argument is rooted in an erroneous assumption – first, that Khalas’s punishment differs from Lord Agatheis’s at all in this regard.”

Farrah says, “Lord Agatheis was confined to the form of a unicorn with most of His power and intelligence stripped, and yet the Logos was able to divine His intentions and thoughts and know when He was reformed. Agatheis has since that time acted as an opponent of Chaos and thus protector of Creation – up until the moment He sacrificed Himself to save us all from the monstrosity that was Balmet.”

Farrah says, “Ayar specifically cautioned to not destroy Khalas utterly, and such was not done.”

Farrah says, “Khalas is imprisoned inside a statue, but He was not slain: He yet lives inside it, no doubt precisely so that his thoughts of repentance, if any, could be heard. If the Logos could hear the thoughts of a mute unicorn, it is clear that the Logos could divine His thoughts as well and release Him if He felt it was warranted. That He has not indicates that Khalas is not reformed.”

Farrah says, “But let us say, for the moment, that Khalas is -not- able to repent. Were this so, it would aid in the deterrent effect of the punishment, showing future conspirators that they cannot commit crimes of such a magnitude and then simply make amends later and get on with their life.”

Farrah says, “In circumstances where the crime is intolerable, a rehabilitative framework is not punishing enough to offenders, as the most crucial purpose of the punishment must be to ensure that no one – god or mortal – dares to ever commit such a crime again.”

Farrah says, “Khalas’s rebellion attacked the foundation of our existence. The order of the multiverse. Through His recklessness, Khalas and the Triumvirate were also responsible for the invasion of our realm by Entropy and Discord, and the near destruction of the gods.”

As she enunciates the last words, anger is apparent on Farrah’s features and a tongue of fire escapes from her mouth.

Farrah says, “Such discord, such rebellion, cannot be tolerated at all in our society. And so a punishment that is permanent, that stands as a warning and a reminder for all time, to all people, is appropriate to ensure this never happens again.”

Farrah says, “This is the purpose of creating a punishment with seemingly no opportunity for escape or repentance, as it must have appeared before Agatheis was restored, and as it still appears for Khalas without logical thought applied to the matter.”

Farrah says, “However, as already noted briefly, Khalas’s punishment did not unfairly differ from those of the other Triumvirs.”

Farrah says, “The other Divine and Demon Prince were not in an equal position as Khalas such that they should receive the same punishment. After all, Khalas was the first of the three Divine to make the decision to rebel against the leader of the gods. It was Khalas Who listened to the honeyed words of Pazuzu and brought the thought of rebellion to the minds of Lady Lorielan, and then Lord Agatheis. Although Pazuzu played a prominent role, he was not a god and was not betraying his own brethren.”

Farrah says, “Moreover, the topic at hand is whether Khalas’s punishment was just. It is entirely possible that the punishments received by the other Divine and the Demon Prince were unjust, and were less severe than they should have been. That does not change the fact that Khalas’s punishment was just.”

Farrah says, “As Lady Miramar once taught, Justice is ultimately about the preservation and defense of Creation and all its components. It is acts against Creation itself that are defined as unJust acts, for they cause harm to the realm at large or to the myriad creations within it.”

Farrah says, “It is difficult to imagine, then, an act more unJust – and thus more worthy of punishment – than an act that nearly destroys Creation utterly.”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum exclaims, “And time!”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum exclaims, “Thank you, Farrah!”

Mathonwy says, “Let me know when I may begin.”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum says, “Mathonwy, you may begin your secondary statements when ready.”

Mathonwy says formally, “I would like to thank the judge, our oppositional team, the audience, and our hosts for their hospitality.”

Mathonwy brandishes a vodun doll roughly resembling Lii menacingly.

Mathonwy looks thoughtful and says, “Once more, we have heard a great many arguments as to why we should look upon this gross mishandling of justice and smile.”

Mathonwy says dramatically, “In all the Cities of mortality, and as we’ve seen time and again in the Garden with the trials of Slith and others, justice is considered the crowning glory of virtues, and those who are able to find justice even in situations most might find odious are considered wise without compare. This is because justice -does not- descend from the pinnacle of achievement, no matter the crime, no matter the perpetrator or the victim. It does not yield its crown to any, or else it is not justice.”

Mathonwy says emphatically, “Miramar gave full leeway to Ayar to determine how Khalas would serve Proteus — within the constraints that Ayar did not wish the destruction of any of the leaders. And so Proteus chose this… extreme… form of ‘justice,’ if we can call it that. Our opponents certainly do.”

Mathonwy raises his hands in a gesture of supplication to the very heavens above.

Mathonwy passionately asks, “But truly, ‘extreme justice’ is extreme injustice, is it not? Else She would be Miramar the Extreme, and not Miramar the Evenhanded. If justice is not fair, it is not justice. And biased, preferential treatment: can that be construed as fair on this or any other world?”

Lowering his hands, Mathonwy punctuates these points with gestures toward the audience.

Mathonwy says forcefully, “We are told in the Mythos that Ayar could not see the future with absolute certainty, so He has no way of knowing whether Khalas would repent or not.”

Mathonwy says, “Consider: who else, among all of the leaders, was afforded such a sentence? Not Lorielan, Who was banished — and spared perhaps harsher treatment because Proteus loved Her, or at least who She was.”

Mathonwy asks, “She was, in fact, given to rule over the Kx’Khrah! In which world could authority and command be construed as a punishment?”

Mathonwy says wryly, “Even though, in some of the cities in which I’ve lived, it can -feel- like punishment.”

Mathonwy exclaims, “Nor Agatheis, Who continued on with His will and wit, albeit in the form of a unicorn!”

Mathonwy says, “Not completely devoid, just diminished.”

Mathonwy says in an exasperated tone of voice, “Neither -Slith- nor -Pazuzu-, the chief instigators of the entire conflict, who were banished instead to the Chaos Plane, and who would, in their time, be granted reprieve back to the Prime Material Plane.”

Mathonwy says solemnly, “This last exception is particularly damning, for justice must be meted out in proportion to the crime. In this case, we have come to learn later through the Mythos and other works that Pazuzu played a much greater role in manipulating this sad but proud Wanderer, and that while He played a role, it was moreso as a puppet and One to take the blame.”

Mathonwy pauses a moment, staring at nothing in particular to gather his thoughts.

Mathonwy says, “Let us consider that inscription upon the statue of Khalas: ‘such fate befalls all who wage war against the Creator.’ Are these words truth? Because I cannot think of another soul — human, Aldar, or otherwise — who befell such a cruel fate.”

Mathonwy says, “Of Miramar, I have read tales of the Scales of Justice, the Sword of Judgement, and the Sceptre of Mercy. I have heard nothing of the Gaze of a Basilisk or a Hammer of Petrification. There is no reason to think of that Khalas should be locked forever in place, eternally paralysed and stripped of any and all reasoning capabilities.”

Mathonwy says, “Indeed, I would posit that there is little to no redemptive value in the punishment meted out here, something that Miramar claimed for Her realm when She joined with Shallam. There are two reasons, typically, that such a thing would be done: one, to serve as an object lesson, that we might prevent such behaviour from happening again. That has failed, since at the very least, we have seen members of the Garden attempt insurrection via Bal’met and none were punished so severely.”

Mathonwy says, “And two, for rehabilitative purposes, that the object of punishment would come to see the error of His ways. Clearly… such a thing is not possible now. Even, and especially if, Khalas maintains his cognitive faculties, He has no way to indicate His remorse, or lack thereof.”

Mathonwy says, “Indeed, noble Sarapis, the Logos Himself, tends to the Fire Behind the Flame, and though I am grateful for the sacrifices He has made to ensure we may continue living, nevertheless I cannot help but feel the warden has left the prison entirely, since tending to the Flame, in His words, leaves little else He may do.”

Mathonwy says in a measured tone of voice, “Finally, the War of Humanity is not something I’m here to defend. But since the topic says that this punishment is just -in the wake of the war of humanity-, I feel it merits some discussion. If I were to place myself in the shoes of the Wanderer, I would look at the reasons He did what He did and attempt to find the reasoning there.”

Mathonwy says, “Khalas, in this case, saw the preferential treatment afforded humanity, something that was unprecedented, and while He reacted understandably poorly, His motives come from a place of lacking information. If He were to see the state of affairs today, I have no doubt He would do as His Brethren have done and show remorse.”

Mathonwy frowns and says, “And yet, the possibility for that redemption is lost to us, forever, because Khalas cannot express it, and because Sarapis is not here to reconsider.”

Mathonwy says, “This is not justice. This is torture. This is -vengeance-.”

Mathonwy exclaims in an impassioned tone of voice, “This is -perversion-!”

Mathonwy says quietly in an impassioned tone of voice, “And in this lowly orator’s opinion, our judge, our audience, and even the Garden of the Gods Themselves should not view this treatment as fair, just, reasonable, or even acceptable.”

Mathonwy steps back to stand next to Truax.

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum says, “Well done, Mathonwy. That concludes our secondary statement phase.”

Mathonwy says, “I believe I am up next. Nissa, if you will let me know when to start.”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum says, “We will now being our rebuttal phase. Each team will have slightly less time to issue a rebuttal as they see fit. Sophists can begin when ready, starting with Mathonwy.”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum nods her head emphatically.

Mathonwy says, “Thank you all again, judge, Advocates, audience.”

Mathonwy says, “There does not exist separate justices, ‘one for me and one for thee’ as old Seleucarians might have said. Khalas’s treatment was unusually harsh, over and above that of His fellow Triumvirate members and even Pazuzu, who historians now hold primarily responsible for the instigation of the War in the first place.”

Mathonwy says, “Ayar wanted all parties involved to remain alive, but Khalas remains petrified, robbed of agency and ignobly dropped in a primitive village to serve out His life. Nobody could reasonably suggest He remains alive. He is the only one involved to suffer this fate.”

Mathonwy moves to a centre position.

Mathonwy says, “This is not justice.”

Mathonwy says, “Furthermore, in order to be just or fair, the punishment must suit the crime. He was not even the principal coordinator of the rebellion — we know He was manipulated by Pazuzu. Yet Pazuzu received a lesser sentence.”

Mathonwy gestures toward the audience.

Mathonwy says, “-This- is not justice.”

Mathonwy says, “The War of Humanity exacerbated some changes that had already taken effect, but it was not the prime cause of any particular noteworthy change that would merit a different consideration or standard of punishment than anyone else Who was involved, nor did Khalas’s involvement reach a threshold that merits Him worthy a harsher consideration than the rest of the Triumvirate received. On its very face, this is unfair.”

Mathonwy pauses a moment, staring at nothing in particular to gather his thoughts.

Mathonwy says, “This -cannot be- justice.”

Mathonwy says, “Everyone else involved in the War was given the opportunity to make amends, to understand and appreciate what They had done. Even those who were steadfastly unrepentant — namely Slith and Pazuzu — were only banished, and found their way in short order back to the Prime Material Plane.”

Mathonwy says, “Either Ayar knew this would happen, in which case their escape to the Prime Material Plane happened with His sanction and blessing for it certainly would have been within His power to prevent it, and He allowed Khalas to be treated differently, unfairly, and unjustly, or Ayar did not know this would happen, in which case He, Proteus, Miramar, all involved would have had no reasonable way to know Khalas would not repent.”

Mathonwy says, “In which case, that is also unfair and unjust treatment.”

Mathonwy says, “Sothantos has stated that Khalas committed treason, that Ayar created Khalas and Khalas betrayed Ayar. But Khalas was not the only one involved in the War, not by far, nor did He play the greatest role. Ayar created -all- of them and yet Khalas was the only one given this punishment. Not destroying Khalas, too, was not mercy, for Ayar allowed the Tribunal knowing He did not want any to lose their lives. This is not fair nor just, merely the baseline He chose.”

Mathonwy gestures first to Sothantos then to Farrah.

Mathonwy says, “Farrah has stated that Agatheis’s and Khalas’s punishment is no different, but this is factually untrue. Having almost no power and intelligence is very different from having no power and intelligence, or else we would not build cities out of rocks.”

Mathonwy says wryly, “Imagine all the screaming, for one.”

Mathonwy says, “She also claims that His punishment has the nice added effect of ensuring nobody every tries to betray Creation again, but that’s patently untrue. Varian. Bal’met. Slith, multiple times. Pazuzu, more than once. And that’s just what I can think of off the top of my head.”

Mathonwy says, “Entropy and Discord had their manifestation in the form of Pazuzu, it should be noted, so whether they made it into the realm or not, they still had agency here. And the powers of the demons in the Inferno are akin to the Gods themselves, so there’s little to no distinction to be made here. Furthermore, Chaos itself had already had its foothold into Creation, so we cannot say Entropy and Discord wouldn’t have made their way in otherwise. That door, per Ayar, once opened, cannot be closed.”

Mathonwy gestures finally toward Jiraishin.

Mathonwy says, “I do not yet know what Jiraishin could state, but nothing is enough to prove, demonstrably, that this was a fair or just outcome.”

Mathonwy says quietly, “If there is not justice in the world, then we have nothing.”

Mathonwy says, “Thank you. I cede the rest of my time.”

Mathonwy silently strides back into the crowd.

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum says, “Well said, Mathonwy. Thank you.”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum exclaims, “Adovcates, you will close out our debate with your rebuttal. Jiraishin, the floor is yours!”

Jiraishin nods curtly and steps forward.

Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, “Many points have been made that may be rebutted. I only hope I have enough time to reach them all.”

Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, “Firstly, the statement that Khalas is dead.”

Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, “Khalas is encased in His statue. There is no reason to believe He is not aware within it.”

Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, “Immortal that He is, why should one assume Him dead of old age?”

Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, “If He is alive and ware, then He is able to repent.”

Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, “And Sarapis, during his long presence here, would have been able to sense this, and release Him. He did not, though Agatheis did.”

Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, “Therefore, Khalas has not repented.”

Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, “Secondly, the knowledge that Khalas -would- repent was not necessary for the possibility of repentance to exist.”

Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, “Any more than it was with Agatheis.”

Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, “Thirdly, Khalas -was- uniquely deserving of this punishment. He was the ringleader, and He engaged in uniquely terrible deeds.”

Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, “Take, for example, his treatment of Enheduanna.”

Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, “He cruelly sold Her to Pazuzu, bringing about Her ruin.”

Jiraishin says with a harsh Western accent, “Other points have mostly been addressed by Farrah: Mathonwy mostly repeated the points of Truax.”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum exclaims, “And that is time!”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum says, “Thank you, Jiraishin.”

Nissa, the Head Archivist of the Lucretian Athenaeum exclaims, “With that, our final debate is over. Please give our teams a well deserved round of applause!”