7.14 The Rift


The rift is a special place where you can store certain items. Most items that
work in the Rift are groupable (see HELP GROUPING).

What Goes In The Rift?
Herbs, minerals, inks, crystals, commodities, shipcommodities and common 
fluids may go in the rift (and possibly a few other things). If you don't put
herbs, minerals, and inks in the rift, they will fall out of your inventory, 
or even out of your pack or other container, when you leave the realms.

How Much Does the Rift Hold?
   750 of each type of ink
  1000 of each type of cooking ingredient
  2500 of each type of herb, commodity, reagent, or crystal.
  2000 sips of health and mana
  1000 sips of most curatives, venoms, and other fluids.
   500 of each ship commodities

Commands in Detail
   INR [<amount>|ALL] <item>
      Put a given number of a single type of item into the rift. If
      no amount is given, then the first item found will be used
      (or the entire first group, if the first item is a grouping item).

   OUTR [<amount>|ALL] <item>
      Take a given number of a single type of item out of the Rift.
      If no amount is specified, then the default is to take out only
      one item.

   FILL <vial> WITH <fluid> FROM RIFT
      Fill a vial with fluid from your rift.

   POUR [# of sips] <container|fluid> INTO RIFT
      Add fluid to your rift.
   RIFT (or IR) [item]
   INFO RIFT [item]
      Peek into the Rift to take a quick inventory of what is stored
      there. Note that this information also appears in a compact format
      in INV(ENTORY).