13.7.1 Curatives and What They Cure or Cause.


A listing of herbs, minerals, salves, and elixirs, and what they cure or cause.

Herbs (EAT, or sometimes SMOKE)
Ash           See Prickly Ash.
Bayberry      Gives blindness.
Bellwort      Cures unnatural tendencies to be excessively altruistic.
Bloodroot     Cures paralysis and slickness.
Cohosh        Gives you insomnia, which prevents you being put to sleep.
Echinacea     Gives third eye.
Elm           See Slippery Elm.
Ginger        Reduces the fluid level in your body when artificially raised.
Ginseng       Cure for impurities of the blood or diseases of the skin.
Goldenseal    Cure for body or mind in disharmony.
Hawthorn      Gives deafness.
Irid Moss     Heals some health and mana.
Kelp          Cure for weakened muscles or lower general fitness.
Kola          Allows you to awaken from sleep immediately, at will.
Lobelia       Cure relating mainly to various types of phobias or pathos.
Moss          See Irid Moss.
Myrrh Gum     Increases your learning lesson speed.
Prickly Ash   When eaten, cures various afflictions relating to your sanity.
Prickly Pear  Allows breathing underwater. Cannot be used pre-emptively.
Sileris       (Applied) Defends against Serpent class fang attacks.
Skullcap      (Eaten) Gives deathsight.
Skullcap      (Smoked) Anti-weapon field that lasts until taken down by others
              or you act aggressively. Causes weapons attacks to rebound.
Slippery Elm  (Smoked) Cures a variety of curses and afflictions.
Valerian      (Smoked) Cures the disfigurement and slickness afflictions.

Minerals (EAT, or sometimes SMOKE)
Antimony      Reduces the fluid level in your body when artificially raised.
Argentum      Cure relating mainly to various types of phobias or pathos.
Arsenic       Gives blindness.
Aurum         Cure for weakened muscles or lower general fitness.
Azurite       (Eaten) Gives deathsight.
Bisemutum     Increases your learning lesson speed.
Calamine      Gives deafness.
Calcite       Allows breathing underwater. Cannot be used pre-emptively.
Cinnabar      (Smoked) Cures a variety of curses and afflictions.
Cuprum        Cures unnatural tendencies to be excessively altruistic.
Dolomite      Gives third eye.
Ferrum        Cure for impurities of the blood or diseases of the skin.
Gypsum        Gives you insomnia, which prevents you being put to sleep.
Magnesium     Cures paralysis and slickness.
Malachite     (Smoked) Anti-weapon field that lasts until taken down by others
              or you act aggressively. Causes weapons attacks to rebound.
Plumbum       Cure for body or mind in disharmony.
Potash        Heals some health and mana.
Quartz        Allows you to awaken from sleep immediately, at will.
Quicksilver   (Applied) Defends against Serpent class fang attacks.
Realgar       (Smoked) Cures the disfigurement and slickness afflictions.
Stannum       When eaten, cures various afflictions relating to your sanity.

Elixirs (SIP)
Frost         Increases your resistance to fire-based damage.
Health        Replenishes some of your health.
Immunity      Cures the deadly voyria venom.
Levitation    Will make you levitate above the ground.
Mana          Replenishes some of your mana.
Speed         Increases your ability to dodge some physical attacks.
Venom         Resistance to damage from some poisons.

Salves (APPLY)
Caloric       Cure for cold-based afflictions and defence for some cold
Epidermal     Cure associated with outer organs, like the eyes and ears.
Mass          Prevents various forms of moving you against your will.
Mending       Cures broken or shrivelled limbs as well as some other things.
Restoration   Heals damage done to body parts. (see HELP BODY PART DAMAGE)