Achaea Help Files

Achaea has hundreds of help files to you learn about Achaea. This is a copy of the in-game help file structure. HELP in-game will show you this same menu.

17.2 Games Played Across the Realms

Many games are played outside the arenas of Sapience, generally using the
entire Prime Material Plane as a playing area.

Bandersnatch Hunt               - HELP BANDERSNATCH
Capture The Flag (CTF)          - HELP CTF
Egghunt                         - HELP EGGHUNT
Foozle                          - HELP FOOZLE
Tumblerace                      - HELP TUMBLERACE
XP Event                        - HELP XPEVENT

See these help sections for more details.

Information about a Worldgame/Event
EVENT STATUS will tell you what's going on now, or what's planned.
EVENT WHO    will tell you who has joined.
EVENT SCORES will tell you the current scoring.

Joining a Game
Simply JOIN <eventname> or, in some cases, JOIN EVENT.


JOIN EVENT works the same as, or in place of:

Arena events have their own special way to join which you will be told when the
event begins. See also HELP JOINING.

Leaving a Game
LEAVE <Game> or QUIT <game>

General information on events / world games
World games include egghunt, foozle, and bandersnatch. They share a common
system for defining the game in terms of
- who can compete (individuals, city vs city, gender vs gender, etc)
- game duration
- is free pk allowed or not
- is major movement allowed or not (portals, pilgrimage, pierce veil, etc)
- is sharing of score items allowed or not
- is it handicapped or not

Handicapping explained
World games are often set up for organisational conflict (city vs city, order
vs order, house vs. house, etc). These competitions favour the larger

Handicapped events aim to level the playing field between organisations of
differing sizes.

The method is simple. Think of it as computing an AVERAGE score for all
potential competitors involved on a team, instead of a TOTAL score. Or, if you
prefer, think of it as computing the total score of all competitors on a team,
and then dividing that by how many team members, WHETHER THEY JOINED THE
WORLDGAME OR NOT, were in the realms during the course of the game.

Thus, a team with 1 competitor, and with only 1 person in realms during the
entire worldgame: if that competitor has a score of 100: that team will have an
_average_ score of 100 per adventurer. In this rare case, the score for that
team would be 100.

A team with 2 competitors, and, say, 3 total members in realms (1 of which did
not enter the competition): if one scored 170 and the other scored 100, then
the combined score would be 270, then divide by the 3 total members in realms
for a final _average_ score of 90. In this case, the first team would be
victorious in handicapped scoring.

The system is a little more detailed than that. What actually happens is that
the total number of minutes in realm by each team member, whether joined in the
worldgame or not, is added up. Call that "team minutes." Now take the total of
all scores on a team, and divide by "team minutes." This gives the final,
handicapped score.