You can visit the auction house in Delos for two types of auctions. 

The first is your standard auction: you put up an item for sale with a buyout and possible minimum bid, it will stay there for fifty Achaean days or until someone buys it out, and when the timer runs out it will be awarded to the highest bidder and you will get your much deserved payment. 

Here are the commands:
AUCTIONHOUSE STATUS               - view your active auctions.
AUCTIONHOUSE WARES [optional currency to filter on] 
                                  - view available auctions.
AUCTIONHOUSE INFO <auction ID>    - view imformation about an active auction.
AUCTIONHOUSE BUYOUT <auction>     - buyout an active auction.
AUCTIONHOUSE SELL <item> BUYOUT <buyout [START <optional minimum bid>]
                                  - put an item up for auction.
AUCTIONHOUSE BID ON <auction> FOR <your bid> 
                                  - place your bid on an auction.

The second type of auction is a live auction, and there can only ever be one of these at a time. To get started, visit the auctionhouse in Delos and purchase a licence. Then you'll be able to setup your auction in various ways described below. 

The basic process is something like this:
LIVEAUCTION BUY LICENCE         - buy your basic live auction licence for 50000 gold.

Optionally, LIVEAUCTION BUY ANONLICENCE - buy a licence to run anonymous auctions for 500000 gold.

LIVEAUCTION SETUP <item>        - specify the item you want to auction off. This can be done while another liveauction is in progress, its entirely preparation.
LIVEAUCTION SET <property> <value> - set something about your planned auction. Current properties are:
STARTPRICE <amount> <currency>  - the minimum bid.
STARTTIME <time in minutes>     - how long before the auction should kick off after starting.
ANONYMITY <ON|OFF>              - set an auction to be anonymous if you have the licence for it.
GAVEL <ON|OFF>                  - if the gavel is set, you may pay an additional fee when kicking off your auction to inform all in the land a new live auction is beginning. This fee is currently 10000 gold sovereigns.

Once your auction is ready and no other live auction is running:
LIVEAUCTION START - the gavel will be sounded if relevant, and all people in the auctionhouse will be alerted a new auction is started. If your auction is anonymous, you will now be escorted to a private Auctioneer's room where you may direct the proceedings from.

Auctioneers have access to some special commands once an auction has begun:
LIVEAUCTION SAY <message>  - say something to all present in the auctionhouse.
LIVEAUCTION PRESENT        - show off the item that is being auctioned.
LIVEAUCTION SOLD           - advance the auction one phase. For example, going once, going twice, etc.

Would-be bidders have some of their own commands. For anonymous auctions specifically, in the phase before bidding has started but the auction is beginning, a bidder may:
LIVEAUCTION REGISTER       - this will move you to a private booth from where you may bid. You do not need to be in a booth to bid in an anonymous auction, but if you're not you probably won't stay anonymous for long!
LIVEAUCTION CURRENTBID     - see the current bid.
LIVEAUCTION BID <amount>   - place your bid, place your bid!

Some additional things to note:
- Gold will be drawn from your bank if you do not have the funds on you, and returned there if you have credit proceeds configured.

- You may auction off talisman pieces. To do so, specify them in the format <talisman piece shortname> <level> <source> in place of your normal item.

- When a live auction ends, all items will be moved out of booths along with players.

- If you use private booths as a method of avoiding pk, you will lose access to them. HELP HONOUR is in effect here.