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Public News Post #3525

Your Questioning

Written by: Lorielan, Goddess of Knowledge
Date: Sunday, December 26th, 1999
Addressed to: Azhrarn, the Nightserpent

Those with whom I have spoken, and those who have contacted Me since My return to this plane well know that I, of all the gods, not only welcome, but fully encourage questions. In their asking is knowledge sought, and in their answering is knowledge given, and in both am I honoured. Yet those with whom I have dealt have not once approached My presence with hesitation, question, or doubt within their tone. They have come with honest requests in an attitude of respect and devotion. Thus I have made My replies both fully and openly unto them.

I shall speak this once for all to hear, and I shall not speak this again. The past is over and done. I am not the same goddess that once waged wars for Her own gratification and aggrandizement. If any wish to question My position, My person, or My loyalties to Sarapis and My brethren, then I would invite that person to do so unto My own face. It is beneath the divine to answer questions that are posed in a tone of veiled disrespect. Such future occurences will garner My displeasure.

The answers to those questions that you have posed, Azhrarn, I do possess. If you truly seek them, then approach My person with an attitude of respect and honest desire to learn and they shall be granted.

Know you one and all, that though My heart has been changed and has been softened, I will tolerate no questioning of My divine nature or purpose. I will not permit any attitude of disrespect without the return of My great disfavour.

Lorielan, the Reborn, Goddess of Knowledge

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Daedalan, in the year 237 AF.

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Public News Post #3525

Your Questioning

Written by: Lorielan, Goddess of Knowledge
Date: Sunday, December 26th, 1999
Addressed to: Azhrarn, the Nightserpent

Those with whom I have spoken, and those who have contacted Me since My return to this plane well know that I, of all the gods, not only welcome, but fully encourage questions. In their asking is knowledge sought, and in their answering is knowledge given, and in both am I honoured. Yet those with whom I have dealt have not once approached My presence with hesitation, question, or doubt within their tone. They have come with honest requests in an attitude of respect and devotion. Thus I have made My replies both fully and openly unto them.

I shall speak this once for all to hear, and I shall not speak this again. The past is over and done. I am not the same goddess that once waged wars for Her own gratification and aggrandizement. If any wish to question My position, My person, or My loyalties to Sarapis and My brethren, then I would invite that person to do so unto My own face. It is beneath the divine to answer questions that are posed in a tone of veiled disrespect. Such future occurences will garner My displeasure.

The answers to those questions that you have posed, Azhrarn, I do possess. If you truly seek them, then approach My person with an attitude of respect and honest desire to learn and they shall be granted.

Know you one and all, that though My heart has been changed and has been softened, I will tolerate no questioning of My divine nature or purpose. I will not permit any attitude of disrespect without the return of My great disfavour.

Lorielan, the Reborn, Goddess of Knowledge

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Daedalan, in the year 237 AF.

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