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Public News Post #3524


Written by: Brother Thaulan, Devil's Advocate
Date: Sunday, December 26th, 1999
Addressed to: Belial Artisan

This has been quite amusing, if sad. One would think that I was
threatening to cram my fist down Dunbar's throat for even daring to
think.... (sigh)
Belial, child, listen to what I say... watch my lips.. then use the
wits that Sarapis gave you. Perhaps I am getting to be a curmudgeon
in my middle-age...

The private mesage you quote proves my point. Please re-read my posts
if this confuses you.

I encourage you, and Dunbar, and others, to seek out information on
these so-called Magi. I am eager to hear what you learn
You will note that nowhere in my post do I discourage him from seeking this
knowledge. What I discourage is the silly claims that your anonymous author
had. To leap into an organization as a proto-guild, a group whose sole
ambition is to curry favour with a guild that doesn't even exist...
that is ignorance. I abhor ignorance. According to your warcry, so do you.

Meditate on this,
And remember why I carry the sobriquet that I do,
Brother Thaulan, Devil's Advocate
p.s. I see that my scribing is substandard tonight... my apologies for
wandering with my quill into the gloss

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Sarapin, in the year 237 AF.

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Public News Post #3524


Written by: Brother Thaulan, Devil's Advocate
Date: Sunday, December 26th, 1999
Addressed to: Belial Artisan

This has been quite amusing, if sad. One would think that I was
threatening to cram my fist down Dunbar's throat for even daring to
think.... (sigh)
Belial, child, listen to what I say... watch my lips.. then use the
wits that Sarapis gave you. Perhaps I am getting to be a curmudgeon
in my middle-age...

The private mesage you quote proves my point. Please re-read my posts
if this confuses you.

I encourage you, and Dunbar, and others, to seek out information on
these so-called Magi. I am eager to hear what you learn
You will note that nowhere in my post do I discourage him from seeking this
knowledge. What I discourage is the silly claims that your anonymous author
had. To leap into an organization as a proto-guild, a group whose sole
ambition is to curry favour with a guild that doesn't even exist...
that is ignorance. I abhor ignorance. According to your warcry, so do you.

Meditate on this,
And remember why I carry the sobriquet that I do,
Brother Thaulan, Devil's Advocate
p.s. I see that my scribing is substandard tonight... my apologies for
wandering with my quill into the gloss

Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Sarapin, in the year 237 AF.

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