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Public News Post #3526


Written by: Claryssa the Lily of Peace
Date: Sunday, December 26th, 1999
Addressed to: The Hunter

I need to clarify one point about your post. Do you speak for the
city of Ashtan? The last time I checked, you were not an Archon of
that city. I spoke with an Archon just prior to the holiday, as I
posted, and it was agreed a meeting would be held after the holiday
to clarify the ambiguous terms of the treaty.

If you do not speak for the city of Ashtan and you break that treaty,
I would expect your city to treat you as they have agreed. At least
Tylin declared his actions to NOT be those of his city or guild. You
however did not. That statement was not meant to be suppostive of
Tylin's actions nor Pierce's, which is why it was agreed the treaty
should be redefined.

With all respect to the God Aegis, I suspect that if many of you
saw the true horror of all out warfare, you would run for cover. I
also think that if the Logos decided to revoke his gift of life when
one is killed, you might not so quickly lift a sword. I beg of you all
to think about the glorious essence of life and how precious it truly is.

In Oneiros' peace...


Penned by my hand on the 10th of Daedalan, in the year 237 AF.

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Public News Post #3526


Written by: Claryssa the Lily of Peace
Date: Sunday, December 26th, 1999
Addressed to: The Hunter

I need to clarify one point about your post. Do you speak for the
city of Ashtan? The last time I checked, you were not an Archon of
that city. I spoke with an Archon just prior to the holiday, as I
posted, and it was agreed a meeting would be held after the holiday
to clarify the ambiguous terms of the treaty.

If you do not speak for the city of Ashtan and you break that treaty,
I would expect your city to treat you as they have agreed. At least
Tylin declared his actions to NOT be those of his city or guild. You
however did not. That statement was not meant to be suppostive of
Tylin's actions nor Pierce's, which is why it was agreed the treaty
should be redefined.

With all respect to the God Aegis, I suspect that if many of you
saw the true horror of all out warfare, you would run for cover. I
also think that if the Logos decided to revoke his gift of life when
one is killed, you might not so quickly lift a sword. I beg of you all
to think about the glorious essence of life and how precious it truly is.

In Oneiros' peace...


Penned by my hand on the 10th of Daedalan, in the year 237 AF.

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