12.16.2 Map of Ashtan, Bastion of the North

| 1. Lake Balaton             6. Montaganet Mansion                    |
| 2. Ashura Estate            7. Ruins of the Iron Citadel             |
| 3. Accra River              8. Library of Nicator                    |
| 4. The Orphanage            9. Casino                                |
| 5. The Courthouse                                  - E-W             |
|                                                    / NE-SW           |
| R The Ratman          B Bank          C Commshop   | N-S             |
| E Exiting the city    P Post Office   @ Portals    \ NW-SE           |
| A Arena               S Subdivision                > Up-Down         |
| N Newsroom            $ Shop                       ^ In-Out          |
| L rouLette            J blackJack                  X NE-SW, NW-SE    |
|                                                                      |
| NOTE: IF two rooms are touching, they are -not- connected by exits.  |
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