Logosmas Decorations

Found for sale every twenty-six Achaean years or so, Logosmas decorations are
all the rage.  These include:

Candy Canes          - speed 230, to-hit 250 - these are weapons of choice!
                       Uses the same proficiency as swords!
Logosmas Trees       - Drop 'em anywhere. They can't be moved thereafter.
Logosmas Lantern     - LIGHT LANTERN then just DROP them. 
Mistletoe Sprigs     - HANG MISTLETOE where you choose. Kiss nearby. Enjoy.
Boughs of Holly      - DECK THE HALLS where you choose. Pretty pretty.
Stockings            - Just drop them where you choose. Can't be moved then.
Stockin' Stitchin'   - Give your stocking to Makesh. Discuss.
Draydels             - DROP DRAYDEL to get started. TURN as desired!
Chocolate Sovereigns - Use with draydel. Consider them fun, edible, play
                       gambling scrip. NEW and IMPROVED! They won't fall
                       to the ground under awkward circumstances.

*Note to those familiar with Yiddisch: Yes, we know how to spell Dreidel,
and/or Dreidl, and its variants. There is no such thing as a Draydel in the
other world, nor is there Logosmas. You must accept this.