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Public News Post #6278

The Wilds

Written by: Prior Kalinaar Irontusk
Date: Tuesday, August 13th, 2019
Addressed to: Galadriel Te'Straif


Duiran is not synonymous with the light. We are the wilds and the wilds are fierce. Whatever your argument with Enorian is, you still have an argument with us which you must atone for. You turned on your own pack, you raised your claws against your own kin in defense of one of shadow, you dishonored yourself in the Sentaari and regardless of how you try to twist this, these are the facts. In the past Duiran has been weak at punishing those who turn claw on their own. Just as the seasons come and go, so do our weaknesses however. We will not tolerate any attacks on our Council and we will viciously punish the one who tries. You are a worthy opponent and no one doubts your combat prowess but even the strongest wolf is nothing against an entire pack.

With that said, you were once of this pack. Many of our Councilors think you are beyond redemption and even now I'm sure you'll point your finger and blame -them- for their disdain of -your- actions. Your actions are disgraceful and not worthy of honor and even those of shadow are shaking their heads at you right now. To have fallen this far, did you ever truly care for Dendara? I hold out a glimmer of hope that you will see the many mistakes you have made which even now pile up around you. Are you good for nothing more than combat? Do you have nothing else to offer this world? I am one of the few left who embrace hope Galadriel and see potential in you beyond what you've shown. As one who was your friend and ally, I ask you to think on my words Galadriel and repent.

As Speaker of Duiran however I must warn you that until you turn from this path, you are nothing more than a sheep to be slaughtered. You are worthy of no honorable combat, nor fair chase and are good only for prey to feed our young. The wolves have no remorse for the prey they tear apart and whose remains they leave for the carrion.

In Service to Duiran,

Speaker Kalinaar Irontusk

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 23rd of Khepary, in the year 482 MA.

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Public News Post #6278

The Wilds

Written by: Prior Kalinaar Irontusk
Date: Tuesday, August 13th, 2019
Addressed to: Galadriel Te'Straif


Duiran is not synonymous with the light. We are the wilds and the wilds are fierce. Whatever your argument with Enorian is, you still have an argument with us which you must atone for. You turned on your own pack, you raised your claws against your own kin in defense of one of shadow, you dishonored yourself in the Sentaari and regardless of how you try to twist this, these are the facts. In the past Duiran has been weak at punishing those who turn claw on their own. Just as the seasons come and go, so do our weaknesses however. We will not tolerate any attacks on our Council and we will viciously punish the one who tries. You are a worthy opponent and no one doubts your combat prowess but even the strongest wolf is nothing against an entire pack.

With that said, you were once of this pack. Many of our Councilors think you are beyond redemption and even now I'm sure you'll point your finger and blame -them- for their disdain of -your- actions. Your actions are disgraceful and not worthy of honor and even those of shadow are shaking their heads at you right now. To have fallen this far, did you ever truly care for Dendara? I hold out a glimmer of hope that you will see the many mistakes you have made which even now pile up around you. Are you good for nothing more than combat? Do you have nothing else to offer this world? I am one of the few left who embrace hope Galadriel and see potential in you beyond what you've shown. As one who was your friend and ally, I ask you to think on my words Galadriel and repent.

As Speaker of Duiran however I must warn you that until you turn from this path, you are nothing more than a sheep to be slaughtered. You are worthy of no honorable combat, nor fair chase and are good only for prey to feed our young. The wolves have no remorse for the prey they tear apart and whose remains they leave for the carrion.

In Service to Duiran,

Speaker Kalinaar Irontusk

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 23rd of Khepary, in the year 482 MA.

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