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Public News Post #3610


Written by: Starstruck Kyasha, Lost Soul
Date: Sunday, January 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: Brother Thaulan, Devil's Advocate

Perhaps you should learn a little more about the Church
and its workings before you wade into debate. In my post
I did not 'backpedal', I simply stated the situation.
Which you clearly misunderstood.
Dalamar is NOT cut off from membership or communion by the
Church, as an excommunication would denote. Excommunication
is a _permanent_ and irrevocable measure used against those
who betray their calling, to forever remove them from the
benefits they once had obtained from the Church.

I also pointed out that we held some hope for Dalamar, he has
not truly betrayed his calling, but rather found other outlets
and methods by which to pursue his calling. He is NOT a member
of the Church as those methods differ from those we seek to
foster. Dalamar's faith is there, it is what drives him, the
reason he is not a Church Member is that he chooses to
break rules and take actions we would not condone.

If you wish to personally attack his character, go ahead, calling
him names is not my concern. For butting into a situation you
were not asked to, you could at least have made some effort to be
more reasonable with your 'devils advocate' stance.

And if you believe he Dalamar receives "...the support and
favour of the Church..." then you are sadly mistaken.

If you wish to learn more, contact us, instead of scoffing like
an arrogant lordling.

Yours in CRYSTAL clarity.


Penned by my hand on the 7th of Phaestian, in the year 237 AF.

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Public News Post #3610


Written by: Starstruck Kyasha, Lost Soul
Date: Sunday, January 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: Brother Thaulan, Devil's Advocate

Perhaps you should learn a little more about the Church
and its workings before you wade into debate. In my post
I did not 'backpedal', I simply stated the situation.
Which you clearly misunderstood.
Dalamar is NOT cut off from membership or communion by the
Church, as an excommunication would denote. Excommunication
is a _permanent_ and irrevocable measure used against those
who betray their calling, to forever remove them from the
benefits they once had obtained from the Church.

I also pointed out that we held some hope for Dalamar, he has
not truly betrayed his calling, but rather found other outlets
and methods by which to pursue his calling. He is NOT a member
of the Church as those methods differ from those we seek to
foster. Dalamar's faith is there, it is what drives him, the
reason he is not a Church Member is that he chooses to
break rules and take actions we would not condone.

If you wish to personally attack his character, go ahead, calling
him names is not my concern. For butting into a situation you
were not asked to, you could at least have made some effort to be
more reasonable with your 'devils advocate' stance.

And if you believe he Dalamar receives "...the support and
favour of the Church..." then you are sadly mistaken.

If you wish to learn more, contact us, instead of scoffing like
an arrogant lordling.

Yours in CRYSTAL clarity.


Penned by my hand on the 7th of Phaestian, in the year 237 AF.

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