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Public News Post #21577

Congratulations, and a Challenge

Written by: Lord Adryn
Date: Monday, May 1st, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Competing Chefs of Sapience,

Allow me to congratulate you on being selected for the first round of competition. To the following, I extend both my best wishes and sincere hope that you will prove equal to the challenge I have in store for you:

Of Hashan, Fineo;
Of Mhaldor, Jehen;
Of the Vashnars, Sissassa;
Of the Aalen, Sharie;
Of Ashtan, Valfierno;
Of Targossas, Samel.

Be sure to steel yourselves, for the first leg of this competition will be one intended to test your skills in person and in the heat of the moment.

I shall be hosting you all during the closing day of Miraman in the kitchens of my Keep. For reference, this will be one to two days after the Orphean Serenade of that month.

Once there, you will need to perform three tasks alongside your competitors while I and the other judges of this competition observe.

This is both a test of your culinary knowledge as well as a test of your ability to remain cool under pressure, for mine is a home that will see exalted guests visiting from time to time.

To assist you in this endeavour, you may, if you wish, bring one assistant who can be with you at the time of competition. This person may not excessively guide or help you, but may intervene by giving you three pieces of spoken advice, as well as help you one single time in a hands-on way.

More assistance than this will result in your disqualification. Similarly, if you are found to be receiving more assistance than this by any means other than those explicitly stated above, you will be disqualified from the event.

The judges will be my sons Denod and Radlar, as well as my baker, Ashkal, and myself. We look forward to seeing you exercise your skills in full.


Lord Adryn

Penned by my hand on the 15th of Daedalan, in the year 916 AF.

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Public News Post #21577

Congratulations, and a Challenge

Written by: Lord Adryn
Date: Monday, May 1st, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Competing Chefs of Sapience,

Allow me to congratulate you on being selected for the first round of competition. To the following, I extend both my best wishes and sincere hope that you will prove equal to the challenge I have in store for you:

Of Hashan, Fineo;
Of Mhaldor, Jehen;
Of the Vashnars, Sissassa;
Of the Aalen, Sharie;
Of Ashtan, Valfierno;
Of Targossas, Samel.

Be sure to steel yourselves, for the first leg of this competition will be one intended to test your skills in person and in the heat of the moment.

I shall be hosting you all during the closing day of Miraman in the kitchens of my Keep. For reference, this will be one to two days after the Orphean Serenade of that month.

Once there, you will need to perform three tasks alongside your competitors while I and the other judges of this competition observe.

This is both a test of your culinary knowledge as well as a test of your ability to remain cool under pressure, for mine is a home that will see exalted guests visiting from time to time.

To assist you in this endeavour, you may, if you wish, bring one assistant who can be with you at the time of competition. This person may not excessively guide or help you, but may intervene by giving you three pieces of spoken advice, as well as help you one single time in a hands-on way.

More assistance than this will result in your disqualification. Similarly, if you are found to be receiving more assistance than this by any means other than those explicitly stated above, you will be disqualified from the event.

The judges will be my sons Denod and Radlar, as well as my baker, Ashkal, and myself. We look forward to seeing you exercise your skills in full.


Lord Adryn

Penned by my hand on the 15th of Daedalan, in the year 916 AF.

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