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Public News Post #21570

Perhaps the apple doesn't fall far from the Darkenwood tree

Written by: Tenderfoot Elyon Wineapple
Date: Friday, April 28th, 2023
Addressed to: Grandue Xeh'ria, Keeper of the Iron Crown

Ah, Grandue

So good of you to respond to me in a civilised manner. It is refreshing to find someone within your clique capable of actually reading and so I offer you my gratitude for taking the time to respond to me in such a timely manner. To think that it only took you the better part of a month to conjure up such an incredible mixture of incredible inventive fabrications, ad hominem attacks and vacant prattle, you must be very proud of yourself.

To start with, I would like to say thank you to your order members for deeming the act of asking questions and stating things that you have yourself just confirmed to be true to be insulting enough to render me an enemy to them. I am delighted to see such knee-jerk reactions, even if they may cleverly be disguised as enemying me in case I for some undecided reason decide to interfere with your attack on Hashan. I am overwhelmed and flattered that you would consider my musings to be a greater threat to your cause than the current undead invasion.

I would however give you some kind advice to perhaps learn the names of your children and their numerous mothers before bringing them up into conversation as it may make it seem less plausible that you are once again talking from your backside. On a note that isn't completely unrelated, I'll clear up for you that I never was cast out from Ashtan, in fact I left it as an ally. Given that you are an Archon I'd expect you to have logs of this but to the surprise of nobody whatsoever it appears you've ever neglected to read them or made it up off the top of your head.

I must concede and applaud your ability to see that my questions were perhaps largely rhetorical and frankly a rather blunt attempt at trying to convince your citizens to think for themselves in regards to precisely what they are fighting for. Bravo indeed for seeing through such an in intricate web of well weaved ploys. I am certain that there is nobody alive who could possibly match your insight.

With this out of the way, let us look at the actual meat of the matter. You have at least confirmed to the world that your Pontiff was indeed a Darkwalker. A widely known and well documented Darkwalker, as you put it. This, to some, may be considered important as it begs the question how many other Darkwalkers there were in the Revolutionaries of Chaos? Or whether he was forbidden from uncovering such knowledge at all? Do you suppose that the Dark Father would have simply allowed all this to happen were it not in His grand design? That his former follower should just be allowed to stroll into the desert and dig up this oh so grand and well kept secret? That perhaps He may have used His divine power to maybe stop this from happening if He had forbidden it? There are a few conclusions that you can draw from this: One being that you're accusing the Dark Father of impotence within the realm of mortals, something that has been quite consistently disproven. Another could be that perhaps He did not care enough to stop this from happening, but with your previous statement of this being forbidden knowledge I feel this explanation is unsatisfactory. What I propose to you is that what happened was exactly according to His decree. That Flair did what Flair did because he was allowed to do so.

Then we have another issue. At what point precisely did Flair leave the Dark order? Was it the moment he had first discovered that there was this great forbidden knowledge? Did he tell Lord Twilight that he as simply popping out for milk and tabac and that was that? Again, I find this to be rather unlikely. The fact of the matter is that the Revolutionaries themselves were infested with Darkwalkers and that your cult would not exist without the His influence. As to why citizens of Ashtan would go so far to follow one who was openly outed as a Darkwalker is beyond me, but I suppose this is down to my lack of understanding towards the rationalisations made by a Chaos addled mind.

You claim to not be subservient to the Chaos Court? They hold authority over your city.
You claim not to wish the end upon the world? Feel free to correct the world on the matter, then, if the annihilation of that which was created is not the literal end goal. I am sure that you'll find many many sympathetic ears when you tell us all how its been terrible misunderstanding that has just persisted for several centuries and that in fact the whole thing was never meant to be taken literally. If not for me, then at least give every other ear in Sapience the real truth of what you stand for.

Perhaps you could one day show me the iron crown you claim to hold. I figure that it must be suitably miniscule to sit atop such an empty head.

Ta ta for now.


(PS: I've composed a few lines of verse in your honour. They'll be in the usual place and I dearly hope that you respond in kind.)

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Mayan, in the year 915 AF.

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Public News Post #21570

Perhaps the apple doesn't fall far from the Darkenwood tree

Written by: Tenderfoot Elyon Wineapple
Date: Friday, April 28th, 2023
Addressed to: Grandue Xeh'ria, Keeper of the Iron Crown

Ah, Grandue

So good of you to respond to me in a civilised manner. It is refreshing to find someone within your clique capable of actually reading and so I offer you my gratitude for taking the time to respond to me in such a timely manner. To think that it only took you the better part of a month to conjure up such an incredible mixture of incredible inventive fabrications, ad hominem attacks and vacant prattle, you must be very proud of yourself.

To start with, I would like to say thank you to your order members for deeming the act of asking questions and stating things that you have yourself just confirmed to be true to be insulting enough to render me an enemy to them. I am delighted to see such knee-jerk reactions, even if they may cleverly be disguised as enemying me in case I for some undecided reason decide to interfere with your attack on Hashan. I am overwhelmed and flattered that you would consider my musings to be a greater threat to your cause than the current undead invasion.

I would however give you some kind advice to perhaps learn the names of your children and their numerous mothers before bringing them up into conversation as it may make it seem less plausible that you are once again talking from your backside. On a note that isn't completely unrelated, I'll clear up for you that I never was cast out from Ashtan, in fact I left it as an ally. Given that you are an Archon I'd expect you to have logs of this but to the surprise of nobody whatsoever it appears you've ever neglected to read them or made it up off the top of your head.

I must concede and applaud your ability to see that my questions were perhaps largely rhetorical and frankly a rather blunt attempt at trying to convince your citizens to think for themselves in regards to precisely what they are fighting for. Bravo indeed for seeing through such an in intricate web of well weaved ploys. I am certain that there is nobody alive who could possibly match your insight.

With this out of the way, let us look at the actual meat of the matter. You have at least confirmed to the world that your Pontiff was indeed a Darkwalker. A widely known and well documented Darkwalker, as you put it. This, to some, may be considered important as it begs the question how many other Darkwalkers there were in the Revolutionaries of Chaos? Or whether he was forbidden from uncovering such knowledge at all? Do you suppose that the Dark Father would have simply allowed all this to happen were it not in His grand design? That his former follower should just be allowed to stroll into the desert and dig up this oh so grand and well kept secret? That perhaps He may have used His divine power to maybe stop this from happening if He had forbidden it? There are a few conclusions that you can draw from this: One being that you're accusing the Dark Father of impotence within the realm of mortals, something that has been quite consistently disproven. Another could be that perhaps He did not care enough to stop this from happening, but with your previous statement of this being forbidden knowledge I feel this explanation is unsatisfactory. What I propose to you is that what happened was exactly according to His decree. That Flair did what Flair did because he was allowed to do so.

Then we have another issue. At what point precisely did Flair leave the Dark order? Was it the moment he had first discovered that there was this great forbidden knowledge? Did he tell Lord Twilight that he as simply popping out for milk and tabac and that was that? Again, I find this to be rather unlikely. The fact of the matter is that the Revolutionaries themselves were infested with Darkwalkers and that your cult would not exist without the His influence. As to why citizens of Ashtan would go so far to follow one who was openly outed as a Darkwalker is beyond me, but I suppose this is down to my lack of understanding towards the rationalisations made by a Chaos addled mind.

You claim to not be subservient to the Chaos Court? They hold authority over your city.
You claim not to wish the end upon the world? Feel free to correct the world on the matter, then, if the annihilation of that which was created is not the literal end goal. I am sure that you'll find many many sympathetic ears when you tell us all how its been terrible misunderstanding that has just persisted for several centuries and that in fact the whole thing was never meant to be taken literally. If not for me, then at least give every other ear in Sapience the real truth of what you stand for.

Perhaps you could one day show me the iron crown you claim to hold. I figure that it must be suitably miniscule to sit atop such an empty head.

Ta ta for now.


(PS: I've composed a few lines of verse in your honour. They'll be in the usual place and I dearly hope that you respond in kind.)

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Mayan, in the year 915 AF.

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