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Public News Post #20460

A little bird.

Written by: Speaker Andraste Montenegro, The Savage
Date: Tuesday, June 18th, 2019
Addressed to: The City of Hashan

Earlier in the month, I was sitting atop the Gatehouse when a little bird chirped in my ear. Eager as he could, he shared news of the end of a great war between two city states. Interesting I thought... Eleusis happens to be at war. The bird went on to share that it was his understanding that Eleusis suffered defeat at the Hands of Hashan. An overwhelming loss, as it was described. Curiouser, I thought to myself. The bird tittered on for some time about other things carried in on the winds. Once the conversation was over, the little bird was sent on their merry way. Back to chirp on about things as they do. But yet, what to do about this news?

Well, I know this is clear to many, but perhaps not clear to the few of you heads so buried beneath the blight that they sought to spread lies and deceit about the purpose and course of this war. This is the way of Darkness, of the Tsol'teth's pets and the children of the Liar. They accomplished what they came to do and claimed victory without their opponents budging an inch. My point is this. Your Tsol'teth allies have vacated and claimed yet another empty victory. This amounts to little as it pertains to the current War between Eleusis and Hashan. We continue to fight as we did the day it was declared. Your arbitrary terms may sate the wantings of your citizenry, but the tribe fights on.

You suffered a grievous defeat in the field this month. While the Village contentiously abstained from participating in the Tsol'teth games. We made it our goal to deny you any opportunity to claim the Staff of Nicator. This is quantifiable in how poorly your citizenry ranked in the championship games.

Clearly the bar was set very low for your self proclaimed victory, however the Village has no intention at this time of withdrawing hostilities for your foolish attempt to flex your newfound powers at Nature's expense.

Now, I am not an unreasonable man. If you are willing to come to the negotiation table I can entertain a rational conversation, without your 'reweaving' of reality to suit your purposes. Anything less will result in continued attacks of your city and soldiers.

Speaker Andraste Montenegro, The Savage

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Miraman, in the year 803 AF.

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Public News Post #20460

A little bird.

Written by: Speaker Andraste Montenegro, The Savage
Date: Tuesday, June 18th, 2019
Addressed to: The City of Hashan

Earlier in the month, I was sitting atop the Gatehouse when a little bird chirped in my ear. Eager as he could, he shared news of the end of a great war between two city states. Interesting I thought... Eleusis happens to be at war. The bird went on to share that it was his understanding that Eleusis suffered defeat at the Hands of Hashan. An overwhelming loss, as it was described. Curiouser, I thought to myself. The bird tittered on for some time about other things carried in on the winds. Once the conversation was over, the little bird was sent on their merry way. Back to chirp on about things as they do. But yet, what to do about this news?

Well, I know this is clear to many, but perhaps not clear to the few of you heads so buried beneath the blight that they sought to spread lies and deceit about the purpose and course of this war. This is the way of Darkness, of the Tsol'teth's pets and the children of the Liar. They accomplished what they came to do and claimed victory without their opponents budging an inch. My point is this. Your Tsol'teth allies have vacated and claimed yet another empty victory. This amounts to little as it pertains to the current War between Eleusis and Hashan. We continue to fight as we did the day it was declared. Your arbitrary terms may sate the wantings of your citizenry, but the tribe fights on.

You suffered a grievous defeat in the field this month. While the Village contentiously abstained from participating in the Tsol'teth games. We made it our goal to deny you any opportunity to claim the Staff of Nicator. This is quantifiable in how poorly your citizenry ranked in the championship games.

Clearly the bar was set very low for your self proclaimed victory, however the Village has no intention at this time of withdrawing hostilities for your foolish attempt to flex your newfound powers at Nature's expense.

Now, I am not an unreasonable man. If you are willing to come to the negotiation table I can entertain a rational conversation, without your 'reweaving' of reality to suit your purposes. Anything less will result in continued attacks of your city and soldiers.

Speaker Andraste Montenegro, The Savage

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Miraman, in the year 803 AF.

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