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Public News Post #20387


Written by: Novitiate Ashai Si'Talvace
Date: Saturday, May 4th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone

Let me first state that I do not speak with any authority for the city of Targossas. This writing is fully my own and take full responsibility for it, whatever its outcome.

There comes a time in life where we are all faced with choices. Some paths lead to obvious endings with no resistance from beginning to end. Others seem precarious and full of peril, with no foreseeable outcome on the other side, and certainly no guarantee of a favorable conclusion.

We face these decisions all the time, to walk the easy road, the familiar road... or to walk toward and into the unknown, risking much on the journey. We have all made this decision since the beginning, since the coming of age when a choice was put before us, which city to serve, who to fight alongside, which beliefs to ascribe to, what to defend and Whom to fight for.

Not every choice comes with full clarity. Mistakes can be made. Triumphs can be had. Growth is the outcome either way, be it through learning through failure, or triumph.

Often times it is faith that is required when these choices are made. To choose to trust or have confidence in someone, or something, even without a guaranteed outcome. This may be the wrong choice. It may be the right choice. Only time will tell. In the interim, I choose faith. I choose not to hate those who are fighting for what they feel is right. I pray you all choose not to hate those who are fighting for their own beliefs as well, or in my case, a world pressing toward Creation at its purest, and Good.

~ Ashai Si'Talvace

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Phaestian, in the year 799 AF.

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Public News Post #20387


Written by: Novitiate Ashai Si'Talvace
Date: Saturday, May 4th, 2019
Addressed to: Everyone

Let me first state that I do not speak with any authority for the city of Targossas. This writing is fully my own and take full responsibility for it, whatever its outcome.

There comes a time in life where we are all faced with choices. Some paths lead to obvious endings with no resistance from beginning to end. Others seem precarious and full of peril, with no foreseeable outcome on the other side, and certainly no guarantee of a favorable conclusion.

We face these decisions all the time, to walk the easy road, the familiar road... or to walk toward and into the unknown, risking much on the journey. We have all made this decision since the beginning, since the coming of age when a choice was put before us, which city to serve, who to fight alongside, which beliefs to ascribe to, what to defend and Whom to fight for.

Not every choice comes with full clarity. Mistakes can be made. Triumphs can be had. Growth is the outcome either way, be it through learning through failure, or triumph.

Often times it is faith that is required when these choices are made. To choose to trust or have confidence in someone, or something, even without a guaranteed outcome. This may be the wrong choice. It may be the right choice. Only time will tell. In the interim, I choose faith. I choose not to hate those who are fighting for what they feel is right. I pray you all choose not to hate those who are fighting for their own beliefs as well, or in my case, a world pressing toward Creation at its purest, and Good.

~ Ashai Si'Talvace

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Phaestian, in the year 799 AF.

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