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Public News Post #20258

A Humble Declaration

Written by: Engineer Radivnal
Date: Sunday, May 6th, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone


Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Radivnal Anari, and after a great deal of thought, I must decry the misuses and abuses of Good by the city of Targossas.

Centuries ago I was a Templar in service to the city of Shallam, Pentharian, and Good. Despite years of dormancy, I returned to the shock of a dead city, a dead god and a radically different face on Good I had faithfully served.

While I have reconciled myself with the loss of the first two, my attempts to find parity between the Honor and Dignity of my past station with this new, zealous Good have fallen flat. What used to be a coalition of Honor, Justice, Valor and Warmth has turned desolate and wanting as each principle was sacrificed on the Pyre of Zealotry. Passions that may have started as virtuous intent to spread Good to all corners of Sapience have become crusades intent on conversion at sword-point.

As something of a man out of his time, I find myself drawing comparisons between what is and what was. While Shallam was certainly burdened with its share of obstacles and flaws, one thing stands certain to me. It fought Evil tenaciously, forming friendships and bonds with those who stood neutral to the conflict. By comparison, Targossas shows nothing but hostility to all who are not of its brand of Good. I'm keenly familiar with this methodology, as it closely mimics the behaviors of Mhaldor. This behavior is not something I can support in good faith, and as such, I have reached the realization that I cannot support the Targossian claim to represent Good. As a city, it claims to possess the one and only path to Good, a claim that flies directly in the face of Lord Pentharian Himself within the Codex of Light. It claims that it has simplified the bureaucracy once presented in Shallam by merging Faith and State, but it has only made itself close-minded and blind-eyed to the crucial nuance inherent in the search for ethical good and Good itself.

Many who will respond to this posting will state, either here or in separate discussion, that my belief in Good and the moral good being one in the same is an unsophisticated or deluded view. They will state that Good cannot afford the concessions and luxuries of moral good while Evil exists in the world. But those exact weaknesses and concessions are what elevate champions of Good over their Evil counterparts.

With this in mind, I wish to present an alternative path to those who seek it. I have, and continue, to gather like-minded souls of Good who feel disillusioned and disenfranchised by the austere brutality presented by Targossas.

We gather under the banner of the Descendants of TeSerra.

It is our intent to evince the lesser traveled paths of Good and defend those paths with the fortitude afforded us by Lord Deucalion Himself upon his authoring of the Holy Codex, particularly as specified in the seventh commandment: Good is unchanging, absolute and eternal.

If my words have intrigued you, please contact me. If they have inflamed you, feel free to spend yourself here, I will not respond in kind.

With sincerity,
Radivnal Anari

Penned by my hand on the 4th of Phaestian, in the year 770 AF.

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Public News Post #20258

A Humble Declaration

Written by: Engineer Radivnal
Date: Sunday, May 6th, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone


Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Radivnal Anari, and after a great deal of thought, I must decry the misuses and abuses of Good by the city of Targossas.

Centuries ago I was a Templar in service to the city of Shallam, Pentharian, and Good. Despite years of dormancy, I returned to the shock of a dead city, a dead god and a radically different face on Good I had faithfully served.

While I have reconciled myself with the loss of the first two, my attempts to find parity between the Honor and Dignity of my past station with this new, zealous Good have fallen flat. What used to be a coalition of Honor, Justice, Valor and Warmth has turned desolate and wanting as each principle was sacrificed on the Pyre of Zealotry. Passions that may have started as virtuous intent to spread Good to all corners of Sapience have become crusades intent on conversion at sword-point.

As something of a man out of his time, I find myself drawing comparisons between what is and what was. While Shallam was certainly burdened with its share of obstacles and flaws, one thing stands certain to me. It fought Evil tenaciously, forming friendships and bonds with those who stood neutral to the conflict. By comparison, Targossas shows nothing but hostility to all who are not of its brand of Good. I'm keenly familiar with this methodology, as it closely mimics the behaviors of Mhaldor. This behavior is not something I can support in good faith, and as such, I have reached the realization that I cannot support the Targossian claim to represent Good. As a city, it claims to possess the one and only path to Good, a claim that flies directly in the face of Lord Pentharian Himself within the Codex of Light. It claims that it has simplified the bureaucracy once presented in Shallam by merging Faith and State, but it has only made itself close-minded and blind-eyed to the crucial nuance inherent in the search for ethical good and Good itself.

Many who will respond to this posting will state, either here or in separate discussion, that my belief in Good and the moral good being one in the same is an unsophisticated or deluded view. They will state that Good cannot afford the concessions and luxuries of moral good while Evil exists in the world. But those exact weaknesses and concessions are what elevate champions of Good over their Evil counterparts.

With this in mind, I wish to present an alternative path to those who seek it. I have, and continue, to gather like-minded souls of Good who feel disillusioned and disenfranchised by the austere brutality presented by Targossas.

We gather under the banner of the Descendants of TeSerra.

It is our intent to evince the lesser traveled paths of Good and defend those paths with the fortitude afforded us by Lord Deucalion Himself upon his authoring of the Holy Codex, particularly as specified in the seventh commandment: Good is unchanging, absolute and eternal.

If my words have intrigued you, please contact me. If they have inflamed you, feel free to spend yourself here, I will not respond in kind.

With sincerity,
Radivnal Anari

Penned by my hand on the 4th of Phaestian, in the year 770 AF.

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