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Public News Post #20256


Written by: Mordyval
Date: Tuesday, May 1st, 2018
Addressed to: The City of Ashtan

Dear Ashtan, the once great city of freedom:

You have given up that mantle to the great city of freedom, Hashan. My heart is saddened and heavy that your once great city has decided to embrace stagnation rather than growth. You have indeed turned away from Chaos that embraces freedom and instead turned to the corrupted view of Chaos presented to you by Oblivion. Those who embrace this Oblivion's view do so for control over the masses, they do not care about the individuals.

I have been cast out and enemied to Ashtan for speaking out against this control and they called it treason. They have said I may be unenemied if I apologized for doing so. I shall apologize to the citizens there, not for speaking out, but for my failure to break Oblivion's control set upon Ashtan. I can only see one path now for Ashtan to be set free once again, it is the slow and painful crumbling of the city under the weight of Oblivion's stagnation. If you consider me a traitor for this then so be it, I shall take on that burden for the sake of freedom and chaos.

If any Ashtan citizen yearns for the freedom to grow in your own right, you do have choices. After all, that is the essence of freedom: the right to choose. I have found a new home where such choices are indeed your own.

Student of Chaos

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Miraman, in the year 770 AF.

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Public News Post #20256


Written by: Mordyval
Date: Tuesday, May 1st, 2018
Addressed to: The City of Ashtan

Dear Ashtan, the once great city of freedom:

You have given up that mantle to the great city of freedom, Hashan. My heart is saddened and heavy that your once great city has decided to embrace stagnation rather than growth. You have indeed turned away from Chaos that embraces freedom and instead turned to the corrupted view of Chaos presented to you by Oblivion. Those who embrace this Oblivion's view do so for control over the masses, they do not care about the individuals.

I have been cast out and enemied to Ashtan for speaking out against this control and they called it treason. They have said I may be unenemied if I apologized for doing so. I shall apologize to the citizens there, not for speaking out, but for my failure to break Oblivion's control set upon Ashtan. I can only see one path now for Ashtan to be set free once again, it is the slow and painful crumbling of the city under the weight of Oblivion's stagnation. If you consider me a traitor for this then so be it, I shall take on that burden for the sake of freedom and chaos.

If any Ashtan citizen yearns for the freedom to grow in your own right, you do have choices. After all, that is the essence of freedom: the right to choose. I have found a new home where such choices are indeed your own.

Student of Chaos

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Miraman, in the year 770 AF.

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