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Public News Post #5435


Written by: Brother Alexus, Sentaari Monk
Date: Wednesday, May 17th, 2000
Addressed to: "Blackleaf's Hired Muscle" Korr - The Onslaught

Thank you Korr, the entire reason I was not willing to do this sooner was because I didn't believe your side would really leave me alone if I posted, as you kept refusing to post your side of it... just so those reading know what's going on.

I would like to publicly apologize for insulting the Kharon, both from behind grace, in Shallam, and even inside the tree a bit though I think I tried to refrain from it there.
It all started when Irontounge and company teamed me into Sentaari pudding for entering the room and taking on an agreesive stance after they had caught Vertigo in one of his hoisting attempts. I was a newbie then and didn't know that a stance is generally considered an attack, and I wasn't happy being teamed, but I did not handle it maturely and I'm sorry.
I'm also sorry for (I'll resist the urge to re-print them here as that would quite obviously be pushing it) certain names, and for getting involved in his argument with Dekkar which though Dekkar is a fellow citizen I don't really know anything about.
I would NOT like to apologize to Calhoun for hearing about how I had no restoration salve and then mangling my leg, but what are ya gonna do I did try to jump him once so I suppose we're even there.
Last but not least, I apologize to Usagi for repeadely using sweep kick on him when I first got it. Being chased by Kharon for the rest of my life just isn't my idea of a good time! So I'm sorry for resorting to name calling when it could have otherwise just blown over.

Thank you,

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Scarlatan, in the year 248 AF.

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Public News Post #5435


Written by: Brother Alexus, Sentaari Monk
Date: Wednesday, May 17th, 2000
Addressed to: "Blackleaf's Hired Muscle" Korr - The Onslaught

Thank you Korr, the entire reason I was not willing to do this sooner was because I didn't believe your side would really leave me alone if I posted, as you kept refusing to post your side of it... just so those reading know what's going on.

I would like to publicly apologize for insulting the Kharon, both from behind grace, in Shallam, and even inside the tree a bit though I think I tried to refrain from it there.
It all started when Irontounge and company teamed me into Sentaari pudding for entering the room and taking on an agreesive stance after they had caught Vertigo in one of his hoisting attempts. I was a newbie then and didn't know that a stance is generally considered an attack, and I wasn't happy being teamed, but I did not handle it maturely and I'm sorry.
I'm also sorry for (I'll resist the urge to re-print them here as that would quite obviously be pushing it) certain names, and for getting involved in his argument with Dekkar which though Dekkar is a fellow citizen I don't really know anything about.
I would NOT like to apologize to Calhoun for hearing about how I had no restoration salve and then mangling my leg, but what are ya gonna do I did try to jump him once so I suppose we're even there.
Last but not least, I apologize to Usagi for repeadely using sweep kick on him when I first got it. Being chased by Kharon for the rest of my life just isn't my idea of a good time! So I'm sorry for resorting to name calling when it could have otherwise just blown over.

Thank you,

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Scarlatan, in the year 248 AF.

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