12.16.24 Historical Map of Delos

This map is now out of date, after the recent disaster
in Delos. The old map is retained here for historical
interest only.

|                                                       |
|  1. Delosian West Bridge (to Highway)                 |
|  2. Delosian East Bridge (to Beach Path)              |
|  3. The Matsuhama Arena                               |
|  4. Lord Agatheis' Temple                             |
|  5. Swordmaster Colbey                                |
|                                                       |
|  - E-W      | N-S      X NE-SW, SE-NW                 |
|                                                       |
|  / SW-NE    \ NW-SE    < UP-DOWN    ^ IN-OUT          |
|                                                       |
|  #  Room   $  Adventurer's Shop                       |
|                                                       |
|  A  Artefact Shops                                    |
|  a  Scarlattan Atrium                                 |
|  B  Bookmakers                                        |
|  C  Clan Headquarters                                 |
|  G  Certimene (House / Class Registration)            |
|  g  Delosian Guard Quarters                           |
|  H  Stables                                           |
|  h  Heralds Union                                     |
|  J  Jewellers Union                                   |
|  L  Delosian Lottery Office                           |
|  M  Merentesh's Shop                                  |
|  m  Master Shopkeepers Union                          |
|  N  News                                              |
|  P  Prosperian Bazaar                                 |
|  p  Delosian Property Office                          |
|  R  Bloodline Registry                                |
|  S  Scarlattan Theatre                                |
|  T  Tailors Union                                     |
|  V  Vinci's Tattoo Parlour                            |
|  W  Merentesh's Weapons Shop                          |
|                                                       |
|  Notes: Extended exits (E.g. --- ) are for the sake   |
|         of spacing and do not imply rooms inbetween.  |
|         Touching rooms are NOT connected.             |
 (updated 22nd Phaestian, 380)

This map is now out of date, after the recent disaster
in Delos. The old map is retained here for historical
interest only.