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Public News Post #190


Written by: Xin
Date: Wednesday, July 31st, 2019
Addressed to:

Hey flakkers,

You know who I am? Of course you don't. Let's call me Data, and I'm gonna call you Banks.

You got Banks? I got Data. Yeah, that's right, I sell data to make bank. So if you've got more marks in your accounts than you know what to do with, and less intel between your earholes than you know what to think with, I'm the trepling you want on your payroll.

I sell intel for marks. Want to know what your friends are really up to? Want to know what your enemies are plotting? Think your girlfriend's cheating on you with Tukkav-hung bushie? Yeah, she probably is. Treplings, right?

I can find out for sure.

I can get in places you can't. I can ask the questions you won't. I can slip in without being seen, and be out before anyone knows I was there. I know people's secrets, and I'll sell them to you for the right price. And my unique, one-of-a-kind Signal Jammer means the only soul in the Sector I can't get to is me. Discreet services for discerning clientele.

So if you're in the market for information, you send me a tell. I don't come cheap, I come worth it. Safe, quick and dirty.

Contact Xin to dig up all your frenemies' Xinful little secrets. Knowledge is power. What you do with it? Not my problem.

-- Xin

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Public News Post #190


Written by: Xin
Date: Wednesday, July 31st, 2019
Addressed to:

Hey flakkers,

You know who I am? Of course you don't. Let's call me Data, and I'm gonna call you Banks.

You got Banks? I got Data. Yeah, that's right, I sell data to make bank. So if you've got more marks in your accounts than you know what to do with, and less intel between your earholes than you know what to think with, I'm the trepling you want on your payroll.

I sell intel for marks. Want to know what your friends are really up to? Want to know what your enemies are plotting? Think your girlfriend's cheating on you with Tukkav-hung bushie? Yeah, she probably is. Treplings, right?

I can find out for sure.

I can get in places you can't. I can ask the questions you won't. I can slip in without being seen, and be out before anyone knows I was there. I know people's secrets, and I'll sell them to you for the right price. And my unique, one-of-a-kind Signal Jammer means the only soul in the Sector I can't get to is me. Discreet services for discerning clientele.

So if you're in the market for information, you send me a tell. I don't come cheap, I come worth it. Safe, quick and dirty.

Contact Xin to dig up all your frenemies' Xinful little secrets. Knowledge is power. What you do with it? Not my problem.

-- Xin

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