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Public News Post #1851


Written by: Prince Minkahmet D'Varden
Date: Sunday, June 30th, 2019
Addressed to: Facet Kethaera

I find it rather intriguing of how easy it is to trigger the feelings and sensitivity into responding to me from the other side of the field and just simply at that. The individual clearly demonstrated the path of faltering and fell prey to their own feelings-so easily at that in synonymous relation to the responses to me via shouts or even this board here. The back and forth is a clear sign of weakness in itself and must be tended to. In this event, going back to the love of the taint. That is not a teaching of Raziela to return to that state. Rather in itself, the love and mercy of the individual is the result of the releasing of its soul as it has rejected the taint and thus chose to return to it rather than refrain from it. The righteous blaze of Methrenton's fire ties well into this as well for the two balance each other out in that if one refuses to refrain from it, then they should burn. Not all things require constantly handing out mercy and acceptance. It may be viewed cruel and insensitive to many, but it is the reality that there are those that choose to destroy themselves. The mirror I see here, is the same as to how it is destructive for a city of supposed Harmony places themselves so eagerly under the rule of Magnagora? Forget not, that it was Hallifax who decided to accept the touches of Magnagora knowing full well that Celest and Serenwilde stood against Magnagora. Ward against your own hypocrisy before advising others of theirs is my suggestion. Nonetheless, your Board made their choice, as Celest made theirs in firmly standing against Magnagora at all costs.

-Prince Minkahmet

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Roarkian, in the year 534 CE.

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Public News Post #1851


Written by: Prince Minkahmet D'Varden
Date: Sunday, June 30th, 2019
Addressed to: Facet Kethaera

I find it rather intriguing of how easy it is to trigger the feelings and sensitivity into responding to me from the other side of the field and just simply at that. The individual clearly demonstrated the path of faltering and fell prey to their own feelings-so easily at that in synonymous relation to the responses to me via shouts or even this board here. The back and forth is a clear sign of weakness in itself and must be tended to. In this event, going back to the love of the taint. That is not a teaching of Raziela to return to that state. Rather in itself, the love and mercy of the individual is the result of the releasing of its soul as it has rejected the taint and thus chose to return to it rather than refrain from it. The righteous blaze of Methrenton's fire ties well into this as well for the two balance each other out in that if one refuses to refrain from it, then they should burn. Not all things require constantly handing out mercy and acceptance. It may be viewed cruel and insensitive to many, but it is the reality that there are those that choose to destroy themselves. The mirror I see here, is the same as to how it is destructive for a city of supposed Harmony places themselves so eagerly under the rule of Magnagora? Forget not, that it was Hallifax who decided to accept the touches of Magnagora knowing full well that Celest and Serenwilde stood against Magnagora. Ward against your own hypocrisy before advising others of theirs is my suggestion. Nonetheless, your Board made their choice, as Celest made theirs in firmly standing against Magnagora at all costs.

-Prince Minkahmet

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Roarkian, in the year 534 CE.

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