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Public News Post #6266

Playing with Fire

Written by: Zynti, the Tempered Spirit
Date: Thursday, August 1st, 2019
Addressed to: Fezzix Sicarius


You will lay on your own sword and have revealed your true intentions.
You know the reason why you're making this information public, but it
won't save you. Especially considering Esterport is outside of that long
list of hunting areas you mentioned. I wonder how much your actions
will...cost you.

Futhermore.. Mjoll and Robyn have yet to be engaged by me. For the
record you attacked me a dozen times while hunting over the past two
weeks. Sometimes alone and other times in groups. I haven't retaliated
but only defend myself up to this point. But.. with your recent action
toward me it's obvious that this isn't about hunting. You're right, the
stakes have been raised... consequently the risk have been too and
they're heavily weighted against you.

That is why you want to make a public display and squeel in order to
protect yourself from the innevitable. You talk a lot Fezzix - just how
you said that I couldn't slay you alone. Your pride has been hurt and
now you're acting outside of the boundaries you've set. You can be angry
as you want about my statements, but Robyn and Mjoll have yet to die,
however you've decided to escalate this issue and raise the bar. Your
mouth and your actions will get the best of you.

No more praying for favors in your favor Fezzix. You've shown your ass.


Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 3rd of Arios, in the year 482 MA.

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Public News Post #6266

Playing with Fire

Written by: Zynti, the Tempered Spirit
Date: Thursday, August 1st, 2019
Addressed to: Fezzix Sicarius


You will lay on your own sword and have revealed your true intentions.
You know the reason why you're making this information public, but it
won't save you. Especially considering Esterport is outside of that long
list of hunting areas you mentioned. I wonder how much your actions
will...cost you.

Futhermore.. Mjoll and Robyn have yet to be engaged by me. For the
record you attacked me a dozen times while hunting over the past two
weeks. Sometimes alone and other times in groups. I haven't retaliated
but only defend myself up to this point. But.. with your recent action
toward me it's obvious that this isn't about hunting. You're right, the
stakes have been raised... consequently the risk have been too and
they're heavily weighted against you.

That is why you want to make a public display and squeel in order to
protect yourself from the innevitable. You talk a lot Fezzix - just how
you said that I couldn't slay you alone. Your pride has been hurt and
now you're acting outside of the boundaries you've set. You can be angry
as you want about my statements, but Robyn and Mjoll have yet to die,
however you've decided to escalate this issue and raise the bar. Your
mouth and your actions will get the best of you.

No more praying for favors in your favor Fezzix. You've shown your ass.


Penned by my hand on Quensday, the 3rd of Arios, in the year 482 MA.

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