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Public News Post #21051

New High Warden and Forestals of Sapience

Written by: Adrik Bergson, Her High Warden
Date: Wednesday, March 31st, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings Sapience,

Change is something that we are all accustomed to in life. The seasons change, from Autumn to Winter, and now Winter to Spring-- with that, new life is born.

I am Lady Gaia's new High Warden, with much thanks given to Caelan for his service in this position for as many years as he held it. With that change comes more.

This is a notice, and a warning, to all forestals who reside within cities.

If you wish to retain the usage of Nature's gifts, you will abandon the cities and take to the life of being a rogue or seek Her Village. Her gifts are not for those who live in complete anathema to Her or Her teachings. If you remain a citizen of these cities while still holding the power of Nature, you will become an enemy of Nature, and subsequently lose access to Her gifts.

As such, in one year's time:

- Anyone who holds citizenship with any non-Eleusian city-state MAY NOT use any of the forestal classes. To wield Her Gift is to live in Harmony with Nature.

- Any Forestal using Her Gifts may not defend OR attack any city-state unless it is a direct part of an Eleusian function.

- Furthermore, all who wield Her Gifts shall not use them to bring harm to Nature, or Eleusis. To do such is folly, and will see you immediately branded an enemy of Nature.

Embrace the Spring and the changing of the Cycle, or die in Winter's cold embrace.

Adrik Bergson, Her High Warden

Penned by my hand on the 6th of Miraman, in the year 855 AF.

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Public News Post #21051

New High Warden and Forestals of Sapience

Written by: Adrik Bergson, Her High Warden
Date: Wednesday, March 31st, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings Sapience,

Change is something that we are all accustomed to in life. The seasons change, from Autumn to Winter, and now Winter to Spring-- with that, new life is born.

I am Lady Gaia's new High Warden, with much thanks given to Caelan for his service in this position for as many years as he held it. With that change comes more.

This is a notice, and a warning, to all forestals who reside within cities.

If you wish to retain the usage of Nature's gifts, you will abandon the cities and take to the life of being a rogue or seek Her Village. Her gifts are not for those who live in complete anathema to Her or Her teachings. If you remain a citizen of these cities while still holding the power of Nature, you will become an enemy of Nature, and subsequently lose access to Her gifts.

As such, in one year's time:

- Anyone who holds citizenship with any non-Eleusian city-state MAY NOT use any of the forestal classes. To wield Her Gift is to live in Harmony with Nature.

- Any Forestal using Her Gifts may not defend OR attack any city-state unless it is a direct part of an Eleusian function.

- Furthermore, all who wield Her Gifts shall not use them to bring harm to Nature, or Eleusis. To do such is folly, and will see you immediately branded an enemy of Nature.

Embrace the Spring and the changing of the Cycle, or die in Winter's cold embrace.

Adrik Bergson, Her High Warden

Penned by my hand on the 6th of Miraman, in the year 855 AF.

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