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Public News Post #20750


Written by: Tesha al Ashtad
Date: Monday, June 8th, 2020
Addressed to: The City of Mhaldor


It is interesting that one of the hills your Tyrannus chooses to stand upon is a matter of offering respect to Divine. It is even more interesting that she chooses to accuse the Dawnlord of hypocrisy. Your Tyrannus cites a rejection of hospitality, of refusal to learn or challenge, painting a pretty tale of Targossian soldiers engaging in Divine disrespect by desecrating an undefended public space of education and worship.

I wonder, then, how respectful to other Divine your Lord was when He was despoiling the Goddess of Dreams, Valnurana.

I wonder, then, how respectful your Lord was when He tore Her clothing free.

I wonder how respectful He was when He forced Himself inside of Her.

I wonder how respectful He was while She screamed.

I wonder how respectful He was when He tore Her eyes from Her face.

How respectful was He when His split forms claimed Bal'met as Their weapon, and called Their Divine siblings pathetic wretches?

How respectful was Apollyon when He threw Hermes to be devoured by the Worldreaver?

How respectful were They when They allowed Bal'met to feast upon Kastalia?

How respectful was Sartan when He abandoned Keresis on Nishnatoba?

When He sought to imprison the Divine Child, Pandemonium?

All this unimaginable, needless loss that sundered the hearts of so very, very many... yet your Lord squeaks through a daemonic bat that He is respectful of His Divine siblings. The same Divine siblings Apollyon called "Useless gods."

For what purpose did He rip the Divine Child from the arms of the mother? For what purpose did He seek to imprison the Divine Child? Was there any reason beyond a selfish lust for power? I wonder what Valnurana would say, if asked what Sartan does with power. I wonder what Kastalia would say. Hermes. Miramar. Daedalus. Matsuhama. Pentharian. Pandemonium. Selene. Melantha. Mithraea. Aeon's words left no room for interpretation: "Sartan... you fool."

What 'hospitality' was offered to the Goddess of Dreams? To the Goddess of Vengeance, as He abandoned Her to Her fate?

Can 'desecrated' be a word that can be used in any context regarding places of worship dedicated to Him?

After all, it was your Lord that desecrated the Goddess of Dreams. It was your Lord that imprisoned the Divine Child. It was your Lord that desecrated the sanctity of Godhood through schemes and plots for power, threatening the balance of the Garden and all Creation in the process.

Your Lord is the personification of desecration.

Your Lord is as treacherous as any being that has ever existed.

Just as your very own Tyrannus hides military failures with falsehoods about refusal to shed blood in sacred ground, your Lord's claim to higher Divine respect is only a flimsy facade for His moral failures. This is what you serve in your misguided service to 'Strength', Mhaldor. You serve an opportunist Who cost the land a number of Gods. You serve an ideology founded upon falsehoods. You serve treachery. There is a reason your Truths call for the eradication of conscience. How else could one knowingly serve this?

Many of you believe yourselves to be doing the right thing by serving Mhaldor. I urge you to reflect what Mhaldor has done that could, in any sense of the word, be considered good for Creation. The actions of your city, in direct service to Him, led to the deaths of a significant portion of the Garden; an unimaginable, needless loss that sundered the hearts of many. I urge you to reflect upon what your Lord has done that could be considered good for anything, anyone, but Himself. And I invite you to research and reflect upon what the Bloodsworn have done. The ending to the Worldreaver Saga is quite the read.

Serve your rapist well, Mhaldor.

Or don't.

In Truth,
Tesha al Ashtad

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Lupar, in the year 831 AF.

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Public News Post #20750


Written by: Tesha al Ashtad
Date: Monday, June 8th, 2020
Addressed to: The City of Mhaldor


It is interesting that one of the hills your Tyrannus chooses to stand upon is a matter of offering respect to Divine. It is even more interesting that she chooses to accuse the Dawnlord of hypocrisy. Your Tyrannus cites a rejection of hospitality, of refusal to learn or challenge, painting a pretty tale of Targossian soldiers engaging in Divine disrespect by desecrating an undefended public space of education and worship.

I wonder, then, how respectful to other Divine your Lord was when He was despoiling the Goddess of Dreams, Valnurana.

I wonder, then, how respectful your Lord was when He tore Her clothing free.

I wonder how respectful He was when He forced Himself inside of Her.

I wonder how respectful He was while She screamed.

I wonder how respectful He was when He tore Her eyes from Her face.

How respectful was He when His split forms claimed Bal'met as Their weapon, and called Their Divine siblings pathetic wretches?

How respectful was Apollyon when He threw Hermes to be devoured by the Worldreaver?

How respectful were They when They allowed Bal'met to feast upon Kastalia?

How respectful was Sartan when He abandoned Keresis on Nishnatoba?

When He sought to imprison the Divine Child, Pandemonium?

All this unimaginable, needless loss that sundered the hearts of so very, very many... yet your Lord squeaks through a daemonic bat that He is respectful of His Divine siblings. The same Divine siblings Apollyon called "Useless gods."

For what purpose did He rip the Divine Child from the arms of the mother? For what purpose did He seek to imprison the Divine Child? Was there any reason beyond a selfish lust for power? I wonder what Valnurana would say, if asked what Sartan does with power. I wonder what Kastalia would say. Hermes. Miramar. Daedalus. Matsuhama. Pentharian. Pandemonium. Selene. Melantha. Mithraea. Aeon's words left no room for interpretation: "Sartan... you fool."

What 'hospitality' was offered to the Goddess of Dreams? To the Goddess of Vengeance, as He abandoned Her to Her fate?

Can 'desecrated' be a word that can be used in any context regarding places of worship dedicated to Him?

After all, it was your Lord that desecrated the Goddess of Dreams. It was your Lord that imprisoned the Divine Child. It was your Lord that desecrated the sanctity of Godhood through schemes and plots for power, threatening the balance of the Garden and all Creation in the process.

Your Lord is the personification of desecration.

Your Lord is as treacherous as any being that has ever existed.

Just as your very own Tyrannus hides military failures with falsehoods about refusal to shed blood in sacred ground, your Lord's claim to higher Divine respect is only a flimsy facade for His moral failures. This is what you serve in your misguided service to 'Strength', Mhaldor. You serve an opportunist Who cost the land a number of Gods. You serve an ideology founded upon falsehoods. You serve treachery. There is a reason your Truths call for the eradication of conscience. How else could one knowingly serve this?

Many of you believe yourselves to be doing the right thing by serving Mhaldor. I urge you to reflect what Mhaldor has done that could, in any sense of the word, be considered good for Creation. The actions of your city, in direct service to Him, led to the deaths of a significant portion of the Garden; an unimaginable, needless loss that sundered the hearts of many. I urge you to reflect upon what your Lord has done that could be considered good for anything, anyone, but Himself. And I invite you to research and reflect upon what the Bloodsworn have done. The ending to the Worldreaver Saga is quite the read.

Serve your rapist well, Mhaldor.

Or don't.

In Truth,
Tesha al Ashtad

Penned by my hand on the 20th of Lupar, in the year 831 AF.

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