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Public News Post #20311

No matter how big a fish you may be, there is always a bigger fish.

Written by: Sir Verrucht Dawyn, Hand of Neraeos
Date: Sunday, September 30th, 2018
Addressed to: Eridanus, Senator of Scyros

Honoured Senator,

I would like to reach out and thank you for your concern and attention in regards to Cyrene. Through your surely well-intentioned post you have reminded everyone that we are not all so different, and that some of us share similar goals. There is no reason for such fear, masked through petty insults. What the Last City offers and represents is not something that you should take as a challenge, but as an invitation, one that remains open.

If I may correct one slight misunderstanding you present, we do not claim to be anything. We are the Last City, Senator. The surety of Lord Neraeos Pelagia, Whom you recognise, guarantees this. If you in your own twisted arrogance take exception to His will, I recommend you direct your next post to Him. Though I suggest you consider your words much more carefully to Him than you did to me.

Your refutation of our true place has no meaning to Cyrene, and your words are as easily discarded as your malformed opinions. The Last City remains a welcoming place for all those of Sapience and of the Sea to resolve their differences and come together as one. We remain as strong as ever, never letting individual defeats dissuade us from standing united and continuing to fight. I am proud of everything Cyrene has achieved, we are constantly underestimated by those who wish to brush us aside with a cloud of stereotypes and ignorance, yet it has never once caused us to falter. I know that Cyrenians are equally proud of their city, their fellow citizens, and our accomplishments.

We do seek not to supplant any organisation, but offer those who wish a truly neutral place and truly neutral party to help resolve any differences. The only people threatened by this are those who perceive a threat to power they should not have, their Pride having overwhelmed their Reason.

You may conclude anything you wish, Senator, it will not change the path of the Last City.


Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Ero, in the year 782 AF.

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Public News Post #20311

No matter how big a fish you may be, there is always a bigger fish.

Written by: Sir Verrucht Dawyn, Hand of Neraeos
Date: Sunday, September 30th, 2018
Addressed to: Eridanus, Senator of Scyros

Honoured Senator,

I would like to reach out and thank you for your concern and attention in regards to Cyrene. Through your surely well-intentioned post you have reminded everyone that we are not all so different, and that some of us share similar goals. There is no reason for such fear, masked through petty insults. What the Last City offers and represents is not something that you should take as a challenge, but as an invitation, one that remains open.

If I may correct one slight misunderstanding you present, we do not claim to be anything. We are the Last City, Senator. The surety of Lord Neraeos Pelagia, Whom you recognise, guarantees this. If you in your own twisted arrogance take exception to His will, I recommend you direct your next post to Him. Though I suggest you consider your words much more carefully to Him than you did to me.

Your refutation of our true place has no meaning to Cyrene, and your words are as easily discarded as your malformed opinions. The Last City remains a welcoming place for all those of Sapience and of the Sea to resolve their differences and come together as one. We remain as strong as ever, never letting individual defeats dissuade us from standing united and continuing to fight. I am proud of everything Cyrene has achieved, we are constantly underestimated by those who wish to brush us aside with a cloud of stereotypes and ignorance, yet it has never once caused us to falter. I know that Cyrenians are equally proud of their city, their fellow citizens, and our accomplishments.

We do seek not to supplant any organisation, but offer those who wish a truly neutral place and truly neutral party to help resolve any differences. The only people threatened by this are those who perceive a threat to power they should not have, their Pride having overwhelmed their Reason.

You may conclude anything you wish, Senator, it will not change the path of the Last City.


Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Ero, in the year 782 AF.

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