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Public News Post #20310

Facade of the Last City

Written by: Eridanus, Senator of Scyros
Date: Thursday, September 27th, 2018
Addressed to: Sir Verrucht Dawyn, Hand of Neraeos

Esteemed Imperiate,

The urge to expel my lunch at writing those two simple words cannot be understated.

Since your declaration to the world, we of Scyros have watched, without bias, to see if your city truly lives up to the lofty words you so elegantly scribed. To the surprise of none, any actions that would back up your multiple decrees are as void and lacking as your sanity. Yet again, you lead a group of unwitting souls down a path infected with narcissism and delusions of grandeur. Our priests shall pray for the veil to be lifted from the eyes of Cyrene's citizens, though I fear their urge to serve as your obedient lapdog, even if it would bring forth destruction, cannot be cured, even with the intervention of Lord Neraeos Pelagia Himself.

You claim to be the Last City, which is itself a fantasy, but let us entertain this notion. You and yours cannot even win a simple competition crafted by a farm village. You write of vigilance against threats but the forces of the West trod and stomp about your streets as they please. You proclaim to lead a city full of virtue and passionate work, yet the only passions seen are crude displays of obscenity.

I write all of this to come to a single conclusion, Cyrene has been found unfit to serve as grounds for Tritons to resolve their disputes. As the head of the League, we will continue to justly oversee all treaties and agreements between the Triton peoples in Riparium. You cannot handle such a burden, nor would any of us wish to be defiled by stepping onto your streets. And, for once, General Aeolia has agreed with myself on this, and will continue to act as the protector of Riparium. May you sigh in relief as we continue our duties, which you no doubt would have made a mess of.

And to all landwalkers, mind your own people, as we have no wish of your tainted interference. You do enough damage to the lands as is, and we of the undersea choose to abstain from your abhorrent proclivities.

In Service to Scyros, Subjugator of Arcadia and Seat of the League,
Senator Eridanus, Minister of War
General Aeolia, Strategos of the Sixth Legion and Protector of Riparium

Penned by my hand on the 18th of Aeguary, in the year 782 AF.

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Public News Post #20310

Facade of the Last City

Written by: Eridanus, Senator of Scyros
Date: Thursday, September 27th, 2018
Addressed to: Sir Verrucht Dawyn, Hand of Neraeos

Esteemed Imperiate,

The urge to expel my lunch at writing those two simple words cannot be understated.

Since your declaration to the world, we of Scyros have watched, without bias, to see if your city truly lives up to the lofty words you so elegantly scribed. To the surprise of none, any actions that would back up your multiple decrees are as void and lacking as your sanity. Yet again, you lead a group of unwitting souls down a path infected with narcissism and delusions of grandeur. Our priests shall pray for the veil to be lifted from the eyes of Cyrene's citizens, though I fear their urge to serve as your obedient lapdog, even if it would bring forth destruction, cannot be cured, even with the intervention of Lord Neraeos Pelagia Himself.

You claim to be the Last City, which is itself a fantasy, but let us entertain this notion. You and yours cannot even win a simple competition crafted by a farm village. You write of vigilance against threats but the forces of the West trod and stomp about your streets as they please. You proclaim to lead a city full of virtue and passionate work, yet the only passions seen are crude displays of obscenity.

I write all of this to come to a single conclusion, Cyrene has been found unfit to serve as grounds for Tritons to resolve their disputes. As the head of the League, we will continue to justly oversee all treaties and agreements between the Triton peoples in Riparium. You cannot handle such a burden, nor would any of us wish to be defiled by stepping onto your streets. And, for once, General Aeolia has agreed with myself on this, and will continue to act as the protector of Riparium. May you sigh in relief as we continue our duties, which you no doubt would have made a mess of.

And to all landwalkers, mind your own people, as we have no wish of your tainted interference. You do enough damage to the lands as is, and we of the undersea choose to abstain from your abhorrent proclivities.

In Service to Scyros, Subjugator of Arcadia and Seat of the League,
Senator Eridanus, Minister of War
General Aeolia, Strategos of the Sixth Legion and Protector of Riparium

Penned by my hand on the 18th of Aeguary, in the year 782 AF.

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