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Public News Post #20307

Your Recent Visit

Written by: Truax Valeth, Seeress of Desolation
Date: Saturday, September 1st, 2018
Addressed to: Dawnlord Farrah Roualt

Thank you for visiting the Faces of Chaos exhibit and leaving your ruinous mark. It fills me with pride that even Targossas came to view it. Alas, none in Ashtan were about to greet you when you did so.

It is excellent that you are teaching your young through example. Perhaps the next time one of them chooses to make a post they will consult you before doing so since you seem to know a little more.

Yet the Mythos is clear, Avatar of the Flame. The Gods were puzzled by the emergence of Chaos and its agents. Ayar attempted to sequester them, removing all planar travel capabilities from the inhabitants to ensure that Chaos and the infernals would not be able to break out and cause more havoc.

But break out Chaos did through the machinations of the Chaos Court: First to expel the infernals, second to garner safe passage to those who would seek to make pacts with them, and third on more than one occasion to this realm itself.

And that Chaos which was not sequestered was dispersed throughout Creation by Ayar Himself. Today Chaos continues to increase despite your best efforts.

Such glorious power. It's understandable why you fear it.

Its continued unleashing makes your purification all for naught. Your scare tactics and suggestions that those who dabble with Chaos will come to an undue end are similarly weak. Those who embrace Chaos simply do not fear its outcomes.

Perhaps you do not yet understand the difference between Chaos and the Chaos Court though?

One is the purest form of potential, neither malicious nor benevolent, possessing no intention good or bad. It simply exists in the forms of Entropy and Discord as all motion and force, changing everything it touches.

The other are individuals whose power rivals even the strongest beings of Creation. They have always existed in a hierarchy based upon survival of the fittest. When Dominion has come and the Seat arises to their depths of power, so shall we rule, as you stated.

May our Ascension come quickly!

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Daedalan, in the year 780 AF.

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Public News Post #20307

Your Recent Visit

Written by: Truax Valeth, Seeress of Desolation
Date: Saturday, September 1st, 2018
Addressed to: Dawnlord Farrah Roualt

Thank you for visiting the Faces of Chaos exhibit and leaving your ruinous mark. It fills me with pride that even Targossas came to view it. Alas, none in Ashtan were about to greet you when you did so.

It is excellent that you are teaching your young through example. Perhaps the next time one of them chooses to make a post they will consult you before doing so since you seem to know a little more.

Yet the Mythos is clear, Avatar of the Flame. The Gods were puzzled by the emergence of Chaos and its agents. Ayar attempted to sequester them, removing all planar travel capabilities from the inhabitants to ensure that Chaos and the infernals would not be able to break out and cause more havoc.

But break out Chaos did through the machinations of the Chaos Court: First to expel the infernals, second to garner safe passage to those who would seek to make pacts with them, and third on more than one occasion to this realm itself.

And that Chaos which was not sequestered was dispersed throughout Creation by Ayar Himself. Today Chaos continues to increase despite your best efforts.

Such glorious power. It's understandable why you fear it.

Its continued unleashing makes your purification all for naught. Your scare tactics and suggestions that those who dabble with Chaos will come to an undue end are similarly weak. Those who embrace Chaos simply do not fear its outcomes.

Perhaps you do not yet understand the difference between Chaos and the Chaos Court though?

One is the purest form of potential, neither malicious nor benevolent, possessing no intention good or bad. It simply exists in the forms of Entropy and Discord as all motion and force, changing everything it touches.

The other are individuals whose power rivals even the strongest beings of Creation. They have always existed in a hierarchy based upon survival of the fittest. When Dominion has come and the Seat arises to their depths of power, so shall we rule, as you stated.

May our Ascension come quickly!

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Daedalan, in the year 780 AF.

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