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Public News Post #20306


Written by: Dawnlord Farrah Roualt
Date: Friday, August 31st, 2018
Addressed to: Truax Valeth, Seeress of Desolation


I imagine your madness is to deep to be cured; however, for the sake of any who might perhaps be misled by it, I have decided to address some of your points.

To begin, although Proteus may not have been aware of the precise workings of Chaos, Ayar was. It is unknown why precisely Ayar created Chaos, but it is known that He chose to disperse and confine it, presumably for good reason. To the extent Chaos may have had any use or benefit, it is clear that it has always needed to be kept in check.

You appear to criticize our methods of doing so. However, the mere fact that Purity requires effort does not indicate that it is unsuccessful. Were our efforts inconsequential to you, one would wonder why you all are such a bother to me.

You claim that Sarapis created Lord Babel because He recognized that Oblivion was inevitable. But that is a statement made by the Nihilists, not by any credible source. Indeed, Sarapis Himself spoke on the subject only once, and His statement was quite the opposite.

As for Chaos's supposed ability to "evolve" us all, I will simply note that the goddess who experimented most with Chaos turned Herself into stone. She then sought to end Her own existence (and succeeded) in the very event you repeatedly cite to. Interestingly, the other deity most influenced by Chaos, Lord Babel, similarly seeks such an end of His existence.

You may simply wish to "rule" us all, but that is not the path down which Chaos leads. It is questionable how you even believe that Chaos will "break the boundaries" for you and set you above others, only to leave you there at the top, in a structured, ordered society from which you might rule. It does not sound much like Chaos at all. If you succeed in achieving this "Dominion" one day, more likely you will be a maggot the next, or perhaps a tentacled rabbit. One can never be certain.

I am a benevolent individual, and thus I have improved your exhibition myself. It is far more pleasing now.

In His service,

Farrah Roualt
Avatar of the Righteous Fire

Penned by my hand on the 4th of Daedalan, in the year 780 AF.

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Public News Post #20306


Written by: Dawnlord Farrah Roualt
Date: Friday, August 31st, 2018
Addressed to: Truax Valeth, Seeress of Desolation


I imagine your madness is to deep to be cured; however, for the sake of any who might perhaps be misled by it, I have decided to address some of your points.

To begin, although Proteus may not have been aware of the precise workings of Chaos, Ayar was. It is unknown why precisely Ayar created Chaos, but it is known that He chose to disperse and confine it, presumably for good reason. To the extent Chaos may have had any use or benefit, it is clear that it has always needed to be kept in check.

You appear to criticize our methods of doing so. However, the mere fact that Purity requires effort does not indicate that it is unsuccessful. Were our efforts inconsequential to you, one would wonder why you all are such a bother to me.

You claim that Sarapis created Lord Babel because He recognized that Oblivion was inevitable. But that is a statement made by the Nihilists, not by any credible source. Indeed, Sarapis Himself spoke on the subject only once, and His statement was quite the opposite.

As for Chaos's supposed ability to "evolve" us all, I will simply note that the goddess who experimented most with Chaos turned Herself into stone. She then sought to end Her own existence (and succeeded) in the very event you repeatedly cite to. Interestingly, the other deity most influenced by Chaos, Lord Babel, similarly seeks such an end of His existence.

You may simply wish to "rule" us all, but that is not the path down which Chaos leads. It is questionable how you even believe that Chaos will "break the boundaries" for you and set you above others, only to leave you there at the top, in a structured, ordered society from which you might rule. It does not sound much like Chaos at all. If you succeed in achieving this "Dominion" one day, more likely you will be a maggot the next, or perhaps a tentacled rabbit. One can never be certain.

I am a benevolent individual, and thus I have improved your exhibition myself. It is far more pleasing now.

In His service,

Farrah Roualt
Avatar of the Righteous Fire

Penned by my hand on the 4th of Daedalan, in the year 780 AF.

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