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Public News Post #21024


Written by: Judge Jinos Inficio-Tiercel
Date: Friday, March 5th, 2021
Addressed to: Sentry Kriex Odule, Marshal of Lord Phaestus

Oh. It's you. The Phaestian that defected from Cyrene, joined Hashan, raided the city, killed your own people, and then returned. Yes. Your loyalty to Cyrene is impressive. Your dedication to our safety is so stalwart. So unwavering.

I'm clapping. Let me laud your praises. How did we ever survive without the likes of -you- and yours in our lives? How did we endure the wrath of the world when it is your shoulders we stand on?

If half of you put all this energy into action, rather than trying to berate the rest of us for not living up to your standards. Then by all that is holy the other Cities would be trembling.

They would be shaking. Truly.

They would be at your magnificent mercy.

You can't see it as I'm penning this, but I'm gesturing in the direction of Ashtan, and over there I'm gesturing toward Eleusis.

Why don't you put your hammer where your mouth is and have at it. Show the Chaos Court, and the forces of Nature just how powerful your Faith truly is.

Have fun. We'll wait. Show us what you're made of. Put your footmark upon the world without dragging Cyrene into your affairs. We have enough to tend to without your bolstering.

Your combusting impotency.

And if that doesn't work. If you don't get your way. Again. Why don't you abandon us once more, and lean on the strength of Hashan to get your revenge? Because from what I have seen. That, is all you are good for.

Sincerely, a lowly Cyrenian not fit to shine your boots,
Jinos Inficio-Tiercel.

Penned by my hand on the 10th of Aeguary, in the year 853 AF.

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Public News Post #21024


Written by: Judge Jinos Inficio-Tiercel
Date: Friday, March 5th, 2021
Addressed to: Sentry Kriex Odule, Marshal of Lord Phaestus

Oh. It's you. The Phaestian that defected from Cyrene, joined Hashan, raided the city, killed your own people, and then returned. Yes. Your loyalty to Cyrene is impressive. Your dedication to our safety is so stalwart. So unwavering.

I'm clapping. Let me laud your praises. How did we ever survive without the likes of -you- and yours in our lives? How did we endure the wrath of the world when it is your shoulders we stand on?

If half of you put all this energy into action, rather than trying to berate the rest of us for not living up to your standards. Then by all that is holy the other Cities would be trembling.

They would be shaking. Truly.

They would be at your magnificent mercy.

You can't see it as I'm penning this, but I'm gesturing in the direction of Ashtan, and over there I'm gesturing toward Eleusis.

Why don't you put your hammer where your mouth is and have at it. Show the Chaos Court, and the forces of Nature just how powerful your Faith truly is.

Have fun. We'll wait. Show us what you're made of. Put your footmark upon the world without dragging Cyrene into your affairs. We have enough to tend to without your bolstering.

Your combusting impotency.

And if that doesn't work. If you don't get your way. Again. Why don't you abandon us once more, and lean on the strength of Hashan to get your revenge? Because from what I have seen. That, is all you are good for.

Sincerely, a lowly Cyrenian not fit to shine your boots,
Jinos Inficio-Tiercel.

Penned by my hand on the 10th of Aeguary, in the year 853 AF.

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