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Public News Post #20878

Lessons On Good

Written by: Silas Maynard
Date: Monday, November 23rd, 2020
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

Citizens of Targossas,

I last wrote to you all five years ago, when I asked how many more sacrifices you would tolerate before you demanded answers of those who claim to lead you.

It seems that I have my answer. As you all continue to sit idly by and allow the Dawnlord to run roughshod over the very nature of Good, the people who are actually standing up and fighting against the roving hordes of Evil and the twisting machinations of Darkness are being declared your enemies.

You should all be ashamed.

History has a way of repeating itself, but I never thought that I would see Targossas, built as a true beacon of hope for all servants of Good and Creation, sink to the same fate as Shallam. Pointless infighting has once more become the order of the day, as you stand idly by and watch true servants of Good slain in their droves by Sartan's legions, and when the dust settled came the command from the Dawnlord that they disband and bend the knee or be declared enemies of Targossas.

When I learned that the Lightbringer had actually and unabashedly abandoned Truth I thought that would be the nadir for you all, but it appears that there remains depths for you to plumb. I was still surprised, though, to learn that you hardened warriors of the Bloodsworn would embrace such cravenness, abhorred of the idea that actions against Evil might disrupt the safety of your streets.

How desperately sad it is to see Their city sunk so low.

Shallam was taught a costly lesson, and it is one that Targossas once took to heart. It appears, though, that you have forgotten yourselves again. It would behoove you all to remember that Good existed long before Targossas, and long even before the Bloodsworn Themselves. It will continue to exist long after Targossas has followed Shallam into the sea, with or without Their stewardship.

Good was spawned by Creation itself to ensure the continued advancement and prosperity of Creation. It does not need Targossas, like it did not need Shallam, and it does not need the Bloodsworn, just as it did not need the Te'serra. If you are unwilling to fulfil your duties to Good, others will be brought forth to do so in your stead. It is ironic that your Dawnlord speaks of heresy when she has so clearly failed to even understand the immutable force that she claims to serve.

When will you demand better?

In service,

Silas Maynard de l'Evanoir

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Sarapin, in the year 845 AF.

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Public News Post #20878

Lessons On Good

Written by: Silas Maynard
Date: Monday, November 23rd, 2020
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

Citizens of Targossas,

I last wrote to you all five years ago, when I asked how many more sacrifices you would tolerate before you demanded answers of those who claim to lead you.

It seems that I have my answer. As you all continue to sit idly by and allow the Dawnlord to run roughshod over the very nature of Good, the people who are actually standing up and fighting against the roving hordes of Evil and the twisting machinations of Darkness are being declared your enemies.

You should all be ashamed.

History has a way of repeating itself, but I never thought that I would see Targossas, built as a true beacon of hope for all servants of Good and Creation, sink to the same fate as Shallam. Pointless infighting has once more become the order of the day, as you stand idly by and watch true servants of Good slain in their droves by Sartan's legions, and when the dust settled came the command from the Dawnlord that they disband and bend the knee or be declared enemies of Targossas.

When I learned that the Lightbringer had actually and unabashedly abandoned Truth I thought that would be the nadir for you all, but it appears that there remains depths for you to plumb. I was still surprised, though, to learn that you hardened warriors of the Bloodsworn would embrace such cravenness, abhorred of the idea that actions against Evil might disrupt the safety of your streets.

How desperately sad it is to see Their city sunk so low.

Shallam was taught a costly lesson, and it is one that Targossas once took to heart. It appears, though, that you have forgotten yourselves again. It would behoove you all to remember that Good existed long before Targossas, and long even before the Bloodsworn Themselves. It will continue to exist long after Targossas has followed Shallam into the sea, with or without Their stewardship.

Good was spawned by Creation itself to ensure the continued advancement and prosperity of Creation. It does not need Targossas, like it did not need Shallam, and it does not need the Bloodsworn, just as it did not need the Te'serra. If you are unwilling to fulfil your duties to Good, others will be brought forth to do so in your stead. It is ironic that your Dawnlord speaks of heresy when she has so clearly failed to even understand the immutable force that she claims to serve.

When will you demand better?

In service,

Silas Maynard de l'Evanoir

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Sarapin, in the year 845 AF.

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