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Public News Post #3607


Written by: Brother Thaulan, Devil's Advocate
Date: Sunday, January 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: Starstruck Kyasha, Lost Soul

Starstruck Kyasha,
An interesting interpretation, since you started from a definition
and then immediately backpedalled away from the definition.
Let's try again:
excommunicate - To cut off from communion or membership, esp. from
a church

Is Dalamar cut off from membership of the Church? You say yes.

Dalamar, you mention the first paragraph of the Treaty... (shake)
This "cessation" you seek... this is why you jumped me as I brought
a newbie to North of Thera, correct? Because you so wanted to bring
a cessation of hostilities? And when I left NoT after your first
attack, taking my young friend with me, and so it was obvious that
I was not intending to fight you then, it was this desire for no more
hostilities that drove you to pursue me and kill me, correct?

Just checking.

I ask the Church? Is this the actions of an honourable man, a devout
man, a man who deserves the support and favour of the Church? I am
still unclear on what the Church stands for, but from what I have
gathered from Church members that I *do* have respect for, this is
not it.

Some may claim that Dalamar is not a member of the Church, but as
long as the Church provides him with succour and power, why should
any of us believe that. It seems obvious that the only things that
he lost by "leaving" the Church was responsibility and dignity.
Since he showed neither of these before..

Brother Thaulan, Devil's Advocate

Penned by my hand on the 6th of Phaestian, in the year 237 AF.

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Public News Post #3607


Written by: Brother Thaulan, Devil's Advocate
Date: Sunday, January 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: Starstruck Kyasha, Lost Soul

Starstruck Kyasha,
An interesting interpretation, since you started from a definition
and then immediately backpedalled away from the definition.
Let's try again:
excommunicate - To cut off from communion or membership, esp. from
a church

Is Dalamar cut off from membership of the Church? You say yes.

Dalamar, you mention the first paragraph of the Treaty... (shake)
This "cessation" you seek... this is why you jumped me as I brought
a newbie to North of Thera, correct? Because you so wanted to bring
a cessation of hostilities? And when I left NoT after your first
attack, taking my young friend with me, and so it was obvious that
I was not intending to fight you then, it was this desire for no more
hostilities that drove you to pursue me and kill me, correct?

Just checking.

I ask the Church? Is this the actions of an honourable man, a devout
man, a man who deserves the support and favour of the Church? I am
still unclear on what the Church stands for, but from what I have
gathered from Church members that I *do* have respect for, this is
not it.

Some may claim that Dalamar is not a member of the Church, but as
long as the Church provides him with succour and power, why should
any of us believe that. It seems obvious that the only things that
he lost by "leaving" the Church was responsibility and dignity.
Since he showed neither of these before..

Brother Thaulan, Devil's Advocate

Penned by my hand on the 6th of Phaestian, in the year 237 AF.

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