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Public News Post #3583

Treaties and Warnings

Written by: Ophidian Lokelinde Elentari Danial, Lady of Hashan
Date: Saturday, January 1st, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone

Although the agreement to which the city-states are signatory makes no
specific provision therefor, it would seem that mere common sense dictates
that the "warnings" mentioned in previous postings should be both public AND
official. If an individual is considered to be in violation of the terms, then
he or she should have benefit of public record of warning being given. Else, any
might claim that he or she had given any number of warnings to the alleged
perpetrator. Further, does it not seem reasonable that these "warnings" have
some sembelance of authority behind them? Since the issue to be decided is
enemy status within the city-states, it would seem appropriate that public
posting of warning given should be made by city officials, although nothing should
preclude, for instance, a guild leader making record of the fact that one of his
or her own had received warning.

On the issue of number of warnings. It was, and is, my understanding that
punishment was to be meted on the occassion of violation AFTER the required
number of warnings.

Elentari Danial, Seneschal of Hashan

Penned by my hand on the 11th of Lupar, in the year 237 AF.

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Public News Post #3583

Treaties and Warnings

Written by: Ophidian Lokelinde Elentari Danial, Lady of Hashan
Date: Saturday, January 1st, 2000
Addressed to: Everyone

Although the agreement to which the city-states are signatory makes no
specific provision therefor, it would seem that mere common sense dictates
that the "warnings" mentioned in previous postings should be both public AND
official. If an individual is considered to be in violation of the terms, then
he or she should have benefit of public record of warning being given. Else, any
might claim that he or she had given any number of warnings to the alleged
perpetrator. Further, does it not seem reasonable that these "warnings" have
some sembelance of authority behind them? Since the issue to be decided is
enemy status within the city-states, it would seem appropriate that public
posting of warning given should be made by city officials, although nothing should
preclude, for instance, a guild leader making record of the fact that one of his
or her own had received warning.

On the issue of number of warnings. It was, and is, my understanding that
punishment was to be meted on the occassion of violation AFTER the required
number of warnings.

Elentari Danial, Seneschal of Hashan

Penned by my hand on the 11th of Lupar, in the year 237 AF.

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