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Public News Post #3565


Written by: Dalamar
Date: Thursday, December 30th, 1999
Addressed to: Shub Niggurath, of the Valaraukar

I find your post quite entertaining

Yet, if I am such a small and futile waste of space who serves no purpose, why then, do you run when I enter the room? I do believe you hold the record for the fastest time from the Keep of Belledona to Hashan to Ashtan.

I one so small as I makes you jump, what do you do when someone of "importance" walks in?

--To everyone--

Yes, I convocated Element, Vexlore, and Isamu into shallam. The others Khejian, and Malaclypse were accidents when I was summoning Cooper, who asked to be convoked.

I convoced them to Shallam with the intention of slaying them, which indeed I did. All three have broken then , treaty. rejected the treaty, Vexlore with total lack of language kindly said " **** the treaty" and Element is a kharon monk so he doesn't acknowledge the treaty despite the fact he likes to defile azdun shrines. and our Honourable Isamu, who has a defiling habit (which included 3 separate azdun shrines). All 3, in some way or another broke or rejected the treaty, therefore making themselves subject to a just convocation and quick slaying

And if I must be enemied from all three cities to show the world how firmly I believe in my ideals, then my enemying is well worth it.


Penned by my hand on the 1st of Ero, in the year 237 AF.

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Public News Post #3565


Written by: Dalamar
Date: Thursday, December 30th, 1999
Addressed to: Shub Niggurath, of the Valaraukar

I find your post quite entertaining

Yet, if I am such a small and futile waste of space who serves no purpose, why then, do you run when I enter the room? I do believe you hold the record for the fastest time from the Keep of Belledona to Hashan to Ashtan.

I one so small as I makes you jump, what do you do when someone of "importance" walks in?

--To everyone--

Yes, I convocated Element, Vexlore, and Isamu into shallam. The others Khejian, and Malaclypse were accidents when I was summoning Cooper, who asked to be convoked.

I convoced them to Shallam with the intention of slaying them, which indeed I did. All three have broken then , treaty. rejected the treaty, Vexlore with total lack of language kindly said " **** the treaty" and Element is a kharon monk so he doesn't acknowledge the treaty despite the fact he likes to defile azdun shrines. and our Honourable Isamu, who has a defiling habit (which included 3 separate azdun shrines). All 3, in some way or another broke or rejected the treaty, therefore making themselves subject to a just convocation and quick slaying

And if I must be enemied from all three cities to show the world how firmly I believe in my ideals, then my enemying is well worth it.


Penned by my hand on the 1st of Ero, in the year 237 AF.

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