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Public News Post #3556

re Dalamar and Shallam

Written by: Ophidian Lokelinde Elentari Danial, Lady of Hashan
Date: Wednesday, December 29th, 1999
Addressed to: Everyone

Ordinarily it is the duty of Hashan's Ambassador to post publicly
regarding our position on events on the continent. However, I have
become aware of a situation of such gravity that I am moved to
comment upon it personally.

We, of Hashan, are appalled that the edict of a reigning Sultan,
made in good faith and in accordance with a legal treaty, has been
so callously disregarded and overturned by forces apparently hostile
to his leadership, and with obvious disregard for the safety of not only
the inhabitants of Sapience at large, but that of the citizens and city
within which they reside.

Being signatory to that same treaty, we are now forced to ponder and
reconsider our perceptions of the calibre and good faith of those with
whom we are co-signators. If this is how matters of state are handled within
the walls of the "Jewel of the East," then what assurances have any
of the rest of us that Shallam's words and stated intentions may not shift
and transmogify before the ink of any treaty has even dried?

Further, as though it were not enough that Shallam's Sultan must be
made to appear as a lion without teeth before all of Sapience by their
insolence and insubordination, this cadre now seeks to remove their leader
during a critical time when prudence and responsibility to the greater good
of their fellow citizens might serve them better.

Ware, Shallam. . .ware of those in your midst who would throw you
you into disorder for their own selfish ends. For our part, be assured
that Hashan watches these developments with more than a passing

Elentari Danial, Seneschal of Hashan

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Scarlatan, in the year 237 AF.

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Public News Post #3556

re Dalamar and Shallam

Written by: Ophidian Lokelinde Elentari Danial, Lady of Hashan
Date: Wednesday, December 29th, 1999
Addressed to: Everyone

Ordinarily it is the duty of Hashan's Ambassador to post publicly
regarding our position on events on the continent. However, I have
become aware of a situation of such gravity that I am moved to
comment upon it personally.

We, of Hashan, are appalled that the edict of a reigning Sultan,
made in good faith and in accordance with a legal treaty, has been
so callously disregarded and overturned by forces apparently hostile
to his leadership, and with obvious disregard for the safety of not only
the inhabitants of Sapience at large, but that of the citizens and city
within which they reside.

Being signatory to that same treaty, we are now forced to ponder and
reconsider our perceptions of the calibre and good faith of those with
whom we are co-signators. If this is how matters of state are handled within
the walls of the "Jewel of the East," then what assurances have any
of the rest of us that Shallam's words and stated intentions may not shift
and transmogify before the ink of any treaty has even dried?

Further, as though it were not enough that Shallam's Sultan must be
made to appear as a lion without teeth before all of Sapience by their
insolence and insubordination, this cadre now seeks to remove their leader
during a critical time when prudence and responsibility to the greater good
of their fellow citizens might serve them better.

Ware, Shallam. . .ware of those in your midst who would throw you
you into disorder for their own selfish ends. For our part, be assured
that Hashan watches these developments with more than a passing

Elentari Danial, Seneschal of Hashan

Penned by my hand on the 16th of Scarlatan, in the year 237 AF.

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