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Public News Post #21575

History and You

Written by: Eoka Nithilar-Tarxun, Prickly in Pink
Date: Sunday, April 30th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

To Elyon, Aerek, and apparently the realm at large,

A refresher on what exactly Chaos is and how it affects Creation would do all of you a great deal of good. Additionally, remember that Nihilism, Chaos, and the political sphere of Ashtan are in fact very different things. The Archon Ascendant is quite miffed that everyone assumes he's a filthy Cultist before even shaking his hand.

And no, I'm not going to give you the refresher over public boards. Pick up a book. Or steal one I suppose, if your name is Elyon. Or maybe even ask one of the many capable Ashtani scholars privately, if the thought of seeking knowledge through reasonable means does not make you quiver with fear like a humgii dropped into the Lupine Hunting Grounds.

In service,
Eoka Nithilar-Tarxun, Priestess of Ruin

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Sarapin, in the year 916 AF.

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Public News Post #21575

History and You

Written by: Eoka Nithilar-Tarxun, Prickly in Pink
Date: Sunday, April 30th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

To Elyon, Aerek, and apparently the realm at large,

A refresher on what exactly Chaos is and how it affects Creation would do all of you a great deal of good. Additionally, remember that Nihilism, Chaos, and the political sphere of Ashtan are in fact very different things. The Archon Ascendant is quite miffed that everyone assumes he's a filthy Cultist before even shaking his hand.

And no, I'm not going to give you the refresher over public boards. Pick up a book. Or steal one I suppose, if your name is Elyon. Or maybe even ask one of the many capable Ashtani scholars privately, if the thought of seeking knowledge through reasonable means does not make you quiver with fear like a humgii dropped into the Lupine Hunting Grounds.

In service,
Eoka Nithilar-Tarxun, Priestess of Ruin

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Sarapin, in the year 916 AF.

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