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Public News Post #21573

A View of the Beginning, and of the End

Written by: Ser Aerek Ancyrion, Knight Arbiter
Date: Sunday, April 30th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

In the beginning, Ayar created something out of nothing.

In eons since, this has caused the ire of countless immortals and mortals alike, and the wisdom of this act could be debated. But what can be said as fact is that Ayar erected barriers between His Creation and Chaos, never the two should meet. Alas, these could not stop the coming of the Unnamable, the foolish choice to let the progeny of the Unnamable live, and the subsequent arrival of Entropy and Discord to Ayar's Order. Perhaps this was inevitable, perhaps not, but what can be said as fact is that the barriers that separate our world from Chaos have weakened, and where the two touch, the Weave of reality is unravelled.

Theories abound on the role of Chaos in Ayar's intentions. Perhaps it is a necessary part of the design, an equal and opposite force to His Creation. Perhaps it is a byproduct of it, arising when such great works are willed to existence. Perhaps it is the result when the edges of Ayar's Order react violently with the antithetical, unfathomable Void. But the Jade Empress teaches the Samatha: the balance long ago disrupted, the canvas set to smoulder away, there will come a day that Creation is returned to nothingness.

Perhaps this is part of Ayar's design, perhaps not. But what can be said as fact is that gods and mortals have agency in this contest. We of the Samatha choose to oppose it, to mend what is made broken, to draw out the great unweaving as long as we may. We find it logical for life to endeavour to continue living. But with that most divine gift, free will, others may choose a different path and embrace what is inevitable. This, too, we find logical in its own way.

And so we see Chaos as the harbinger of Oblivion, that undeniable end. Not at odds but in tandem, we see that some work to advance them. But as we resolve to preserve Creation until we are unmade, we infer that many other Sapients embrace that cause in kind, and shall not go gently into that good night.

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Sarapin, in the year 916 AF.

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Public News Post #21573

A View of the Beginning, and of the End

Written by: Ser Aerek Ancyrion, Knight Arbiter
Date: Sunday, April 30th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

In the beginning, Ayar created something out of nothing.

In eons since, this has caused the ire of countless immortals and mortals alike, and the wisdom of this act could be debated. But what can be said as fact is that Ayar erected barriers between His Creation and Chaos, never the two should meet. Alas, these could not stop the coming of the Unnamable, the foolish choice to let the progeny of the Unnamable live, and the subsequent arrival of Entropy and Discord to Ayar's Order. Perhaps this was inevitable, perhaps not, but what can be said as fact is that the barriers that separate our world from Chaos have weakened, and where the two touch, the Weave of reality is unravelled.

Theories abound on the role of Chaos in Ayar's intentions. Perhaps it is a necessary part of the design, an equal and opposite force to His Creation. Perhaps it is a byproduct of it, arising when such great works are willed to existence. Perhaps it is the result when the edges of Ayar's Order react violently with the antithetical, unfathomable Void. But the Jade Empress teaches the Samatha: the balance long ago disrupted, the canvas set to smoulder away, there will come a day that Creation is returned to nothingness.

Perhaps this is part of Ayar's design, perhaps not. But what can be said as fact is that gods and mortals have agency in this contest. We of the Samatha choose to oppose it, to mend what is made broken, to draw out the great unweaving as long as we may. We find it logical for life to endeavour to continue living. But with that most divine gift, free will, others may choose a different path and embrace what is inevitable. This, too, we find logical in its own way.

And so we see Chaos as the harbinger of Oblivion, that undeniable end. Not at odds but in tandem, we see that some work to advance them. But as we resolve to preserve Creation until we are unmade, we infer that many other Sapients embrace that cause in kind, and shall not go gently into that good night.

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Sarapin, in the year 916 AF.

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