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Public News Post #21395

Outrider Order Lectures - Prythe on Pandora

Written by: Ambassador Clodhna A. Evenstar, the Black Lily
Date: Friday, June 3rd, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone

Prythe, "So."

Prythe, "First of all, I have zero intention of lecturing."

Prythe, "That's not my style, and frankly it's fairly boring."

Prythe, "And if there is one thing that Pandora is clear about - don't be boring."

Prythe, "THAT said...."

Prythe, "On the count of three, I want each of you to say one word which you feel summarizes Pandora and/or Her realm."

Prythe, "One."

Prythe, "Two."

Prythe, "Three."

Clodhna, "Selfishness."

Imyrr, "Pandora."

Ulvin, "Pandora."

Addi, "Alone."

Himari, "Fun!"

Sleepharius, "Pandora."

Mazal, "Trickster."

Auria, "Wibllywobbly."

Ereia, "Irritating."

Roenalia, "Unpredictable."

Prythe, "There are more of you here than taht, are you choosing not to answer or are you, as Pandora might enquire, 'Dull'"

Prythe, "So each of you who answered, you used one word, as I had requested."

Prythe, "If the same request had been made of me."

Liena, "I've gotten enemied for speaking, so I'll be quiet this time."

Prythe to Liena, "You are free to speak in this assembly."

Prythe, "As I was saying."

Liena, "Then the word is invader."

Prythe, "If the same request had been made of me, I would have thought about it, and realized that one word would not work, and then I would have used as many words as I felt I needed and wanted to use."

Addi, "I shoulda said Hodge Podge."

Prythe, "And that my friends, and assorted trouble makers, is the essence of Pandora."

Imyrr says to Addi in a silvery, mellifluous voice, "No. No you shouldn't have."

Prythe, "And trouble makers was not about Pandora, but about my good friend the cow pipe hater."

Prythe, "Many of you are old, very old."

Prythe, "And you remember a Pandora from a long long time ago."

Prythe, "Who here is more than 500 years of age?"

Prythe, "How about more than 400?"

Prythe, "300?"

Prythe, "Y'all are deciding en masse to ignore me!"

Himari, "I will never reveal this treasured information.."

Prythe, "I almost honour that!"

Clodhna, "I haven't been!"

Prythe, "Dame Mayapple."

Clodhna, "I've just been, you know, lying."

Prythe to Mayapple, "Would you kindly describe the Pandora you remember of your youth?"

Mayapple, "She got me into a lot of trouble!"

Prythe, "Do tell, if you don't mind?"

Clodhna to Mayapple, "As I hear it, from you, you got y ourself into a lot of trouble."

Prythe to Shirszae, "While Mayapple is thinking, I am going to ask you that same question next, if you won't mind sharing your recollections."

Mayapple, "Well, true, I got myself into a lot of trouble, because She was rather adorable and She liked things that were exciting or made a good story, and that usually involved people getting into bad situations."

Prythe to Shirszae, "What is your recollection of the younger Pandora?"

Prythe to Imyrr, "I am not sure Shirszae is able to respond, woudl you like to share your recollections from your youth?"

Shirszae to Prythe, "...I am afraid I do not remember much of Her from back then. I am not sure whether She was paying attention to this plane or not."

Prythe, "Understood."

Prythe, "Imyrr?"

Imyrr, "Mind bogglingly stupid."

Prythe, "Childish, no?"

Imyrr, "That, too."

Prythe, "Who here was present at Pandora's 'coming out party'"

Shirszae, "...I was."

Prythe, "It is recorded in the news if you're interested."

Addi, "Told Them to get bent!"

Prythe, "Did any of you find her 'silly' or 'childish' then?"

Addi, "Nope."

Prythe, "It seems to me that She had come into Her own, and felt Her destiny was Her own."

Addi, "She wanted to tread Her own path, not the one laid out for Her."

Prythe, "Horrible, isn't it?"

Addi, "Hell no."

Himari, "..No?"

Prythe, "Figure out who and what you are, and then make a path of your own towards being the best version of that you can be."

Prythe, "So I have another question for all of you."

Prythe, "Self determination, setting one's own path, reaching goals."

Prythe, "What the heck is so scary and 'Oh no! Pandora is horrible' about that! Hands please, not blurting."

Prythe to Himari, "Yes, Himari?"

Addi, "Pick me!"

Himari, "That isn't the scary part - the scary part is her cursed rubble that never clears.."

Prythe to Himari, "The Rubble of Hashan?"

Prythe, "Didn't She award Hashan a prize?"

Prythe, "What did Hashan do with that Prize?"

Himari, "Ignore it mostly.."

Prythe, "I can see where that might annoy a Divine."

Prythe, "And can you tell us why She provided Hashan the gift of rubble?"

Himari, "We blew up the statue of a traitor."

Addi, "Every day becomes leg day!"

Prythe, "Which was the gift she had given, no?"

Himari, "A curse.."

Prythe, "I'm just trying to get my facts straight here."

Prythe, "It's the only thing I do straight."

Prythe to Addi, "You had your hand up, your turn."

Addi, "Ah right."

Addi, "They are scared of freedom...even when they dont realize true "freedom" doesnt exist anyways."

Prythe, "Anybody else care to suggest why folks may be "OMG Scary Pandora!" about the new mature version?"

Shirszae, "...Its not so much scary as annoying."

Prythe, "How so, Shirszae?"

Addi, "I find it refreshin."

Prythe, "By the way, I'm not here to argue or debate, but to share thoughts and perhaps perspectives."

Shirszae, "...She comes across as extraordinarily petty, more so than most other Divines. She espouses the idea that people ought make their own decisions, but also seems to take special delight in stamping anyone who does so."

Shirszae, "...She has also stolen twice from my Lord."

Imyrr, "Call it an early inheritance."

Prythe, "The Lord Aegis, no?"

Prythe, "They have an interesting, and long, relationship indeed."

Prythe, "Anybody else have thoughts about why so many seem to ... find Pandora annoying or scary?"

Prythe, "Hands please."

Prythe to Clodhna, "Yes?"

Imyrr, "Given Pandora's history, I'm still not sure a show of hands is in good taste."

Clodhna, "People don't like the idea of someone being encouraged to think for themselves, especially if it means devoting themselves to there own identity."

Prythe, "THAT was funny."

Clodhna, "In general, people want you to be who they think you should be, want you to think the way they think you ought to."

Prythe, "I find that a good point, Clodhna. Yet you earlier said She was selfish. Maybe this would be a good time for me to ask you what you meant."

Clodhna, "Someone who intentionally goes out of Her way to do whatever she feels like regardless of what others think, defies that constantly."

Clodhna, "Absolutely!"

Prythe, "Interesting. And I can see the point. Folks like you and me will take into account others more than ... well ... any Divine, frankly."

Prythe, "But that's another topic entirely."

Prythe, "Himari, you haven't had a chance yet. Your thought?"

Clodhna, "So the one core thing that I've always felt, is that the most important thing anyone in this world can do, is decide who they want to be, and put every ounce of themselves into becoming that person. So to answer your question."

Himari, "Shes the antithesis to conformity and zealotry!"

Prythe, "Sorry. Himari, one moment."

Clodhna, "She's Selfish, because that's how you describe a person who always puts themselves first. That shouldn't always be a bad thing."

Himari, "Too late.."

Prythe, "I didn't realize Clodhna was so long-winded."

Clodhna to Prythe, "Yes you did."

Clodhna, "You've read my reports!"

Addi to Prythe, "May I add one last thing?"

Prythe to Himari, "Repeat what you said, I think it bears attention."

Prythe to Addi, "In a few, I promise."

Himari, "Shes the antithesis to conformity and zealotry!"

Prythe, "Addi, your one more thing?"

Prythe, "By the way, I think Himari hit the nail right on the hand, uh, head."

Prythe, "We seem to have lost Addi for a moment."

Prythe, "Liena, why do you think people are 'OMG Pandora! Scary Horrible!'"

Addi, "For those of you who find Her actions petty... doing so, and complaining about Her make your whines more petty."

Liena, "As much as I don't like how the question is worded, I think your goddess proved a point."

Liena, "The Wayward Heir made it abundantly clear that as mortals we can do little to nothing against a god if we do not have Divine assistance ourselves. What are mortals against a goddess who will say "This is mine now.""

Addi, "Quit bitchin and be the change."

Prythe to Liena, "You make a good point."

Prythe, "Indeed, I have found that through all my years."

Prythe, "It is hard to stand up to a Divine and say 'No'"

Prythe, "I have done it more than once."

Prythe, "And suffered for it."

Prythe, "But well worth it every time. For my honour and integrity is worth more to me than Their approval."

Prythe to Ereia, "You had a thought?"

Prythe, "Go ahead, please."

Clodhna, "So impatient!"

Ereia, "One being doesn't exist in a vacuum, so the idea of carving your own path and placing yourself first, especially one with Divine power seems horridly destructive to how our world operates. Everything in existence is a victim of the actions and reactions of others as that's how we mold ourselves. Doing so and carving your own path by stepping on the paths of others is, at best, irresponsible."

Prythe, "Certainly true. I guess we can thank the everything that Pandora is not a zealot for anything other than Her own amusement."

Himari, "Could be worse things to zealot for."

Prythe, "Now, I imagine folks have questions for me, and I will let Clodhna keep the queue... also, before I forget, if you'd like to learn more you may always reach out to me directly, and we might discuss. We have loads of folks who are part of the 'not Her Order' who learn and laugh and blah blah yadda yadda."

Prythe, "Send Clodhna a Tell to get in the Queue."

Liena to Himari, "I have never met you before in my life, but if you have questions or issues with my faith, I would love to share about it at a later date."

Clodhna, "I had a question but I forgot it, so we'll move on to Himari! If you have a question, please reach out in a tell!"

Prythe, "Indeed. This is about Pandora. Anybody wishing to discuss the antics of other Divine or belief sets may do it on not Prythe's time."

Prythe to Clodhna, "Anybody?"

Himari, "Hi! My question is how do people join?"

Prythe, "Or did I put them all to sleep."

Prythe, "Oh."

Clodhna, "I have people in the queue, you're just not listening."

Prythe to Himari, "Well, folks need to reach out to me or any other known member of the Order. I ask a bunch of questions, much like this. And decide whether you might have what it takes."

Imyrr, "Complaints go to Kinilan."

Prythe, "We are not an Order like others where you have to subscribe to a belief set, or perform tasks."

Prythe, "Yes, all complaints to Kinilan."

Clodhna, "It's a good way to get the will of others overturned."

Himari, "Poor Kinilan."

Clodhna, "Liena, you're up next."

Liena, "Thank you."

Clodhna, "And again, if you want ot be added to the queue, send me a tell."

Liena, "I want to circle back to ugh, scary Pandora question."

Prythe, "Okay. At least nobody is calling Her 'Mischief' any more."

Prythe to Liena, "I'm still supposed to not let anybody know you're in Her Order, right?"

Liena, "Another facet of people who dislike Her is that She is closely related to the forces of Chaos. She is half of Eris' blood, if that's a thing for Divine families. She also patrons the Seat of Chaos. Her desire to cause disorder within Creation, if that's the best way to put it, makes Her a threat to those who wish to safeguard what we've been blessed with in our lives."

Prythe to Liena, "That's not a question."

Liena, "To clodna speak up, ambassador."

Prythe, "That's a statement, and a false one."

Clodhna, "That's not a question, it's a - yeah."

Auria to Liena, "Are you asking a question or proselytizing?"

Prythe to Clodhna, "Next in the queue?"

Addi, "Anybody want a puppy?"

Clodhna, "I put myself back in hoping I'd remember."

Clodhna, "I did not."

Clodhna, "So that's it, unless there are any stragglers?"

Prythe, "So I have to do a closing thingie?"

Clodhna to Prythe, "Addi wants to be annoying again first."

Prythe to Addi, "Yes?"

Clodhna to Prythe, "Then yeah, talk bye words."

Liena to Prythe, "I said I was circling back to your scary pandora question, I'd like to hear a response if you believe I'm wrong. Imagine I added, what are your thoughts on this, at the end?"

Addi, "That is all."

Addi, "Meeting OVER!"

Addi to Liena, "Sorry times up."

Clodhna to Prythe, "Apparently more people want in the queue again now."

Myrddin, "So this is the learning that Cyrene has been striving for with these lectures?"

Imyrr, "I mean, there aren't any book burnings. No one expects you to get it."

Himari, "I learned a bunch."

Prythe, "I'll have a closing statement when the questions are done."

Liena to Myrddin, "I was eager to learn how Pandora isn't chaotic if She's half of Lady Eris but alas."

Myrddin says to Imyrr in a captivatingly deep voice, "I left my tinderbox at home."

Prythe, "But given a few folks seem to be ready to ... be less than honourable, I'll share those words now."

Addi, "Drop it!! Hookah time."

Prythe, "Pandora is very much misunderstood, and lied about. Frankly, that only bothers me when it might hurt a mortal. It certainly does not hurt her. Her desire is for all to be their own best selves, and true to themselves. I can think of no more honourable way to live. If you want to know more, or perhaps get to know Her better, feel free to seek me out."

Himari, "That isn't true, I saw that rebounding aura!"

Imyrr says to Liena in a silvery, mellifluous voice, "I do suggest you ask Pandora directly about being half of Eris."

Imyrr, "And let me know ahead of time so I can be sure to watch."

Addi, "Read Fragments while sippin ale."

Liena to Imyrr, "Is She still taking appointments for a price?"

Prythe to Imyrr, "She's not interested in facts. She is new to 'Good' and ... is trying to make an impression."

Prythe to Clodhna, "Anybody else?"

Clodhna, "Yes, allowing members of Orders to share information about their Divine in whatever format they choose, that is in fact, what these lectures have always been about. I'm sorry that's been so hard for some of you to understand, but well, that's on you."

Clodhna to Prythe, "Yep!"

Clodhna to Ereia, "You're up!"

Clodhna to Prythe, "Your favourite Squire."

Myrddin to Clodhna, "How disappointing."

Ereia, "For my own curiosity."

Prythe, "Oh? Zadkiel is here?"

You say to Myrddin in a smoky contralto voice, "Yes, but I'm sure in time you'll figure it out."

Imyrr says to Liena in a silvery, mellifluous voice, "She hasn't set up a pergola, but you can always ask."

Ereia, "Would you propose a counterpoint to the declaration that Lady Pandora is one of Chaos and distorts Creation?"

Liena to Imyrr, "Maybe if She opens up another Pergola, I'll pay a visit and ask. It went well the last time I did."

Prythe, "Of course. She is Patron of Ashtan. Not all of Ashtan are of Chaos. Not all of Chaos are of Ashtan. Taht goes for their Patron as well. Self Determination is the very essence of Creation, in all its forms."

Prythe to Ereia, "Does that help?"

Clodhna, "Not every city is a Theocracy after all. Our Patron certainly doesn't embody all that we do."

Prythe, "Apparently I cannot say the word 'that' today."

Prythe, "Frankly, I find the Lady Lorielan and Pandora's realms to be quite similar."

Imyrr says to you in a silvery, mellifluous voice, "A good thing, really. You'd all be binding grieving women to eternal servitude."

Prythe, "They rebuff bad logic and foolish mortals."

Himari to Imyrr, "I'd ask for context but it sounds horrible!"

Imyrr says to Himari in a silvery, mellifluous voice, "Lorielan is that, yes."

Prythe to Clodhna, "Next?"

Ereia to Prythe, "Could you expand outside of Her Patronage to Ashtan? Despite the fact that not all Ashtani are chaos-focused, She does have history with it."

Prythe to Ereia, "When She returned after Her travels, she had her 'coming out' party so to speak. Her Lord Father said, "Take Your place by My side.""

Prythe, "She said, "Flock no!""

Prythe, "I think that made it fairly clear."

PPrythe to Ereia, "That help?"

Ereia to Prythe, "In the case of not dragging this on, yes thank you."

Clodhna to Ereia, "We've tossed theology and philosophy back and forth enough that you know the similarities between their philosophies. Pandora doesn't have an associated realm, she doesn't have an agenda, she barely has an opinion on what any of us do so long as it's interesting. If Creation can be accidentally unraveled because someone isn't playing the rules, I'd say that's less her concern and more ours."

Himari, "Is flock referring to her followers, or a covert expletive?"

Prythe to Ereia, "We may continue later if you'd like."

Prythe to Himari, "Covert."

Clodhna to Prythe, "That's the end of our queue."

Ereia says to you in a sotto, emphatic voice, "Thank you."

Prythe, "Then, I am done. I am always open to speaking with anybody."

Prythe, "Thank you all for being here, and for keeping the peace as well."

Prythe, "Thank you Clodhna for putting this series together, you are amazing."

Imyrr, "Well, with no malevolent golem setting fire to things it's much easier."

Penned by my hand on the 18th of Valnuary, in the year 889 AF.

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Public News Post #21395

Outrider Order Lectures - Prythe on Pandora

Written by: Ambassador Clodhna A. Evenstar, the Black Lily
Date: Friday, June 3rd, 2022
Addressed to: Everyone

Prythe, "So."

Prythe, "First of all, I have zero intention of lecturing."

Prythe, "That's not my style, and frankly it's fairly boring."

Prythe, "And if there is one thing that Pandora is clear about - don't be boring."

Prythe, "THAT said...."

Prythe, "On the count of three, I want each of you to say one word which you feel summarizes Pandora and/or Her realm."

Prythe, "One."

Prythe, "Two."

Prythe, "Three."

Clodhna, "Selfishness."

Imyrr, "Pandora."

Ulvin, "Pandora."

Addi, "Alone."

Himari, "Fun!"

Sleepharius, "Pandora."

Mazal, "Trickster."

Auria, "Wibllywobbly."

Ereia, "Irritating."

Roenalia, "Unpredictable."

Prythe, "There are more of you here than taht, are you choosing not to answer or are you, as Pandora might enquire, 'Dull'"

Prythe, "So each of you who answered, you used one word, as I had requested."

Prythe, "If the same request had been made of me."

Liena, "I've gotten enemied for speaking, so I'll be quiet this time."

Prythe to Liena, "You are free to speak in this assembly."

Prythe, "As I was saying."

Liena, "Then the word is invader."

Prythe, "If the same request had been made of me, I would have thought about it, and realized that one word would not work, and then I would have used as many words as I felt I needed and wanted to use."

Addi, "I shoulda said Hodge Podge."

Prythe, "And that my friends, and assorted trouble makers, is the essence of Pandora."

Imyrr says to Addi in a silvery, mellifluous voice, "No. No you shouldn't have."

Prythe, "And trouble makers was not about Pandora, but about my good friend the cow pipe hater."

Prythe, "Many of you are old, very old."

Prythe, "And you remember a Pandora from a long long time ago."

Prythe, "Who here is more than 500 years of age?"

Prythe, "How about more than 400?"

Prythe, "300?"

Prythe, "Y'all are deciding en masse to ignore me!"

Himari, "I will never reveal this treasured information.."

Prythe, "I almost honour that!"

Clodhna, "I haven't been!"

Prythe, "Dame Mayapple."

Clodhna, "I've just been, you know, lying."

Prythe to Mayapple, "Would you kindly describe the Pandora you remember of your youth?"

Mayapple, "She got me into a lot of trouble!"

Prythe, "Do tell, if you don't mind?"

Clodhna to Mayapple, "As I hear it, from you, you got y ourself into a lot of trouble."

Prythe to Shirszae, "While Mayapple is thinking, I am going to ask you that same question next, if you won't mind sharing your recollections."

Mayapple, "Well, true, I got myself into a lot of trouble, because She was rather adorable and She liked things that were exciting or made a good story, and that usually involved people getting into bad situations."

Prythe to Shirszae, "What is your recollection of the younger Pandora?"

Prythe to Imyrr, "I am not sure Shirszae is able to respond, woudl you like to share your recollections from your youth?"

Shirszae to Prythe, "...I am afraid I do not remember much of Her from back then. I am not sure whether She was paying attention to this plane or not."

Prythe, "Understood."

Prythe, "Imyrr?"

Imyrr, "Mind bogglingly stupid."

Prythe, "Childish, no?"

Imyrr, "That, too."

Prythe, "Who here was present at Pandora's 'coming out party'"

Shirszae, "...I was."

Prythe, "It is recorded in the news if you're interested."

Addi, "Told Them to get bent!"

Prythe, "Did any of you find her 'silly' or 'childish' then?"

Addi, "Nope."

Prythe, "It seems to me that She had come into Her own, and felt Her destiny was Her own."

Addi, "She wanted to tread Her own path, not the one laid out for Her."

Prythe, "Horrible, isn't it?"

Addi, "Hell no."

Himari, "..No?"

Prythe, "Figure out who and what you are, and then make a path of your own towards being the best version of that you can be."

Prythe, "So I have another question for all of you."

Prythe, "Self determination, setting one's own path, reaching goals."

Prythe, "What the heck is so scary and 'Oh no! Pandora is horrible' about that! Hands please, not blurting."

Prythe to Himari, "Yes, Himari?"

Addi, "Pick me!"

Himari, "That isn't the scary part - the scary part is her cursed rubble that never clears.."

Prythe to Himari, "The Rubble of Hashan?"

Prythe, "Didn't She award Hashan a prize?"

Prythe, "What did Hashan do with that Prize?"

Himari, "Ignore it mostly.."

Prythe, "I can see where that might annoy a Divine."

Prythe, "And can you tell us why She provided Hashan the gift of rubble?"

Himari, "We blew up the statue of a traitor."

Addi, "Every day becomes leg day!"

Prythe, "Which was the gift she had given, no?"

Himari, "A curse.."

Prythe, "I'm just trying to get my facts straight here."

Prythe, "It's the only thing I do straight."

Prythe to Addi, "You had your hand up, your turn."

Addi, "Ah right."

Addi, "They are scared of freedom...even when they dont realize true "freedom" doesnt exist anyways."

Prythe, "Anybody else care to suggest why folks may be "OMG Scary Pandora!" about the new mature version?"

Shirszae, "...Its not so much scary as annoying."

Prythe, "How so, Shirszae?"

Addi, "I find it refreshin."

Prythe, "By the way, I'm not here to argue or debate, but to share thoughts and perhaps perspectives."

Shirszae, "...She comes across as extraordinarily petty, more so than most other Divines. She espouses the idea that people ought make their own decisions, but also seems to take special delight in stamping anyone who does so."

Shirszae, "...She has also stolen twice from my Lord."

Imyrr, "Call it an early inheritance."

Prythe, "The Lord Aegis, no?"

Prythe, "They have an interesting, and long, relationship indeed."

Prythe, "Anybody else have thoughts about why so many seem to ... find Pandora annoying or scary?"

Prythe, "Hands please."

Prythe to Clodhna, "Yes?"

Imyrr, "Given Pandora's history, I'm still not sure a show of hands is in good taste."

Clodhna, "People don't like the idea of someone being encouraged to think for themselves, especially if it means devoting themselves to there own identity."

Prythe, "THAT was funny."

Clodhna, "In general, people want you to be who they think you should be, want you to think the way they think you ought to."

Prythe, "I find that a good point, Clodhna. Yet you earlier said She was selfish. Maybe this would be a good time for me to ask you what you meant."

Clodhna, "Someone who intentionally goes out of Her way to do whatever she feels like regardless of what others think, defies that constantly."

Clodhna, "Absolutely!"

Prythe, "Interesting. And I can see the point. Folks like you and me will take into account others more than ... well ... any Divine, frankly."

Prythe, "But that's another topic entirely."

Prythe, "Himari, you haven't had a chance yet. Your thought?"

Clodhna, "So the one core thing that I've always felt, is that the most important thing anyone in this world can do, is decide who they want to be, and put every ounce of themselves into becoming that person. So to answer your question."

Himari, "Shes the antithesis to conformity and zealotry!"

Prythe, "Sorry. Himari, one moment."

Clodhna, "She's Selfish, because that's how you describe a person who always puts themselves first. That shouldn't always be a bad thing."

Himari, "Too late.."

Prythe, "I didn't realize Clodhna was so long-winded."

Clodhna to Prythe, "Yes you did."

Clodhna, "You've read my reports!"

Addi to Prythe, "May I add one last thing?"

Prythe to Himari, "Repeat what you said, I think it bears attention."

Prythe to Addi, "In a few, I promise."

Himari, "Shes the antithesis to conformity and zealotry!"

Prythe, "Addi, your one more thing?"

Prythe, "By the way, I think Himari hit the nail right on the hand, uh, head."

Prythe, "We seem to have lost Addi for a moment."

Prythe, "Liena, why do you think people are 'OMG Pandora! Scary Horrible!'"

Addi, "For those of you who find Her actions petty... doing so, and complaining about Her make your whines more petty."

Liena, "As much as I don't like how the question is worded, I think your goddess proved a point."

Liena, "The Wayward Heir made it abundantly clear that as mortals we can do little to nothing against a god if we do not have Divine assistance ourselves. What are mortals against a goddess who will say "This is mine now.""

Addi, "Quit bitchin and be the change."

Prythe to Liena, "You make a good point."

Prythe, "Indeed, I have found that through all my years."

Prythe, "It is hard to stand up to a Divine and say 'No'"

Prythe, "I have done it more than once."

Prythe, "And suffered for it."

Prythe, "But well worth it every time. For my honour and integrity is worth more to me than Their approval."

Prythe to Ereia, "You had a thought?"

Prythe, "Go ahead, please."

Clodhna, "So impatient!"

Ereia, "One being doesn't exist in a vacuum, so the idea of carving your own path and placing yourself first, especially one with Divine power seems horridly destructive to how our world operates. Everything in existence is a victim of the actions and reactions of others as that's how we mold ourselves. Doing so and carving your own path by stepping on the paths of others is, at best, irresponsible."

Prythe, "Certainly true. I guess we can thank the everything that Pandora is not a zealot for anything other than Her own amusement."

Himari, "Could be worse things to zealot for."

Prythe, "Now, I imagine folks have questions for me, and I will let Clodhna keep the queue... also, before I forget, if you'd like to learn more you may always reach out to me directly, and we might discuss. We have loads of folks who are part of the 'not Her Order' who learn and laugh and blah blah yadda yadda."

Prythe, "Send Clodhna a Tell to get in the Queue."

Liena to Himari, "I have never met you before in my life, but if you have questions or issues with my faith, I would love to share about it at a later date."

Clodhna, "I had a question but I forgot it, so we'll move on to Himari! If you have a question, please reach out in a tell!"

Prythe, "Indeed. This is about Pandora. Anybody wishing to discuss the antics of other Divine or belief sets may do it on not Prythe's time."

Prythe to Clodhna, "Anybody?"

Himari, "Hi! My question is how do people join?"

Prythe, "Or did I put them all to sleep."

Prythe, "Oh."

Clodhna, "I have people in the queue, you're just not listening."

Prythe to Himari, "Well, folks need to reach out to me or any other known member of the Order. I ask a bunch of questions, much like this. And decide whether you might have what it takes."

Imyrr, "Complaints go to Kinilan."

Prythe, "We are not an Order like others where you have to subscribe to a belief set, or perform tasks."

Prythe, "Yes, all complaints to Kinilan."

Clodhna, "It's a good way to get the will of others overturned."

Himari, "Poor Kinilan."

Clodhna, "Liena, you're up next."

Liena, "Thank you."

Clodhna, "And again, if you want ot be added to the queue, send me a tell."

Liena, "I want to circle back to ugh, scary Pandora question."

Prythe, "Okay. At least nobody is calling Her 'Mischief' any more."

Prythe to Liena, "I'm still supposed to not let anybody know you're in Her Order, right?"

Liena, "Another facet of people who dislike Her is that She is closely related to the forces of Chaos. She is half of Eris' blood, if that's a thing for Divine families. She also patrons the Seat of Chaos. Her desire to cause disorder within Creation, if that's the best way to put it, makes Her a threat to those who wish to safeguard what we've been blessed with in our lives."

Prythe to Liena, "That's not a question."

Liena, "To clodna speak up, ambassador."

Prythe, "That's a statement, and a false one."

Clodhna, "That's not a question, it's a - yeah."

Auria to Liena, "Are you asking a question or proselytizing?"

Prythe to Clodhna, "Next in the queue?"

Addi, "Anybody want a puppy?"

Clodhna, "I put myself back in hoping I'd remember."

Clodhna, "I did not."

Clodhna, "So that's it, unless there are any stragglers?"

Prythe, "So I have to do a closing thingie?"

Clodhna to Prythe, "Addi wants to be annoying again first."

Prythe to Addi, "Yes?"

Clodhna to Prythe, "Then yeah, talk bye words."

Liena to Prythe, "I said I was circling back to your scary pandora question, I'd like to hear a response if you believe I'm wrong. Imagine I added, what are your thoughts on this, at the end?"

Addi, "That is all."

Addi, "Meeting OVER!"

Addi to Liena, "Sorry times up."

Clodhna to Prythe, "Apparently more people want in the queue again now."

Myrddin, "So this is the learning that Cyrene has been striving for with these lectures?"

Imyrr, "I mean, there aren't any book burnings. No one expects you to get it."

Himari, "I learned a bunch."

Prythe, "I'll have a closing statement when the questions are done."

Liena to Myrddin, "I was eager to learn how Pandora isn't chaotic if She's half of Lady Eris but alas."

Myrddin says to Imyrr in a captivatingly deep voice, "I left my tinderbox at home."

Prythe, "But given a few folks seem to be ready to ... be less than honourable, I'll share those words now."

Addi, "Drop it!! Hookah time."

Prythe, "Pandora is very much misunderstood, and lied about. Frankly, that only bothers me when it might hurt a mortal. It certainly does not hurt her. Her desire is for all to be their own best selves, and true to themselves. I can think of no more honourable way to live. If you want to know more, or perhaps get to know Her better, feel free to seek me out."

Himari, "That isn't true, I saw that rebounding aura!"

Imyrr says to Liena in a silvery, mellifluous voice, "I do suggest you ask Pandora directly about being half of Eris."

Imyrr, "And let me know ahead of time so I can be sure to watch."

Addi, "Read Fragments while sippin ale."

Liena to Imyrr, "Is She still taking appointments for a price?"

Prythe to Imyrr, "She's not interested in facts. She is new to 'Good' and ... is trying to make an impression."

Prythe to Clodhna, "Anybody else?"

Clodhna, "Yes, allowing members of Orders to share information about their Divine in whatever format they choose, that is in fact, what these lectures have always been about. I'm sorry that's been so hard for some of you to understand, but well, that's on you."

Clodhna to Prythe, "Yep!"

Clodhna to Ereia, "You're up!"

Clodhna to Prythe, "Your favourite Squire."

Myrddin to Clodhna, "How disappointing."

Ereia, "For my own curiosity."

Prythe, "Oh? Zadkiel is here?"

You say to Myrddin in a smoky contralto voice, "Yes, but I'm sure in time you'll figure it out."

Imyrr says to Liena in a silvery, mellifluous voice, "She hasn't set up a pergola, but you can always ask."

Ereia, "Would you propose a counterpoint to the declaration that Lady Pandora is one of Chaos and distorts Creation?"

Liena to Imyrr, "Maybe if She opens up another Pergola, I'll pay a visit and ask. It went well the last time I did."

Prythe, "Of course. She is Patron of Ashtan. Not all of Ashtan are of Chaos. Not all of Chaos are of Ashtan. Taht goes for their Patron as well. Self Determination is the very essence of Creation, in all its forms."

Prythe to Ereia, "Does that help?"

Clodhna, "Not every city is a Theocracy after all. Our Patron certainly doesn't embody all that we do."

Prythe, "Apparently I cannot say the word 'that' today."

Prythe, "Frankly, I find the Lady Lorielan and Pandora's realms to be quite similar."

Imyrr says to you in a silvery, mellifluous voice, "A good thing, really. You'd all be binding grieving women to eternal servitude."

Prythe, "They rebuff bad logic and foolish mortals."

Himari to Imyrr, "I'd ask for context but it sounds horrible!"

Imyrr says to Himari in a silvery, mellifluous voice, "Lorielan is that, yes."

Prythe to Clodhna, "Next?"

Ereia to Prythe, "Could you expand outside of Her Patronage to Ashtan? Despite the fact that not all Ashtani are chaos-focused, She does have history with it."

Prythe to Ereia, "When She returned after Her travels, she had her 'coming out' party so to speak. Her Lord Father said, "Take Your place by My side.""

Prythe, "She said, "Flock no!""

Prythe, "I think that made it fairly clear."

PPrythe to Ereia, "That help?"

Ereia to Prythe, "In the case of not dragging this on, yes thank you."

Clodhna to Ereia, "We've tossed theology and philosophy back and forth enough that you know the similarities between their philosophies. Pandora doesn't have an associated realm, she doesn't have an agenda, she barely has an opinion on what any of us do so long as it's interesting. If Creation can be accidentally unraveled because someone isn't playing the rules, I'd say that's less her concern and more ours."

Himari, "Is flock referring to her followers, or a covert expletive?"

Prythe to Ereia, "We may continue later if you'd like."

Prythe to Himari, "Covert."

Clodhna to Prythe, "That's the end of our queue."

Ereia says to you in a sotto, emphatic voice, "Thank you."

Prythe, "Then, I am done. I am always open to speaking with anybody."

Prythe, "Thank you all for being here, and for keeping the peace as well."

Prythe, "Thank you Clodhna for putting this series together, you are amazing."

Imyrr, "Well, with no malevolent golem setting fire to things it's much easier."

Penned by my hand on the 18th of Valnuary, in the year 889 AF.

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