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Public News Post #21370

Sacrifice and Civilisation

Written by: Posie
Date: Sunday, May 22nd, 2022
Addressed to: Farrah Roualt

Greetings Owl-Quester,

Such warmth in your words, such fire and passion. It would move me if it were not all so terribly hypocritical.

Civilisation: an idea that mortals could be better, enrich their lives, progress instead of stagnate, and truly become everything they have the potential to become. The only way to destroy this idea is to destroy forever every single person who believes in it. There's a word for that, and it ain't sacrifice.

If you truly believe your own words, then live by them.

Give up currency and gold; the concept of money was born from civilisation. Turn off your attractors permanently; gold is beneath you. You do not care to pick up the gold from a foray, nor the gold that the denizens you slaughter drop. Gold does not live up to your lofty ideals.

Shut down your subdivision permanently. Housing credits built those houses; the iron and stone that you find so despicable built those houses. You would rather die than live in them. That is not who you are. You are uncivilised.

Cease mining; this harmful practice destroys nature and everything you claim to protect. Not only are mines constructed with iron and stone, you permanently alter the earth when you assault it and take, take, take from it. Recall every single squad from every single mine held by Eleusians and let them fall.

Ships are beneath you, constructed as they are by the knowledge born of civilisation, the use of iron and materials that assault and ravage nature. No, you will spend decades gathering driftwood and then you will fashion canoes with your own hands. Your canoes will be capable of carrying one other companion. You will not have a crew to row for you but you must row yourself. Your faithful canoes will take you from point A to point B and because it is so light in the water, it will not disturb sea monsters lurking beneath. But you must hope never to run into all of the ships you so blatantly sank in your big galleys because of your lofty ideals, your superiority complex. Even the windcutters you mow down with such ease would be capable of permanently sinking your canoe, and then the process must start all over again.

Do away with sigils, enchantments, conjuration, waterwalking. What care you for such trappings of civilisation?

Smelt and destroy every weapon, armour, shield, and tank; those are civilised, and beneath you.

Sacrifice? You haven't even begun to sacrifice. You know not what sacrifice is.

Do all of these, and more, truly, TRULY practice what you preach, and then you will have the respect of the world.

We will still detest you, but we will respect you.


Penned by my hand on the 9th of Lupar, in the year 888 AF.

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Public News Post #21370

Sacrifice and Civilisation

Written by: Posie
Date: Sunday, May 22nd, 2022
Addressed to: Farrah Roualt

Greetings Owl-Quester,

Such warmth in your words, such fire and passion. It would move me if it were not all so terribly hypocritical.

Civilisation: an idea that mortals could be better, enrich their lives, progress instead of stagnate, and truly become everything they have the potential to become. The only way to destroy this idea is to destroy forever every single person who believes in it. There's a word for that, and it ain't sacrifice.

If you truly believe your own words, then live by them.

Give up currency and gold; the concept of money was born from civilisation. Turn off your attractors permanently; gold is beneath you. You do not care to pick up the gold from a foray, nor the gold that the denizens you slaughter drop. Gold does not live up to your lofty ideals.

Shut down your subdivision permanently. Housing credits built those houses; the iron and stone that you find so despicable built those houses. You would rather die than live in them. That is not who you are. You are uncivilised.

Cease mining; this harmful practice destroys nature and everything you claim to protect. Not only are mines constructed with iron and stone, you permanently alter the earth when you assault it and take, take, take from it. Recall every single squad from every single mine held by Eleusians and let them fall.

Ships are beneath you, constructed as they are by the knowledge born of civilisation, the use of iron and materials that assault and ravage nature. No, you will spend decades gathering driftwood and then you will fashion canoes with your own hands. Your canoes will be capable of carrying one other companion. You will not have a crew to row for you but you must row yourself. Your faithful canoes will take you from point A to point B and because it is so light in the water, it will not disturb sea monsters lurking beneath. But you must hope never to run into all of the ships you so blatantly sank in your big galleys because of your lofty ideals, your superiority complex. Even the windcutters you mow down with such ease would be capable of permanently sinking your canoe, and then the process must start all over again.

Do away with sigils, enchantments, conjuration, waterwalking. What care you for such trappings of civilisation?

Smelt and destroy every weapon, armour, shield, and tank; those are civilised, and beneath you.

Sacrifice? You haven't even begun to sacrifice. You know not what sacrifice is.

Do all of these, and more, truly, TRULY practice what you preach, and then you will have the respect of the world.

We will still detest you, but we will respect you.


Penned by my hand on the 9th of Lupar, in the year 888 AF.

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