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Public News Post #21139

Spectacles of the Stars: A&D Cooking Underground

Written by: Kaden Vas'amaen-Ashaela
Date: Friday, August 6th, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

[This portion of the parchment bears the embossed seal of Ashaela & Darke. Glimmering golden lines form the curlicued letters 'A' and 'D' bisected by a smaller silver ampersand at the point where the stems meet, all set within a glimmering ornate cartouche. The words 'Established since 1st Miraman, 852 AF' are proudly displayed in bold silver lettering beneath the graphic.]
Greetings Sapience,

It has been quite some time since Sphera met the mysterious Fox Maid's challenge in a harrowing battle of potatoes. The firm of Ashaela & Darke are therefore pleased to announce that two new chefs will be entering the dangerous world of A&D Cooking Underground to engage in culinary combat as part of the second session of the Spectacle of Stars, where we will be performing alongside other talented artists of Sapience.

This is the first time that Ashaela & Darke will be taking this contest of skill outside of the Ashdarke Underground Cooking Arena, and we cordially invite all present and future enthusiasts of Underground Cooking to join us once more to witness history in the making.

We look forward to seeing you all there on the 19th Valnuary, Y865 at the Crystal Leaf Ampitheatre!

In service,

Kaden Vas'amaen-Ashaela and Aina V. Darke
Partners, Ashaela & Darke

[Written at the bottom of the parchment, in very fine print, are the following words: The A&D Cooking Underground is a creative undertaking by the firm of Ashaela & Darke, who retain all rights to its proceedings and imagery. The A&D Cooking Underground is a production for the purposes of entertainment, and is not, to the best of our knowledge, in fact illegal under the laws of Cyrene or any other territory within Sapience. Messrs. Ashaela & Darke are happy to field any queries with regard to the event. Any complaints or claims however should be brought to the attention of our Legal Department care of our Chief Solicitor, Curwen the humgii, so that it can be processed accordingly.]
Penned by my hand on the 25th of Ero, in the year 865 AF.

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Public News Post #21139

Spectacles of the Stars: A&D Cooking Underground

Written by: Kaden Vas'amaen-Ashaela
Date: Friday, August 6th, 2021
Addressed to: Everyone

[This portion of the parchment bears the embossed seal of Ashaela & Darke. Glimmering golden lines form the curlicued letters 'A' and 'D' bisected by a smaller silver ampersand at the point where the stems meet, all set within a glimmering ornate cartouche. The words 'Established since 1st Miraman, 852 AF' are proudly displayed in bold silver lettering beneath the graphic.]
Greetings Sapience,

It has been quite some time since Sphera met the mysterious Fox Maid's challenge in a harrowing battle of potatoes. The firm of Ashaela & Darke are therefore pleased to announce that two new chefs will be entering the dangerous world of A&D Cooking Underground to engage in culinary combat as part of the second session of the Spectacle of Stars, where we will be performing alongside other talented artists of Sapience.

This is the first time that Ashaela & Darke will be taking this contest of skill outside of the Ashdarke Underground Cooking Arena, and we cordially invite all present and future enthusiasts of Underground Cooking to join us once more to witness history in the making.

We look forward to seeing you all there on the 19th Valnuary, Y865 at the Crystal Leaf Ampitheatre!

In service,

Kaden Vas'amaen-Ashaela and Aina V. Darke
Partners, Ashaela & Darke

[Written at the bottom of the parchment, in very fine print, are the following words: The A&D Cooking Underground is a creative undertaking by the firm of Ashaela & Darke, who retain all rights to its proceedings and imagery. The A&D Cooking Underground is a production for the purposes of entertainment, and is not, to the best of our knowledge, in fact illegal under the laws of Cyrene or any other territory within Sapience. Messrs. Ashaela & Darke are happy to field any queries with regard to the event. Any complaints or claims however should be brought to the attention of our Legal Department care of our Chief Solicitor, Curwen the humgii, so that it can be processed accordingly.]
Penned by my hand on the 25th of Ero, in the year 865 AF.

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