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Public News Post #21107

Supposed Alliances

Written by: Adrik Bergson, Her High Warden
Date: Saturday, June 12th, 2021
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

While there are many words going around that somehow, somewhere, there is a secret document containing the terms of an Eleusian-Targossian alliance, this is not the case. Targossas is a festering cyst upon our Queen's glorious landscape. One would hope that it would not pop, for the simple fact that the puss that would weep from the wound would find itself somewhere-- tainting the landscape as it tries to rebuild yet another home upon the choked corpses of my Queen's children.

No. There is no alliance to be had with Nature whilst Targossas still lives within the walls of Civilization. Maybe, when your city gets wiped off the map for a second time, and you ponder what to do next in your life, you would try aligning yourselves more to live in harmony with Nature. Then, maybe, just maybe, you will find some small amount of chance for there to be this 'inherent alliance'.

Until such time, Targossas is a blight upon Sapience, just like all of the other Cities. Your walls will be torn asunder. Your city razed to the ground, and Her realm will grow from the blood-soaked soil that we have made as fertilizer.

PS: For someone who claims murder to be a bad and boring past time. You all sure love to attack empty cities and murder guards.. and fly into cities to try and bait people into hitting deliverance.. and a multitude of other things that would also be considered murder as a pastime. Or maybe it's only a pastime whenever you cannot use your religion and ethos as a crutch to support such.

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Daedalan, in the year 861 AF.

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Public News Post #21107

Supposed Alliances

Written by: Adrik Bergson, Her High Warden
Date: Saturday, June 12th, 2021
Addressed to: The City of Targossas

While there are many words going around that somehow, somewhere, there is a secret document containing the terms of an Eleusian-Targossian alliance, this is not the case. Targossas is a festering cyst upon our Queen's glorious landscape. One would hope that it would not pop, for the simple fact that the puss that would weep from the wound would find itself somewhere-- tainting the landscape as it tries to rebuild yet another home upon the choked corpses of my Queen's children.

No. There is no alliance to be had with Nature whilst Targossas still lives within the walls of Civilization. Maybe, when your city gets wiped off the map for a second time, and you ponder what to do next in your life, you would try aligning yourselves more to live in harmony with Nature. Then, maybe, just maybe, you will find some small amount of chance for there to be this 'inherent alliance'.

Until such time, Targossas is a blight upon Sapience, just like all of the other Cities. Your walls will be torn asunder. Your city razed to the ground, and Her realm will grow from the blood-soaked soil that we have made as fertilizer.

PS: For someone who claims murder to be a bad and boring past time. You all sure love to attack empty cities and murder guards.. and fly into cities to try and bait people into hitting deliverance.. and a multitude of other things that would also be considered murder as a pastime. Or maybe it's only a pastime whenever you cannot use your religion and ethos as a crutch to support such.

Penned by my hand on the 19th of Daedalan, in the year 861 AF.

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