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Public News Post #21048

In action....not apathy.

Written by: Veiled Apprentice Gurklukke Vorondil
Date: Wednesday, March 24th, 2021
Addressed to: The City of Cyrene

To those of my former home Cyrene,

In what I had deemed as a peaceful departure from the City of the Vashnars, one in which I sought my own path, and truly had kind interactions with those I was close to during my tenure there. This peaceful departure has unfortunately been soiled.

For those of you who are seeking progress, I am saddened that the few who speak so vocally, so poorly of former citizens perpetuate the apathy in which the City has been stricken for so many years, in the many referendums, meetings, and rhetorical debates and infighting that were a constant whilst there.

There is a designation I found lacking in my time, and it was that of Agency. There are too many idealistic musings, and not enough willing to make the follow through to make real change. Truthfully with Lady Pandora's creation of Wayward Heights, it spurned a fire in many to have some semblance of ownership in their home. It incited action in the hearts of those desiring not to rest upon their laurels, if you can even call it that.

Yet, I am inundated daily since my departure with letters written in the script of cowardice, unwilling to even provide a signature. Laden with threats upon me and my actions. As a Grook albeit membranous my skin is thick. To those of you who have the fortitude to say it to my face, and despite my disagreement with you, I respect you for not being afraid to say it proudly.

However, yours who wallow in their dens, existing as relics that stand still as statues and cannot force themselves to pull on a pair of boots to do anything for their home. It is your perpetual apathy which is the problem.

It is one thing to embrace diversity and culture, and strive to represent your home in a manner that is welcoming to all folks. It is another to be blatantly apathetic to any workings of your home, except those which push you to lace up and get up. So vehement they stand against the perspectives that seek some semblance of accountability for their home, and that truly is why I left.

The wall that stands between you all was formed by a Goddess whom at a flick of a wrist has drawn the line that the people of the City are feigning ignorance to its existance in the first place. The wedge driven between the people of Cyrene is as vast as the representation of Wayward Heights. For simplicity sake, I will put it in a generalized perspective... There is a Western side who prefers to avoid their gates and hold up in their homes near to their fires and pen snotty missives to others and an Eastern side which wants access to the outside world, the global stage, and for the betterment of their home and its growth.

May this missive if anything not spark a slew of retorts and rebuttals as it does in Cyrene, with dialogue and dismissal to any points made to only lash out at observations upon the author. But instead may it drive those willing to steel themselves, and stop tiptoeing around the feelings of those who wouldn't fight back in the first place. It is you those who gave a damn who often spoke of the dreams of bringing Cyrene to the echelons of Seleucar, a grand City representative of the historical magnificence we have studied for years. If this is what you desire, then act.

But as many who have left before I did, and myself included.

It is you who is making us enemies, not us.
Do not blame others any longer for your shortcomings.
These are the Truths.
Either rise up or fall...there is no in between.



Gurklukke Vorondil

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Phaestian, in the year 854 AF.

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Public News Post #21048

In action....not apathy.

Written by: Veiled Apprentice Gurklukke Vorondil
Date: Wednesday, March 24th, 2021
Addressed to: The City of Cyrene

To those of my former home Cyrene,

In what I had deemed as a peaceful departure from the City of the Vashnars, one in which I sought my own path, and truly had kind interactions with those I was close to during my tenure there. This peaceful departure has unfortunately been soiled.

For those of you who are seeking progress, I am saddened that the few who speak so vocally, so poorly of former citizens perpetuate the apathy in which the City has been stricken for so many years, in the many referendums, meetings, and rhetorical debates and infighting that were a constant whilst there.

There is a designation I found lacking in my time, and it was that of Agency. There are too many idealistic musings, and not enough willing to make the follow through to make real change. Truthfully with Lady Pandora's creation of Wayward Heights, it spurned a fire in many to have some semblance of ownership in their home. It incited action in the hearts of those desiring not to rest upon their laurels, if you can even call it that.

Yet, I am inundated daily since my departure with letters written in the script of cowardice, unwilling to even provide a signature. Laden with threats upon me and my actions. As a Grook albeit membranous my skin is thick. To those of you who have the fortitude to say it to my face, and despite my disagreement with you, I respect you for not being afraid to say it proudly.

However, yours who wallow in their dens, existing as relics that stand still as statues and cannot force themselves to pull on a pair of boots to do anything for their home. It is your perpetual apathy which is the problem.

It is one thing to embrace diversity and culture, and strive to represent your home in a manner that is welcoming to all folks. It is another to be blatantly apathetic to any workings of your home, except those which push you to lace up and get up. So vehement they stand against the perspectives that seek some semblance of accountability for their home, and that truly is why I left.

The wall that stands between you all was formed by a Goddess whom at a flick of a wrist has drawn the line that the people of the City are feigning ignorance to its existance in the first place. The wedge driven between the people of Cyrene is as vast as the representation of Wayward Heights. For simplicity sake, I will put it in a generalized perspective... There is a Western side who prefers to avoid their gates and hold up in their homes near to their fires and pen snotty missives to others and an Eastern side which wants access to the outside world, the global stage, and for the betterment of their home and its growth.

May this missive if anything not spark a slew of retorts and rebuttals as it does in Cyrene, with dialogue and dismissal to any points made to only lash out at observations upon the author. But instead may it drive those willing to steel themselves, and stop tiptoeing around the feelings of those who wouldn't fight back in the first place. It is you those who gave a damn who often spoke of the dreams of bringing Cyrene to the echelons of Seleucar, a grand City representative of the historical magnificence we have studied for years. If this is what you desire, then act.

But as many who have left before I did, and myself included.

It is you who is making us enemies, not us.
Do not blame others any longer for your shortcomings.
These are the Truths.
Either rise up or fall...there is no in between.



Gurklukke Vorondil

Penned by my hand on the 17th of Phaestian, in the year 854 AF.

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