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Public News Post #20287

Need Guidance and a Mentor for my Class

Written by: Iyo
Date: Tuesday, July 31st, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone

Hello Everyone. My name is Iyo and I'm a young, diligent, hardworking Serpent who is seeking a Mentor who can teach me and guide me in the ways of a Serpent and in the ways of the world. I'm rather naive thus far and anyone, preferably of my Class, who is willing to take on a Protege, please let me know. I won't let you down. Also, I'm city-less, so there's that to factor into whether or not you want to Mentor me. I don't want to remain city-less much longer though and I know I can read up on the various cities and what they offer and such. But I prefer to hear it from other adventurers on what their city may or may not be like.I'm very open minded as well. So anyone willing to talk about their city, so that I may get more knowledge in regards towards making a decision, is highly appreciated

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Lupar, in the year 777 AF.

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Public News Post #20287

Need Guidance and a Mentor for my Class

Written by: Iyo
Date: Tuesday, July 31st, 2018
Addressed to: Everyone

Hello Everyone. My name is Iyo and I'm a young, diligent, hardworking Serpent who is seeking a Mentor who can teach me and guide me in the ways of a Serpent and in the ways of the world. I'm rather naive thus far and anyone, preferably of my Class, who is willing to take on a Protege, please let me know. I won't let you down. Also, I'm city-less, so there's that to factor into whether or not you want to Mentor me. I don't want to remain city-less much longer though and I know I can read up on the various cities and what they offer and such. But I prefer to hear it from other adventurers on what their city may or may not be like.I'm very open minded as well. So anyone willing to talk about their city, so that I may get more knowledge in regards towards making a decision, is highly appreciated

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Lupar, in the year 777 AF.

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