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Public News Post #20263

Statements in Humility

Written by: Lord Milabar Si'Talvace, Solar Preacher
Date: Tuesday, May 8th, 2018
Addressed to: Engineer Radivnal

Greetings, Radivnal

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Milabar, and after a great deal of thought, I must alas, correct a few statements in your previous post.

The miracle of me finding a news center these days was high enough, but I admit that your post struck a few chords with me, and I feel alas, the desire to ramble a brief moment, onto parachment, for the amused delight or annoyance, of all.

Now, let me be clear on something before I start, I do not speak for Targossas. I do not speak for that city, as I have never partaken in it's walls, nor have given oath to know it's stance in situations. No, this has nothing to do with your thoughts on Targossas.

My issue is idea that you speak for the Te'Serran Alliance, one that ruled over the sunken City of Shallam with indifference until it came time to prove Their sacrifice.

You see, while you may have lived as a Templar, I was a Vizier. While you were a twinkle in the eye, I served as Vox Solis of the Goddess Mithraea. Before your father met your mother, I served as Her Lion of Arkios. And before your father was born, I served in both Hashan and Cyrene as ministers.

My personal faith has been widely known for centuries. I am Mithraea's child going on four hundred long years now, but I promise you, while my faith in what She taught did not waver, I promise you Her, and the rest of the Te'Serran alliance's attention wavered often.

Which of these Te'Serran Descendants will lead?

Will it be the essence of Lord Pentharian, the Righteous, whom only assumed a mantle by gathering essence of a now revived Divine whom you seem to forgot wrote your Holy Codex, yet purged it in His fire with the sinking of Shallam and the birth of the city you decry?

Perhaps it will be the Lady Miramar, the Even-Handed Justice, that served only as the medium upon which to keep your memory of a city intact when Her presence was required to do such. Who's essence resides on a distance astroid belt from the planet She died on?

Perhaps you will choose the Lady Mithraea, Growth, upon which to rest your mantle. You have grown in that you seek to keep the past strictly alive in a political discussion that has long cease had meaning. You come back and you find the world changed, and instead of embracing that Growth in Good and in our own understanding, you run into Darkness and embrace only your own truth.

No no, I can see it, you will serve Knowledge yes? The Jade Empress. You will seek out all the knowledge of those days, those final days, and you seek to understand the great mystery of why it had to sink, about the deaths and the sacrifice that came from that day.

And yet, you call yourself Descendants of Te'Serra?

You want to challenge the concept of Good with a city that has it's entire faith wrapped into the two Gods that originally delivered Good to this mortal world? The Bloodsworn Gods whom wrote the original texts, before all others, whom has decreeded what Light and Fire can accomplish?

Good for you!

Now try it as an actual Paladin, teaching that you do not have to serve under that city, to accomplish things for it while serving Creation itself!

But keep the Te'Serra out of this, mockery. Your Gods are dead or left you to die. Your city is sunk and feeds only the fish. That is the legacy of your Te'Serran Alliance.

I don't expect a response, nor do I really give a damn one way or another if one is given. I simply wanted you to grasp in all this, what a foolish concept you have given a 'rebirth' to.

Milabar Si'Talvace

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Glacian, in the year 770 AF.

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Public News Post #20263

Statements in Humility

Written by: Lord Milabar Si'Talvace, Solar Preacher
Date: Tuesday, May 8th, 2018
Addressed to: Engineer Radivnal

Greetings, Radivnal

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Milabar, and after a great deal of thought, I must alas, correct a few statements in your previous post.

The miracle of me finding a news center these days was high enough, but I admit that your post struck a few chords with me, and I feel alas, the desire to ramble a brief moment, onto parachment, for the amused delight or annoyance, of all.

Now, let me be clear on something before I start, I do not speak for Targossas. I do not speak for that city, as I have never partaken in it's walls, nor have given oath to know it's stance in situations. No, this has nothing to do with your thoughts on Targossas.

My issue is idea that you speak for the Te'Serran Alliance, one that ruled over the sunken City of Shallam with indifference until it came time to prove Their sacrifice.

You see, while you may have lived as a Templar, I was a Vizier. While you were a twinkle in the eye, I served as Vox Solis of the Goddess Mithraea. Before your father met your mother, I served as Her Lion of Arkios. And before your father was born, I served in both Hashan and Cyrene as ministers.

My personal faith has been widely known for centuries. I am Mithraea's child going on four hundred long years now, but I promise you, while my faith in what She taught did not waver, I promise you Her, and the rest of the Te'Serran alliance's attention wavered often.

Which of these Te'Serran Descendants will lead?

Will it be the essence of Lord Pentharian, the Righteous, whom only assumed a mantle by gathering essence of a now revived Divine whom you seem to forgot wrote your Holy Codex, yet purged it in His fire with the sinking of Shallam and the birth of the city you decry?

Perhaps it will be the Lady Miramar, the Even-Handed Justice, that served only as the medium upon which to keep your memory of a city intact when Her presence was required to do such. Who's essence resides on a distance astroid belt from the planet She died on?

Perhaps you will choose the Lady Mithraea, Growth, upon which to rest your mantle. You have grown in that you seek to keep the past strictly alive in a political discussion that has long cease had meaning. You come back and you find the world changed, and instead of embracing that Growth in Good and in our own understanding, you run into Darkness and embrace only your own truth.

No no, I can see it, you will serve Knowledge yes? The Jade Empress. You will seek out all the knowledge of those days, those final days, and you seek to understand the great mystery of why it had to sink, about the deaths and the sacrifice that came from that day.

And yet, you call yourself Descendants of Te'Serra?

You want to challenge the concept of Good with a city that has it's entire faith wrapped into the two Gods that originally delivered Good to this mortal world? The Bloodsworn Gods whom wrote the original texts, before all others, whom has decreeded what Light and Fire can accomplish?

Good for you!

Now try it as an actual Paladin, teaching that you do not have to serve under that city, to accomplish things for it while serving Creation itself!

But keep the Te'Serra out of this, mockery. Your Gods are dead or left you to die. Your city is sunk and feeds only the fish. That is the legacy of your Te'Serran Alliance.

I don't expect a response, nor do I really give a damn one way or another if one is given. I simply wanted you to grasp in all this, what a foolish concept you have given a 'rebirth' to.

Milabar Si'Talvace

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Glacian, in the year 770 AF.

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