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Public News Post #3601

I have a question.

Written by: Saducismus Triumphatus
Date: Sunday, January 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: Sarapis, the Logos

I suppose I shall direct this question at You, and forgive me if You are the wrong person to ask.

I ask this in a public forum because there are many other who seek the answer to it as well. This is not an accusatory question addressed at You, but an inquiry forged merely on pure curiosity.

Now that my preface is out of the way...

Why is it the rogue, Dalamar, has been able to keep his Devotion skill, yet others who have quit the Church have been stripped of it?


Penned by my hand on the 25th of Lupar, in the year 237 AF.

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Public News Post #3601

I have a question.

Written by: Saducismus Triumphatus
Date: Sunday, January 2nd, 2000
Addressed to: Sarapis, the Logos

I suppose I shall direct this question at You, and forgive me if You are the wrong person to ask.

I ask this in a public forum because there are many other who seek the answer to it as well. This is not an accusatory question addressed at You, but an inquiry forged merely on pure curiosity.

Now that my preface is out of the way...

Why is it the rogue, Dalamar, has been able to keep his Devotion skill, yet others who have quit the Church have been stripped of it?


Penned by my hand on the 25th of Lupar, in the year 237 AF.

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