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Public News Post #21491

Ask and you shall receive

Written by: Proficy Ikari, Warden of the Isle
Date: Friday, September 23rd, 2022
Addressed to: The Clan of Excidium

Much can be said over the past months as the Nihilists have attempted to make their mark more prevalent. Lashing out in the forests and crusading through the meek villages under creations protection. Abilities have been displayed, personalities have been portrayed and the expectations on the battlefield have been established.

"The spirit may be made stronger by enduring hardships, both self-imposed and externally imposed."

A Truth that has been fully embraced by the nihilist's of chaos. Long have you preyed upon the weak, uncoordinated and the unworthy. Your true colors are now exposed. How far did you think you would go declaring hostilities towards all of sapience? How long did you think you would be let free to roam before you would have to face true strength? I admire your willingness to take on this self-imposed hardship, and will ensure that all of you grow from it.

Your Lord has stated it himself. There is no greater state available than to be nothing. Thus you shall be treated as such. I hope you have gained what you were looking for from this experience. Aside from your benign threats to hunt our young you have proven mediocre at best before the Sartai. Know this... So long as you openly state your intentions as they currently stand towards what is HIS, it shall be met and addressed with accordingly.

Proficy Ikari,
The Dread Hand and mortal voice of Evil

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Valnuary, in the year 898 AF.

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Public News Post #21491

Ask and you shall receive

Written by: Proficy Ikari, Warden of the Isle
Date: Friday, September 23rd, 2022
Addressed to: The Clan of Excidium

Much can be said over the past months as the Nihilists have attempted to make their mark more prevalent. Lashing out in the forests and crusading through the meek villages under creations protection. Abilities have been displayed, personalities have been portrayed and the expectations on the battlefield have been established.

"The spirit may be made stronger by enduring hardships, both self-imposed and externally imposed."

A Truth that has been fully embraced by the nihilist's of chaos. Long have you preyed upon the weak, uncoordinated and the unworthy. Your true colors are now exposed. How far did you think you would go declaring hostilities towards all of sapience? How long did you think you would be let free to roam before you would have to face true strength? I admire your willingness to take on this self-imposed hardship, and will ensure that all of you grow from it.

Your Lord has stated it himself. There is no greater state available than to be nothing. Thus you shall be treated as such. I hope you have gained what you were looking for from this experience. Aside from your benign threats to hunt our young you have proven mediocre at best before the Sartai. Know this... So long as you openly state your intentions as they currently stand towards what is HIS, it shall be met and addressed with accordingly.

Proficy Ikari,
The Dread Hand and mortal voice of Evil

Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Valnuary, in the year 898 AF.

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