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Public News Post #21231

Proper displays of hostility.

Written by: Speaker Andraste Montenegro, the Onyx Raven
Date: Thursday, November 25th, 2021
Addressed to: Commander Ereia V. Oleander-Evenstar

Dear Commander,

It seems that in your haste to posture on the boards you may have forgotten how to declare hostilities. I'm sure it is ultimately above your paygrade to make such a stance formally, and likely came as the result of a series of at least a dozen meetings on the matter. Perhaps that is why it's not reflected in any formal stance, since you require a boastful post to justify even the slightest bit of aggression.

Only when your city has declared formal hostilities against the Village will your threat.. or whatever you call it.. be taken with any modicum of seriousness. Until then, you claim will remain as frail and shabbily constructed as the buildings we have been tasked with removing from the bed of the Forest of Light.

Best of luck in your repairs,

Speaker Andraste Montenegro

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Scarlatan, in the year 874 AF.

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Public News Post #21231

Proper displays of hostility.

Written by: Speaker Andraste Montenegro, the Onyx Raven
Date: Thursday, November 25th, 2021
Addressed to: Commander Ereia V. Oleander-Evenstar

Dear Commander,

It seems that in your haste to posture on the boards you may have forgotten how to declare hostilities. I'm sure it is ultimately above your paygrade to make such a stance formally, and likely came as the result of a series of at least a dozen meetings on the matter. Perhaps that is why it's not reflected in any formal stance, since you require a boastful post to justify even the slightest bit of aggression.

Only when your city has declared formal hostilities against the Village will your threat.. or whatever you call it.. be taken with any modicum of seriousness. Until then, you claim will remain as frail and shabbily constructed as the buildings we have been tasked with removing from the bed of the Forest of Light.

Best of luck in your repairs,

Speaker Andraste Montenegro

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Scarlatan, in the year 874 AF.

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